For information about ROP and Classified Display advertising in the Providence Phoenix, please contact:
Steve Brown
Associate Publisher
401.273.6397 x-201
For information about advertising on the Phoenix Web sites, please contact:
Eric Meth Retail Sales Manager
To download a PowerPoint version of the Phoenix online media kit and rates,
click here.
For information about advertising in the Boston Phoenix print edition please contact:
Gary Kurtz General Sales Manager
A Good Looking Head Count
Few media have such natural overlap of viewer demographics. Quite simply,
Phoenix readers are the Web. Educated. Active. Info-hungry. These affluent and computer-savvy young consumers
use our site to plan their social week. And unlike other sites, this one benefits from the power of the Phoenix's
base of over 500,000 readers. Our in-paper promo support brings in the heads.
For information on placing a listing click here.
Dead Air Ain't Our Thing
More sites. Less info. That's been the knock on the Web over the past year, a
trend we delighted in blowing to bits. The Phoenix site, winner of numerous design and content awards, is a
destination site. Your message will rotate through our site, appearing along with arts, entertainment,
restaurant, lifestyle, and over 90% of the content from that week's Phoenix reproduced online. No fluff.
No Sacred Cows: Editorial With Opinions
The Phoenix pioneered the model of an alternative newsweekly, and for thirty years
has been a standard by which others are judged. A Pulitzer prize. Press awards too numerous to count. Recognition
for honest reporting with a different point of view; culture, politics, lifestyles. A reputation both earned and
counted on. Rest assured our commitment to that mission won't waver as we move into this new medium.
18 - 34 |
60% |
Male Female |
48% 52% |
College Grad Advanced Degree |
70% 20% |
Professional/Technical Managerial Sales |
33% 18% 14% |
(sources: The Media Audit, Jul/Aug 2000) |
Average monthly unique visitors: 295, 000
Average monthly page views: 2.3 million
The Phoenix uses RealMedia's Open Ad-Stream banner rotation software, the same rotation
and site traffic tracking software used by the Washington Post and New York Times. We can tailor your rotation and
modify your impressions according to variables you choose to maximize your visibility with the eyes you want. Of
course, we'll also provide up to the minute traffic information on pageviews, click-throughs, and other information
you need to evaluate your ad's success.
Banner Ads:

Tile Ads:

GIF, JPEG (animated and Java are okay), rich media formats accepted pending testing.
Banners |
$30 CPM |
Tiles |
$25 CPM |
25% premium for section targeting * 10K minimum impression buy * CPM discounts applied for buys above the 10K minimum |