[Sidebar] January 29 - February 5
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Of all the post-scum rock to come out of the Pussy Galore nexus -- the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Honeymoon Killers, Chrome Cranks, Free Kitten, to name just a few -- the group who work best as an actual rockin' band (and the first to put out a major-label record) are Boss Hog, the hypersonic R&B outfit fronted by Jon Spencer and his wife, Cristina Martinez. If you haven't heard their Boss Hog Geffen debut, shimmy on down and grab a copy -- it's PG's old gutbucket trash raunch on Slim-Fast, with the blues innuendo recloaked as innuendo instead of flat-out cussin'. On their current tour they're trying out all-new material before going in to press another platter. See 'em downstairs at the Middle East (617-864-EAST) on February 6 or at the Met Café (401-861-2142) in Providence on February 7, both with Thrill Jockey's Lonesome Organist.

Hillbilly garage punks the Swingin' Neckbreakers bring their wild-and-woolly Southern-fried selves to Dinny's (508-752-9667) in Worcester on February 6; the next night they headline a bill at the Middle East with Fuzzy, Nada Surf, and fluffy garage-popsters the Woggles. (Could Fuzzy find post-major-label rebirth as underground garage-pop heroes? Stay tuned!) On the indie-er end of the alterna-country scene, you'll find the likes of Freakwater, Run On's Sue Garner, and Sub Pop's Mike Ireland and Holler, who have an affinity for the big string-laced production values of '70s commercial country superstars. All three of 'em are at the Met Café in Providence on February 11 and at T.T. the Bear's Place (617-492-BEAR) in Cambridge the following night.

If you missed the big Stealth show last Monday at Mama Kin, you can catch Darryl (Bad Brains) Jenifer's band again at Pearl Street (413-584-7771) in Northampton on February 8 with Sam Black Church. A couple of years ago, New York City post-hardcore kids Shift seemed destined to take over where Quicksand had left off, spinning out metallic pop contortions like spiderwebs. Now they've got a major-label debut that's a bit too precious a representation of what they do live, and Quicksand are preparing to re-emerge. Look out. Check Shift out at the Middle East on February 11, and at the Met Café the following night.

And last but not least, Elephant 6 superstars the Apples in Stereo -- whose new Tone Soul Evolution is coming out on Sire -- bring their lo-maintenance psychedelic pop to the Call (401-751-2255) in Providence on February 12.

-- CC

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