Air Bud: Golden Receiver
We'll skip the commentary on the mise-en-scene and just mention that the
original Air Bud is up in doggie heaven so they had to find a new mutt with the
skills to pay the bills. Last time around, Air Bud played basketball. Now his
owner, Josh (Kevin Zegers), is taking up football, and the pup again wants in
on the action. But matters turn dark: Josh's dad has recently died in an
accident; his mom is dating a man Josh thinks is having an affair, the football
squad is lousy, and a pair of Russian animal thieves (one played by Nora Dunn)
are after Air Bud. Just when it seems that matters can't get any worse, Air Bud
dies of a rare viral infection and the movie ends. No, no, the damn dog wins
the game, saves the day, teaches everyone a lesson, licks his owner, blah,
blah, blah. Stay tuned for Air Bud: The Next Generation. At the
Holiday and Showcase cinemas.
-- Mark Bazer