Premature headlines
Your superior correspondents have always considered ourselves Biggest Little
Boosters (not to be confused with those who shoplift at the corner Mom and
Pop), but we generally try to keep our enthusiasm for the good things in Vo
Dilun within the realm of what we like to call "reality." And a reality check
of last Tuesday's BeloJo has Phillipe & Jorge wondering whether the august
Other Paper has hired Bigfoot reelection campaign officials as headline
The page-one headline in question reads: R.I. AMONG BEST AT HELPING POOR,
STUDY FINDS. But before patting ourselves on the back about the findings of the
Tufts University survey in question, astute Rhode Islanders would do well to
move down to paragraph six in the story, which says, "The study measured only
laws and policies adopted by states; it did not attempt to determine how well
states were carrying out their new policies."
The fact is that, all along, most folks familiar with the shape of welfare
reform in our state have been justifiably impressed with the plan, particularly
the RIte Care aspect, with its child- and health-care components. But since the
Tufts study doesn't go into the effectiveness of the programs, the headline
should have said something like: R.I. PLAN AMONG BEST.
Indeed, even when further "studies" are released a few years down the line, it
would behoove us to analyze whether they are merely a nose count of the number
of people who have been signed on for a particular program or whether they
actually follow up on the current situation of former welfare recipients.
Nancy Gewirtz, a professor at the Rhode Island College of Social Work and a
mainstay of the Campaign to Eliminate Childhood Poverty, points out at the end
of the BeloJo story that, "We've got a good law in Rhode Island, but there is
clearly a problem that threatens the program. People are not getting processed
through the system at anywhere near the rate they should be." And that,
friends, is the only study that ultimately counts.
Economic stimulation
Regular readers of the Phoenix no doubt are aware that this paper has
never been shy about pointing out the stupidity in the "abominable and
detestable crimes against nature" law that continues to be a blight on our
state. This is the statute that outlaws anal and oral sex among married folks
and consenting adults, thus turning countless Vo Dilunduhs into criminals just
waiting to get arrested.
But while we congratulate state Senator John Roney and state Representative
Edie Ajello for continuing the good fight to wipe this idiotic statute from the
books, we must admit that we were taken aback by the creativity Ajello used in
arguing their case.
In a joint statement released Monday by the crusading legislators, Edie
offered the opinion that the repeal of the law could actually amount to an
"economic development issue." Why? Well, according to Ajello, a church-led
group considered backing out of a booking at the Convention Center after
discovering that an abominable and detestable crimes law was still on the books
Hey, what is this religious organization and how can we join? This is our kind
of economic stimulation package.
A majority of one
Okay, kids, here comes a toughie. Who should you believe when it comes to
evaluating state Representative Brian "Walking Eagle" (he's so full of shit, he
can't fly) Kennedy's bill to restructure the state Department of Environmental
Management -- John Chafee, father of the overwhelmingly successful Clean Water
Act; John DeVillars, the regional EPA chief who, in the past, has showered
Rhode Islanders with praise for their environmental protection ethic; Louise
Durfee, former DEM chief and founder of Save the Bay; every environmental group
in the state; or Kennedy and his Klown Kommission? If you said the latter,
you've got too much mercury in your well water.
Indeed, P&J found it simply hilarious that after everyone in the state
with any environmental credentials whatsoever pounded Kennedy's bill last week,
the representative referred to these opponents as "so-called friends of the
environment." Yep, Walking Eagle, and guess what? They are supported by all
those "so-called reformers" who want politically and professionally compromised
legislators like you (Kennedy is a real estate appraiser) out of the mix when
it comes to agencies doing their job. (We also planned to kick the developers'
ass in this piece, but we were afraid we'd break Brian's nose.)
On this same issue, a word to our close personal friend Guy Dufault, the
Democratic advisor to the stars who recently defended Walking Eagle's
legislative guano on Channel 36's Deadly Experiment -- Jesus H., Guy. If
you think you're doing Myrth York a favor by siding with Walking Eagle and his
Klown Kommission, you're insane! His disingenuous power grab and absolute
ignorance of the environment are appalling. And if, as you claim, this is a
consensus bill, we're sure you'd have no problem classifying Saddam Hussein's
position as a consensus administration.
A final good one: Back when Kennedy's commission heard testimony from
polluters and criminals against the DEM, a fellow wrote a letter to his
representative, Suzanne "Mad Cow" Henseler, asking for clarification on a point
involving wetlands. Obviously at a loss for any sort of explanation, Henseler
sent him a scratchy tape of the DEM's Dean Albro testifying before the Klown
Kommission as her answer.
Oh, that's right, Suzanne. The DEM is worthless and doesn't have a clue. I
guess they need a bunch of legislators to tell them how to deal with
environmental issues.
Tara, Tara, Tara
Well, after three weeks of huddling around the TV, feather boas wrapped
jauntily around our necks in the fashion of scarves, and quaffing mugs of hot
cocoa and sake, P&J bid a tearful adieu to the Winter Olympics in Nagano.
We remain secure, however, in the sentiment that it will be mere months before
we become absolutely sick of the toothsome grin of wunderkind Tara Lipinsky,
who looks like a cute little monkey with a JonBenet Ramsey makeover.
And speaking of Toothy Tara, who will need dentures taken from a cast of Mr.
Ed's in her dotage, full marks to Jamestown's Claire Ferguson, one of the
international figure skating community's longtime leading lights. Ferguson had
her money down on Lipinsky from the git-go. Indeed, two years ago, when Our
Little Towne played host to the US figure skating championships, Phillipe had a
pleasant chat with Ferguson while trying to coax Brian Boitano's Marriott room
number out of her for a little surprise after-hours visit by your superior
correspondents. (Much safer than trying to find Dick Button roaming Roger
Williams Park in the wee hours.)
At the time, Claire told us to keep an eye on Lipinsky, who was just emerging
into prominence then. Well, we doubt even Claire thought that Lipinsky would be
grabbing the gold as little as two years later, but the next time Ms. Ferguson
picks a pony, we'll be there with the folding stuff.
While Tara stole the show on the ice, however, US hockey team players left a
huge steaming pile out there when they performed and then further enhanced
their reps by trashing three hotel rooms. No wonder the Urinal didn't ask any
of the three Rhode Islanders on the team to furnish a first-person account from
Nagano as they did with Sara DeCosta. The paper's editors probably were too
afraid of what they might receive in way of copy:
To wit: "Well, after Gretzky beat me on the outside to set up Canada's game
winner, I really didn't give a crap about any medals. After the game, I tried
to pick up one of them Dutch speed skaters who wear those costumes you can see
their nips through, but she dusted me. Effin' dyke, probably. Hey, that's a
good one, huh? A dyke from Holland! So then we went out and got shit-faced at
the hotel bar and busted up that cheap Jap furniture. Pretty good time, after
Amazed that the Olympic team honchos have taken more than a week to identify
the culprits, P&J offer this neat little trick we picked up watching
Banacek reruns: Look in the hotel register and find out who was staying
in those rooms! Hey, presto! Then simply haul those guys in front of the firing
squad until they either fess up or finger the real guilty parties.
You're welcome.