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Welcome to the Providence Phoenix links network. From this page you can access any of our links pages, which are divided into the categories you see below. We invite you to suggest a site that you think we should add, and we also hope you'll link your page to ours!

Local Film Links

  • The Brown Film Society
  • Cable Car Cinema
  • Providence Film Commission
  • Rhode Island Film Office
  • General

  • Coming Attractions [new] -- Details on virtually every film on the drawing board
  • Filmkúltura -- "The Digizine of the Hungarian Film Institute"
  • The Film Zone -- specializing in independent and foreign films
  • Film Vault
  • Hollywood Online -- news and reviews
  • The Internet Movie Database -- an incredibly comprehensive resource
  • Premiere -- contains selected articles and columns from the magazine
  • Trailer Park [new] -- Full-length, downloadable trailers of coming attractions
  • Studios & Distributors

  • Cutting Room Floor-Glistening Flicks
  • Walt Disney Pictures
  • Elstree
  • Fine Line Features
  • France Cinema Multimedia
  • Gramercy Pictures
  • Madrugada Ranch Productions
  • Media House Films
  • Miramax Films
  • October Films
  • Paramount Pictures
  • Rhythm & Hues Studios
  • River Lights Pictures
  • Shades Of Light Studios
  • Sony Pictures Entertainment
  • Trimark Pictures
  • Troma Studios
  • Twentieth Century Fox
  • United International Pictures
  • Universal Pictures
  • Videolondon Soundstudios
  • Warner Bros.
  • Warner Sisters Productions

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