Shark bites
A chronicle of where it all went wrong
by Robert David Sullivan
The X-Files
One of the great things about being a TV fan is that there's so much to
complain about. It's one more reason TV is better than film. I mean, who isn't
sick of the arguments over whether Stanley Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut is
any good? Who wants to hear any more about George Lucas and The Phantom
Menace? The output of "masters" like Kubrick and Lucas (and Ed Wood, for
that matter) is so paltry that film buffs can spend years rehashing the same
stupid questions that were never interesting in the first place. (Go to for musings on the typefaces used on signs in The Shining
and supposedly significant anagrams of film titles and the name Stanley Kubrick
-- or "Rickety Lab Sunk.")
But fans of a successful TV series have hundreds of hours, thousands of
characters, and millions of hairstyles to ponder. True tube aficionados must
also accept the fact that even the best series have lame episodes, and most
classic shows stay on the air a little longer than they should. We're okay with
that, because when Law & Order churns out hundreds of installments,
we can point out the stinkers (i.e., impossibly complicated cases that
are somehow understood by juries) without tarnishing the overall
reputation of the show. We don't have to make arguments like "Every film he
ever made is deeply flawed, but Stanley Kubrick is the greatest film director
in history."
The tough-love quality of TV criticism is the basis of, a
Web site with dozens of examples of how a good series can be fatally wounded by
a single episode. On their home page, the jumptheshark creators
say they are after "a defining moment when you know that your favorite
television program has reached its peak . . . [and] you know
from now on, it's all downhill." The title comes from a silly episode of
Happy Days in which Fonzie jumped his motorcycle over a tank of live
sharks. I can't say the show was ever that good, but I'll buy the argument that
it got noticeably worse after this stunt.
Unfortunately, the Websters jumped the shark themselves by designing the site
so that if you click on the title of a series, you have to wait for your
browser to download all the readers' comments on all the series beginning with
the same letter. So in order to get to The Simpsons, you have to scroll
past S.W.A.T., She's the Sheriff, and Sigmund and the Sea
Monsters -- if your computer doesn't freeze. This is not a good site to
visit while at work.
As of last week, the series to elicit the most responses was The
X-Files, and the best guess for the show's jumptheshark moment was "the
episode where Scully sang to Mulder." I didn't see that one, but it does sound
chilling. Almost all the other postings insisted that the show is perfect.
("The only jumping done concerning this show is me jumping up and down and
screaming for joy every time it comes on!") The postings for other popular
shows echo this blind loyalty, and I pray that no political candidate ever
figures out how to win over these people. The only scarier group of Americans
are letter writers to Entertainment Weekly, like the woman incensed over
the magazine's recent "It List": "To leave off Buffy [the Vampire
Slayer] creator Joss Whedon is just a crime against humanity." Gee, when
does the NATO bombing begin?
Similarly, 99 persons took the time to protest that The Simpsons "never
jumped." They are wrong. It jumped last season when Homer persuaded Marge to
pose as Apu's wife so that Apu could get out of an arranged marriage. The plot
would have seemed stale on The Lucy Show, and it was an expensive waste
of animation cels. Four individuals posted comments along the lines of "Homer
gets stupid," which wouldn't be too far off the mark if "predictably" were
inserted after the second word.
No one got the right answer for Frasier, which jumped when Frasier,
Niles, and Martin all lost their girlfriends and stood on a balcony together
moaning about their bad luck with women. Not funny or poignant, just a reminder
of how repetitive the plots were getting. But one jumptheshark respondent was
correct to complain that in this past season, "every episode seemed to be a
Three's Company episode with everyone involved in a `misunderstanding'
that led to `wacky situations.' "
Sports Night, which started out promisingly last fall and is still
salvageable, may have jumped the shark in the episode where Jeremy practiced
making eggnog in the office. It's a common mistake for workplace sit-coms:
characters with a strange exhibitionist need to do everything in front
of their colleagues. (The worst cliché is the character who goes
directly to the office from a vacation, still toting bags and wearing a
Hawaiian shirt.) What made this scene especially bad was its similarity to an
equally implausible episode, only a few months before, in which Dana tried to
thaw a turkey on the lighting board of the TV studio. For the record,
jumptheshark respondents were more concerned with the addition of Ted McGinley
(Gordon) to the cast; they noted that McGinley joined Happy Days,
Dynasty, The Love Boat, and Married . . . with
Children when those shows were all past their so-called prime.
One respondent did nail the jumptheshark moment for NYPD Blue: not the
death of Bobby, or the shooting of Sylvia, but the inexplicable kiss between
Danny (Bobby's replacement) and Diane (Bobby's widow, for Christ's sake). There
was no sexual spark, just the desperation of scriptwriters trying to give
everyone something to do. At least they reminded us of how good the show used
to be.
SERIES FINALE ALERT. The official end of Mystery Science Theater
3000 is this Sunday at 9 p.m. and also at 11 p.m. on the Sci Fi Channel.
The featured film is Diabolik, which, if my Leonard Maltin is correct,
is a 1967 Italian-French psychedelic flick about a "super-criminal" on the
loose. Sounds very Austin Powers.
But there may be one more new MST3K episode on September 12, depending
on whether the producers can work out problems with the rights to Merlin's
Shop of Mystical Wonders, whatever that is. And the show's fans are still
trying to get the Sci Fi Channel or another network to pick up the show for
another year. You can check for the progress of this probably
futile effort.