THIRTY MILES from the Brown campus in the former slave port of Newport, Keith W. Stokes takes a dim view of a reparations-through-guilt approach. Stokes, who is black, is a historian and executive director of the Newport County Chamber of Commerce. He has researched his own background, as well as that of slavery in Rhode Island, and he lectures frequently and even maintains a family Web site, www.eyesofglory.com. "Whatever discussion, whatever discovery, whatever comes out of this process," Stokes says of Brown’s and similar inquiries, "it cannot include guilt. It should not transfer guilt to any one group of people." The reason, Stokes says, is that many groups were involved in slavery, and to single out any one family, any one business or institution, would miss the point of how widespread slavery was in early America, and how deeply embedded it was in the Rhode Island economy. "The African slave trade, over that nearly 400-year period, was probably the world’s first and truest equal-opportunity employer," says Stokes. "Nearly all manner of men, regardless of race, ethnicity, religious orientation, participated actively in the trade at some point." Stokes hardly dismisses the impact of slavery. "It is clear that slavery and then racism has clearly crippled African-Americans in this country," he says. "So the issue becomes, how do you understand the factual history of how that occurred, and then how do you move forward in continuing and developing true equal access to housing, education, employment, to all people, and particularly, African-American people?" What is needed, Stokes says, is a much clearer understanding of slavery’s wide reach. One step would be for Rhode Island schools to do a better job of showing both the extent of slavery, and the stories of Rhode Island blacks who, Stokes says, became more than just slaves. "When I was in grade school, I hated when we did American history, and if I was only one of two blacks in the classroom and we talked about [the] slave trade, everyone would look at me. I’m sure every black kid in America has that story," Stokes says. Stokes believes that people should understand how blacks in America crafted a proud tradition of survival, becoming bricklayers and tradesmen, founding their own institutions, building communities and culture, and establishing themselves as musicians and politicians. "I don’t even lecture any more about who the slave masters were," he says. "I could care less about John Brown. We are now talking about the Africans themselves. They were real flesh-and-blood human beings." Another expert in the Rhode Island slave trade, J. Stanley Lemons, a Rhode Island College professor, was asked to brief the Brown University steering committee on his perspective. "I think part of what we are trying to do is overcome a kind of amnesia that New England has about slavery," Lemons says. He says Rhode Islanders have "forgotten that Rhode Island had the highest slave population proportion of any of the northern state, and that Rhode Islanders themselves were the principle American slave traders." Slavery so dominated the American economy, Lemons says, that even businesses not directly involved in trafficking depended on it. For example, while the South was using slaves to grow cotton and tobacco for export, Northern farmers supplied food and other essential goods to the South and West Indies. "So here’s all these anti-slavery free farmers up in the North, making money off the fact that the South is a backward economy," Lemons says. "The vast majority of Americans who were engaged in oceanic commerce in the 18th-century were loading up pigs, and chickens, and salt pork, and cod, and barrel staves — and bringing hoop iron and stuff like to haul down to the West Indies to sell for molasses — which they bring back to Rhode Island, convert into rum and go back and do the same thing again." At the Rhode Island Black Heritage Society in Providence, Joaquina Bela Teixeira, the group’s executive director, says a commitment to "social reforms" — tied to an understanding of just how deeply slavery was embedded in Rhode Island — would be one appropriate result of the Brown University study. "I don’t have all the answers about what could be done," Teixeira concedes. But she says it’s important to understand how slavery led to racial discrimination, lynching, and the exploitation of blacks, and that abusive practices against many groups still continue. "What is that we are doing because of the connection to slavery and that mentality of exploitation?" Teixeira asks. "How is it that we are doing very similar things today, when our corporations are outsourcing jobs and opportunities to places where people are not getting a similar wage and don’t have a chance for gaining access to the democratic dream? We’ve outsourced jobs to places like China, where they are living under horrible political realities." Teixeira, who, along with Lemons, was invited to speak at March panel discussion sponsored by the Brown committee, says Simmons’s approach is important because it puts the full weight of the university behind the study. "Dr. Ruth Simmons is an incredible, courageous woman, because there are a lot of people upset that this discussion is even happening," Teixeira says. The NAACP’s Clifford Montiero, a former state deputy sheriff, is hopeful that the Brown study will have an impact on the state, as well as the Brown campus itself. Like many of those interviewed, Montiero seems leery of cash reparations, although he thinks that established companies and institutions are fairly tagged for histories that produced present-day wealth at the expense of slaves. "When I see that companies [are] more than 150 years old, I seriously wonder how many of those companies were involved in slavery and to what degree," he says. "Did they have to paint slave ships? You know, did they put tar on slave ships? Who supplied the ropes to the slave ships? Where was it made? Were there screws in the slave ships, and who made those?" One of the most valuable things that could be done, Montiero says, would be to help modern African-Americans trace their family histories and genealogies, so they could fill in chapters torn by the dislocation of slavery. "I don’t want to talk money as much as restoring my dignity, and my inclusion in America, and my ability to say, yes, we fought [in] every war in this country, yes, we participated in this country," he says. Still, Teixeira, of the Black Heritage Society, says that one value of the lawsuits is how they have dramatically focused attention on the depth and complexity of slave history. "To a certain degree, if there’s not some kind of responsibility that might be connected to money or property — or something like that — this whole idea won’t even be taken seriously," she says. "That’s why the reparations lawsuit was so important, because it put the discussion of these issues back on the table." BACK AT BROWN UNIVERSITY, Kani Romain, a senior from Martha’s Vineyard who is among the African-Americans on the Slavery and Justice Committee, says it’s too early to tell what kind of remedies the committee might consider. Romain, who will graduate before the panel’s work is done, would like to see more university courses dealing with slavery and its impact, and believes that despite the controversial nature of the committee’s work, it will benefit the university and the state in the long run. "I think that every institution should really look back to its past, and really the whole, complete picture — whether you are dealing with the issue of slavery or other issues," Romain says. One thing that seems to be clear is that race — especially when money is included in the mix — is such an uncomfortable and unpleasant subject that it is hard to get people to talk about it. Two graduates of Brown, who reasonably might be expected to take an interest in how the study might affect their alma mater, as well as government, businesses, and institutions in Rhode Island, were asked for their views. However, neither Governor Donald L. Carcieri, Brown Class of 1965, nor Providence Mayor David N. Cicillini, Class of 1983, responded to telephone and e-mail requests for comment. One of the challenges of the Brown study may be to see if the dialogue started on the campus will spread. As described by Campbell, the committee chairman, the group has an opportunity, and in some ways, an obligation that flows from the university’s particular history. The responsibility, he says, is "to try, first of all, [to] expose our students . . . and I hope to expose the nation — to reasoned, thoughtful, sustained discussion and dialogue about issues of race and responsibly that Americans today just generally don’t think about, or speak about very well." Brian C. Jones can be reached at brijudy@ids.net. page 1 page 2 |
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