Six-String Samurai
In a post-apocalyptic world, Las Vegas awaits a new king to save society from
the Soviet army and Mad Max-like vandals that terrorize the landscape.
Enter Buddy (a disaffected Jeffrey Falcon), a rockabilly ninja who thrashes his
way to Vegas, rescuing an impossibly annoying child (Justin McGuire) along the
way and eventually facing Death himself.
Lance Mungia's ridiculous debut pulls out every trick in the indie-film canon:
a confusing premise, self-consciously cool dialogue, unnecessarily panoramic
cinematography, prolonged randomness, strained irony, failed metaphor, Star
Wars references. It also draws from mainstream Hollywood by lacking strong
characters, being monotonously repetitive and predictable, and generating a lot
of undeserved positive buzz. Not even a fantastic surfabilly soundtrack by the
Red Elvises, Falcon's gifted acrobatics, and really cool shoes can help this
Samurai battle to victory. At the Avon Friday and Saturday, October
30 and 31, at midnight.
-- Dan Tobin