[Sidebar] December 23 - 30, 1999
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Toronto's cerebral H.O.R.D.E.-headlining pop band Barenaked Ladies have the right idea, don't ya think? Head to the states around New Year's, just in case the Mounties at the hockey rinks back home come down with a sudden case of we-forgot-about-the-Y2K-glitch-itis. Having spun through just a couple of months ago with a gig at the Orpheum, the Ladies deliver a little middle-of-the-road rock spectacle within the safety and familiarity of Worcester's hockey rink, the Centrum (401-331-2211), on December 29. Tal Bachman -- son of Randy Bachman, of Guess Who and Bachman-Turner Overdrive fame -- opens.

That same night, back at the Orpheum (401-331-2211) in Boston, the Woofa Goofa brings the re-formed J. Geils Band on stage to benefit the families of the six deceased Worcester firefighters. J. Geils are on their way to Detroit, of all places, for the big millennium-eve gig. (It wasn't enough that Motown got Metallica -- now it's swiped the one band besides Aerosmith who should have, by right and tradition, rocked in our double-ought new year.) A smaller-scale benefit for the Worcester firefighters -- this one taking place in Worcester proper -- offers a wide array of performers spanning blues, punk, metal, and plain ol' rock at the Lucky Dog Music Hall (508-363-1888) on December 30. The bill includes Clutch Grabwell, the Odds, Chillum, Garrison, Prize Fighter, the Deal, and the Nines.

As we look ahead to New Year's Eve -- just in case one First Night isn't enough -- there's a full slate of dance, music, and theater on tap out at Northampton's First Night: 2000 (413-586-7282). Also in Noho, Dar Williams and the Nields do the honors at the Calvin Theatre (413-586-8686), and at the Iron Horse Music Hall (413-584-0610) you can catch Luther "Guitar Jr." Johnson and His Magic Rockers. We know what you're thinking -- we are too: what, no Sonic Youth?
-- Carly Carioli

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