The swing thing
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Cherry Poppin' Daddies, Brian Setzer, and more
by Matt Ashare
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
It's Sunday night at the Roxy Ballroom -- last Sunday night --
and the band on stage look like something out of Guys and Dolls minus
the dolls. There are eight of them, all swanked out in vintage-style
wide-lapeled jackets with just-as-wide ties, button-down shirts, those Rat Pack
hats men wore from the beginning of Prohibition till the end of the Second
World War (I think they're called fedoras), two-tone patent-leather shoes --
and if I could get close enough, I'm sure I'd be able to smell some cologne.
The music, well, it's a seasoned blend of jazz and blues with maybe a little
touch of Latin spice and plenty of heidi-heidi-hos thrown in for good measure,
all horns (four of them) and upright bass with a little guitar vamping in the
background and plenty of kick in the drums. It's the stuff pre-rock-and-roll
pop was made of, the sort of tunes your parents might have danced to when they
were your age only they're probably not quite old enough to have been around
for the Lindy.
No need to worry, the Lindy -- or at least some loose approximation of it --
appears to be making a belated comeback, as does the music known as swing,
though some of it also sounds an awful lot like jump blues. But what's truly
remarkable is that the audience for this revival -- the hundreds of fans who
helped sell out Big Bad Voodoo Daddy's Sunday-night show at the Roxy in Boston,
a few days after their boisterous show at India Point Park -- is young and,
well, restless. Yes, these are probably some of the same kids who were throwing
their jeans-and-flannel-clad bodies into the mosh pit of grunge a few years
ago. And though a good zoot suit is pretty hard to come by in these parts,
they're doing their best to look the part, even if that just means settling for
a nice pair of khakis from the Gap.
The new swing, as my friends in California all tell me, started out as a West
Coast thing a couple years ago, which may be just further proof that they're
way ahead of us out here when it comes to moving backwards. Bands like Big Bad
Voodoo Daddy (Hollywood), the Royal Crown Revue (Los Angeles), and Indigo Swing
(San Francisco) all seem to have spent a couple of years cutting their teeth by
playing retro-night residencies at one hip local club or another, just as in
the old days, only it wasn't really retro back in '37 or '42. Two of these
groups, appropriately enough, received their first dose of national attention
via film soundtracks: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy on Swingers and the Royal
Crown Revue on The Mask. But all have benefitted immeasurably from the
left-field success of North Carolina nostalgists Squirrel Nut Zippers and,
earlier this year, Oregon rowdies Cherry Poppin' Daddies. And swing has already
spread enough for BMG to have made a deal to manufacture and distribute a
Slimstyle compilation titled Swing This, Baby! (due out August 11)
featuring tracks by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, the Cherry Poppin' Daddies, the Royal
Crown Revue, Boston's own Bellevue Cadillac, and former Stray Cat Brian Setzer.
"It's finally starting to hit the East," remarks Setzer, who started swinging
it himself roughly six years ago when he formed the Brian Setzer Orchestra big
band out in his adopted home town of, yes, Los Angeles. "The East Coast has
been the slowest thing for us, but now it's starting to turn."
Setzer, whose Orchestra just released its third CD, The Dirty Boogie
(Interscope), is coming to play the Roxy this Wednesday, July 22. And
starting in August, just in time for the release of a new Squirrel Nut Zippers
CD on Mammoth, the Roxy is planning to turn every Friday night into a swing
thing. Meanwhile, here in Providence, Hell on Richmond Street has already taken
to the trend with its Wednesday swing night. Swingers, in the Complex on Pine
Street, is featuring swing tunes from Count Basie to the Zippers. And at Bill's
Bar in Boston, for the month of July, a gang of East Coast toughs who go by the
name of Dem Brooklyn Bums. The Bums call themselves a "Big Band" on their debut
EP There Goes the Neighborhood; they appear to be a few players short of
the real deal, but they make up for that particular oversight with an excess of
moxie: their label is called YouGottaProblem WitDis Records, and bandmembers
include "Broccoli" Rob Cittadino on bass and vocals, Timmy "Pimento" Clemente
on guitar, and Ray "Cappicola" Grapone on drums. The Bums' set includes old
Louis Jordan, Louis Prima, and Cab Calloway numbers as well as retro-styled
originals like "They Call Him Mr. Zoot Suit" (not to be confused with Big Bad
Voodoo Daddy's "Mr. Pinstripe Suit") and "Baseball Bat Boogie."
Setzer, on the other hand, records and tours with an ensemble that Count Basie
and Gene Krupa would recognize as a traditional 16-piece big band, charts,
monogrammed music stands, and all. "I'm so glad to hear someone say the word
`chart,' because nobody seems to know what that is," he says. "Most people I
talk to, they think the band just plays. But when you've got 16 guys up there
you really have to have everything written out."
Setzer has taken a few liberties with the big-band format, like adding
electric guitar as a lead instrument and, on The Dirty Boogie, bringing
on a rockabilly-style slap-bassist. "The only reason I hadn't had a slap bass
on the previous two albums is that I couldn't find a guy who could read charts
and play slap bass. I mean, there are some great rockabilly guys, but they
can't read. And I need guys who can at least read, if not the chart and bass
clef, at least the master rhythm chart."
Which inevitably seems to bring up the prickly issue of authenticity -- do
contemporary swingers Big Bad Voodoo Daddy play the music the way it's supposed
to be played? A review last year in the New York Times, for example,
pointed out that there are dozens of bands in cities like New Orleans who
swing better and more authentically than Squirrel Nut Zippers. But I would
argue that the Zippers and the Cherry Poppin' Daddies and Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
are connecting with young audiences because they're not overly concerned with
technique and/or doing things by the book. They're all technically accomplished
enough to do what they do well, but rather than playing a curatorial role,
their ambition and purpose is to reach out and entertain, to make swing
relevant in a contemporary context.
Why swing? And why now? The consensus seems to be that, like its equally
horn-y cousin ska, swing represents a fun-loving, dressed-up backlash against
the dressed-down angst and rage of alternative rock, a point that wasn't missed
when Big Bad Voodoo Daddy broke into a cheeky snippet of Nirvana's "Smells like
Teen Spirit" at the Roxy. With their snazzy threads and horn section, skasters
the Mighty Mighty Bosstones certainly helped set the stage for groups like the
Cherry Poppin' Daddies. And in the wake of alterna-rock's drab fashion
sensibility and straightforward presentation -- not to mention the lack of
performance that characterizes so much of electronica -- swing does offer a
welcome dose of theater, with its colorful costumes and stylized poses. It's
also probably fair to say that some of the groundwork for this swing thing was
laid by the lounge/exotica revival of the early to mid '90s, and that swing has
done lounge one better by setting cocktail culture to an energetic danceable
Brian Setzer has his own theory. "I think this stuff is all in us -- you might
have heard swing as a kid on a Rice Krispies commercial. So it's in our psyche.
Whereas I don't know if something like ska really is. I don't see how they're
going to get ska in Iowa. But the rockabilly, the jazz, the country, the blues,
and the swing is all there. It's just part of our culture. So I think the
revival is fantastic. The only mistake some of the new bands make is that they
don't want to be called swing. And I'm like, `Oh, no, you gotta call it swing.'
You have to. What else are you going to call it?"
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy play a free concert at the Hatch Shell in Boston this
evening (July 16) at 6 p.m. Call (617) 859-3326. Dem Brooklyn Bums join DJ
Brother Cleve at "Swing the Night Away" at Bill's Bar every Thursday through
the end of July. Call (617) 421-9678. The Brian Setzer Orchestra performs at
the Roxy with openers Indigo Swing this Wednesday, July 22. Call 331-2211. Hell
can be reached at 351-1977. And you can dial Swingers at 751-4263.