Thursday, January 30
"PEOPLE IN HISTORY: THE VANDERBILTS AS COLLECTORS," a talk by Charles J. Burns, will begin at 11 a.m. at Rosecliff, Bellevue Ave., Newport. Admission is $5. Call 847-1000, ext. 160.
Saturday, February 1
"THOMAS BEECHAM, MAGICIAN OF THE BATON," a presentation by Musical Odyssey about the British conductor, will begin at 2 p.m. at the Somerset Public Library, 1464 County St. (Rt. 138), Somerset, MA. Admission is free. Call (508) 824-3008.
Sunday, February 2
"A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A KEEPER," a talk about what it takes to be a zookeeper by zookeeper Jeannette Beranger, will begin at 1 p.m. at the Meller-Danforth Education Center at the Roger Williams Park Zoo, 1000 Elmwood Ave., Providence.The talk is free with Zoo admission ($8 adults, $7 seniors, $5 ages 3-12). Call 785-3510.
"WHITE DAYS AND WHITE NIGHTS A BLIZZARD OF 1978 25TH ANNIVERSARY ORAL HISTORY PROGRAM" will begin at 1:30 p.m. at the Museum of Work and Culture, 42 South Main St., Woonsocket. Admission is free. Call 762-0250.
Tuesday, February 4
"ALONE OR TOGETHER: THE U.S. AND THE WORLD," a discussion led by Dr. Thomas Nichols, will begin at 7 p.m. in the Program Room at the Newport Public Library, 300 Spring St. Admission is free. Call 848-0550.
Wednesday, February 5
"ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S SECOND INAUGURAL ADDRESS AND THE PURITAN ELECTION DAY SERMON," a talk by James Tackach, will begin at 5 p.m. In the Periodicals Reading Room in the Main Library at Roger Williams University, 1 Old Ferry Rd., Bristol. Admission is $10. Call 254-3031.