It's Halloween, and so prime concert time for the hard, the heavy, the spooky,
the theatrical, and the melancholy. First and foremost, it's the high holy day
for the costumed and the face-painted. As punk-rock teenagers from Mars, the
Misfits have stretched their legacy of brutality well into middle age.
The seminal horror-punks' 25th-anniversary tour includes one founding member
plus Marky Ramone and former Black Flag maniacs Robo and Dez Cadena. The band
finish up a two-night stand tonight (Thursday, October 25) at the Middle East
(617-864-EAST) in Cambridge, then head to Toad's Place (203-624-8623) in New
Haven on Friday and to Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel (401-272-5876) in Providence on
Sunday. |