Ozzy über alle
In the unpredictable concert business, metal still rules
by Ted Drozdowski
Ozzy Osbourne
One of the sounds of summer, as dependable as the chirp of crickets, is the
blend of a double kick drum and roaring amplifiers -- the thunder of
heavy-metal and hard-rock concerts. Although the success of tours by classic
rockers and all except the most popular of contemporary stars varies region to
region (and with reports of inconsistent local draws on the likes of everyone
from Paul Simon and Brian Wilson to Barenaked Ladies, John Mellencamp, and the
hip, DJ-based Area:One show), metal consistently draws a strong, mostly male
audience from coast to coast. So even as teen idols and rappers dominate the
pop charts and get the most media attention, it's metal that rules the nation's
outdoor sheds and arenas.
For good reason: the outdoors is ideal for the oversize theatrics, volume, and
personas that account for much of the enduring entertainment value of metal and
hard rock. Bands like KISS and Black Sabbath helped pioneer the pyrotechnics,
elaborate lighting, and costumes that were once a defining factor in major
concerts. Their efforts were sustained through the '80s by the flashpots and
props of metallurgists like Metallica and Iron Maiden, and more recently
elevated to perhaps unintentionally comic heights by the likes of Slipknot, who
wear masks and pummel one another mercilessly on stage.
There's also a more practical explanation for the style's status as a
performance music since the 1970s. Radio play for metal declined at the end of
the arena-rock era, when it was pushed out of the mainstream first by disco's
dance culture and then by the sleeker sound of new wave and punk-inspired pop.
A few bands -- Def Leppard, Poison, Mötley Crüe, Van Halen -- broke
through to the Top 40, but just a few. Today only the biggest and best-marketed
new-metal acts are embraced by the so-called "Active Rock" radio format, which
emerged in the late '90s to tap the buying power of the young males who
purchased millions of albums by Tool, Korn, and other hard, loud outfits. The
rest are part of a sprawling subculture where both bands and fans thrive on
word-of-mouth generated by shows and tape swapping. And wait for summer to
converge at the major concerts that are the gatherings of their tribe.
"When I was a kid going to my first shows, I learned that's how you find out
about heavy music," says Shavo Odadjian, bassist for the Los Angeles
crunch-rock outfit System of a Down. His group's follow-up (American
Recordings; due in late August) to their near-platinum debut, System of a
Down, is creating a hopeful buzz among retailers who are strapped by poor
overall sales. (See "Can Metal Rescue the Retail Market?", below.) "Heavy music
is live music, and it always has been," Odadjian continues. "When we started
our band, we played live everywhere we could -- live, live, live, live, live.
And that's how people found out about us, because heavy music hardly gets
played on the radio. So you know you've got to see it, or hear about it from
your friend who saw it. And if you're not there yourself when the new bands
come to town, right down in the pit like I was, you could be missing the
coolest new music. So you gotta be there."
It's that attitude that makes metal and hard-rock fans such a dependable source
of major-concert revenue for promoters. In keeping with summer-music business
as usual, current tours by Massachusetts's Staind and California's Tool are
riding high on live-performance industry newspaper Pollstar's box-office
charts -- the latter at #4. A second date at the Tweeter Center in Mansfield
has just been added to the successful double-bill roadshow of Bostonians
Godsmack and Sacramento's Deftones. That means the Cambridge-based regional
division of mega-promoter Clear Channel Entertainment, formerly SFX Music,
expects a sellout or near-sellout of the 19,900-ticket venue on August 24 and a
solid showing for the 25th. The tour also plays the horribly named CTNow.com
Meadows Music Center in Hartford on August 23.
But before then the king of metal package tours, OzzFest, will check into the
Tweeter Center on August 7 and 8. And when summer ends, a hotly awaited union
of System of a Down and Slipknot will begin its American trek, followed by a
reincarnation of the successful, Korn-headlined "Family Values Tour."
OzzFest -- the six-year-old mix of new and established artists headlined by
Ozzy Osbourne or, as is the case this year, a reunion of his metal-defining
group Black Sabbath -- has become one of the most formidable events in the
music industry. The current line-up includes Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Papa
Roach, Crazytown, and Linkin Park, as well as a second stage where Mudvayne,
Taproot, American Head Charge, and other relative newcomers will perform. The
day-long festival is the brainchild of Osbourne's manager and wife, Sharon
Osbourne, and it has become to metal nation what the now-defunct Lollapalooza
was to alternative rock. Last year it was the nation's top-grossing concert
"OzzFest has sold out every year since its inception, and this summer will be
no exception," says Jodi Goodman, vice-president of artist development and
talent buying for Clear Channel Entertainment's local operation. "From a
business viewpoint, what makes OzzFest thrive is the legendary status of Ozzy
Osbourne, the continuation of creative packaging, and the loyalty behind this
genre of music. All packages and tours are talent-driven, and OzzFest always
has a strong stable of talent on the bill. OzzFest has thrived better than
Lollapalooza in its prime, despite the fact that many of the bands on OzzFest
are either relative newcomers or enjoy little radio play."
So it is safe to predict that over both days of its Mansfield stay OzzFest
should sell nearly 40,000 tickets. These are priced at $75.25 for shed seats
and $38.50 for the lawn, which means the box-office gross should be more than
$1 million per concert. Then there's the income from the merchandising of
T-shirts and other souvenirs. Goodman notes that merchandising at metal shows
is especially lucrative because of "a big pride factor" in the dedicated fans
that Shavo Odadjian speaks of. "Metal is still somewhat independent of radio
and commercial success," Goodman elaborates. "It has a strong underground
following that has always been in place, like with Korn, Tool, and Rage Against
the Machine. Many kids identify with its organic, raw power. They can discover
this music themselves, and the young male demo is very active for live music.
Merch is very strong for this reason."
System of a Down
If a mere 10 percent of both day's attendees buy this year's $32 OzzFest
T-shirt, with a devil extending his middle talon on the front, that's another
$128,000 in revenue. Then there are food and beverage sales, which get a boost
from OzzFest's being a day-long affair. All of this amounts to a very
impressive pile of dollars.
OzzFest, "Family Values," and other package tours have become the key to taking
a metal band to the mainstream and the gold and platinum sales mark. "At
OzzFest," observes David "Beno" (say "Bean-o") Benveniste, "you'll see a
40-year-old with a beer belly digging the bands and a 14-year-old kid wearing
make-up. That's where the old meets the new, so there's no better spawning
ground for a band to go in as a baby band and come out blowing up." Benveniste
manages System of a Down and Slipknot, among other groups, and runs a marketing
and promotions company called StreetWise Concepts & Culture. (See "Takin'
It to the Streets," above.) He says that System of a Down's two years of
exposure on OzzFest's main stage is what finally compelled radio programmers to
tumble for their breakthrough single "Sugar" after their debut CD had long been
in stores. " `Sugar' got a lot of airplay after they said it would never
get airplay. OzzFest is also where Limp Bizkit blew up, Soulfly, many
It helps that Benveniste is a master of a style of word-of-mouth marketing that
gets right to the hearts of metalheads and hard-rockers. Before System of a
Down were signed, he recruited fans in Los Angeles to put up posters, pass out
flyers, and give away tapes to bolster attendance at System's shows. They
worked 'zines and logged on to Internet chat rooms to help build a buzz. "After
pounding the streets in Los Angeles for nine months, we took it national after
they got signed in 1997." Today StreetWise Concepts & Culture has access to
a worldwide network of 40,000 metal and hard-rock fans. Labels have contracted
the company to build grassroots support for albums by Linkin Park, Papa Roach,
the Deftones, Alien Ant Farm, and even Foo Fighters. "We go to chat rooms, send
kids tapes, let them know a band's coming to town. Psychologically these kids
feel like they found this music, and when they know it's going to radio,
they request it on their own. And when radio play meets the streets, that's
when things really go."
This year Sharon Osbourne turned OzzFest's second stage over to Benveniste and
StreetWise. "We've had tentacles all over the nation spreading word on OzzFest
seven to eight months before it went out," he explains. "We floated the names
of bands that might be touring with OzzFest and got feedback from the fans back
to Sharon. When you leak information to the Internet about a tour that has some
attractive elements, kids log on because they want to be the first to tell
their friends." Benveniste also designed a forum for fans to vote for bands who
might appear on the second stage. Shavo Odadjian offers System of a Down's
perspective on its OzzFest involvement: "It built us. OzzFest brought us to a
whole new audience. It gave us credibility with a strong fan base and made a
lot of connections for us, because bigger bands watch you while you play."
Such packages also provide better touring economics for many bands. "A lot of
times when we do our own tours, we carry the lights, sounds, and other
production expenses," says Slayer frontman Tom Araya. "When someone invites you
on their tour, the only expense you have is your crew and your gear."
Slayer, who're marking two decades as a blood-and-guts metal band this year,
are currently part of the "Extreme Steel Tour," an event that's headlined by
Pantera and shared by StaticX, Morbid Angel, and Skrape. It's the only notable
metal or hard-rock roadshow of the summer that's playing indoor arenas rather
than outdoor sheds. The reason? "Air conditioning," Araya deadpans. "It's on
all the posters!" Fans, however, seem cool to the tour, which is not on
Pollstar's Top 50 chart. Perhaps "Extreme Steel" would do better in more
relaxed outdoor venues or with a more formidable headliner. Either way, Slayer
are reserving their big push for a tour in the fall or winter to follow up the
late August release of their eighth album, God Hates Us All
That's a near-perfect title for a metal CD. It's the kind of conclusion one
draws while in the midst of adolescent turmoil. Not as poignant as the lyrics
of Staind's contemplations of suicide, unchanneled rage, and psychological
pain. Not as hard-focused as System of a Down's reflections on political
corruption and the market-driven mind games of the mainstream youth culture.
Yet it's part of the language of alienation and sonic extremity that has spoken
so eloquently to the youthful audience of metal and hard rock for decades --
and provided the music with staying power that the industry can, and does, bank
Can metal rescue the retail market -- for now?
Concert promoters aren't the only segment of the music business that's
expecting a windfall from the season's hail of metal and hard rock. Music
stores have been looking forward to the arrival of new CDs by Slipknot (out
this past July 17) and System of a Down (due in late August), plus continued
strong sales of recently released discs by Staind and Tool as both bands
Music retailers have been in distress since the middle of last year, when
overall sales of CDs, cassettes, and singles went into decline. A number of
major chains have been shaken by the 4.7 percent drop at the cash registers
from 1999 to 2000, including Tower Records, which has radically trimmed
personnel and filed for protection from creditors while reorganizing.
Although music retailing remains a $14.3 billion business, store operators --
already coming off a flat-sales winter -- were further disappointed when the
latest releases from Ricky Martin, Rage Against the Machine, Eve, R.E.M., and
other major stars failed to be blockbusters. Save for 'N Sync, whose new album
is expected to fall short of their previous releases as teen-pop enthusiasm
reaches its limit, no superstar discs are in the wings. That leaves metal as
the biz's most likely near-term savior. If the aggressive sales of Tool's
latest album, which debuted at #1, and Boston outfit Staind's Break the
Cycle (Flip/Elektra), which also debuted at #1 and sold 716,000 copies in
its first week, are any indicator, retailers will get another shot in the arm
from the appearance of Slipknot's Iowa this month and System of a Down's
late-August unveiling of Toxicity, the much buzzed-about follow-up to
their near-million-selling debut, System of a Down. Street marketing has
been under way for months for these albums, and radio is expected to embrace
both of them, further fueling customers' enthusiasm. "We're looking forward to
those releases, but I don't know if they're going to make the industry bounce
back to where it was," says Beth Dube, vice-president of music purchasing at
the Boston-based Newbury Comics chain. "The labels need to reconsider their
release schedule -- stop releasing all the big titles in the fourth quarter and
release some of them over the summer. That would help overall sales."
Like most music chains, Newbury Comics does well with the teen artists on the
charts, as well as with rap -- the new D12, for example -- and major pop and
alternative-rock releases. But Newbury Comics has particularly strong roots in
the metal market, with a long history of carrying a deep inventory of
independent label titles.
"We've always sold a lot of underground metal," Dube explains, "We've been
selling Slipknot albums before they bubbled over into the mainstream, and when
something like that happens, sales of those artists really take off for us. We
were excited about the Staind record. Although the single [the acoustic
"Outside," which also features Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst] was not very metallic,
it crossed the band over to the mainstream, which is why this record has got
Dube expects both Toxicity and Iowa to debut in Newbury Comics'
Top 10. "We're expecting System of a Down to do well in particular. Their first
album is still selling well, and there's a lot of excitement about the band.
They're managed by a company that does a great job in street marketing."
OzzFest and this summer's other metal tours plus the System of a Down and
Slipknot "Pledge of Allegiance" double bill that will launch October 1 in Las
Vegas are also good for retailers. Dube notes that touring is the key to
stimulating sales of metal and hard rock, a genre where mainstream airplay is
generally restricted to only the biggest, best-marketed acts. "We notice strong
sales especially when a band plays the suburbs, like the Worcester Palladium or
the Tweeter Center."
-- TD
Takin' it to the streets
"When you're dealing with heavy music, you sell records by word of mouth more
so than radio," says David Benveniste. To that end, the LA band manager and
entrepreneur has built a network of 40,000 music fans throughout the world that
can be tapped by his StreetWise Concepts & Culture.
The company germinated through his grassroots efforts at marketing and
promoting System of a Down, whom he manages. When System's homonymous 1997 CD
debuted, it sold 4000 copies the first week with absolutely no commercial
airplay. Nearly a million sales later, "Chop Suey," the first single from
System's follow-up, Toxicity (due in stores late August), was added by
LA's tastemaker station KROC, on July 11.
Another testament to the effectiveness of StreetWise's way of doing business --
mailing advance tracks from forthcoming albums to its network, soliciting
opinions on potential concert line-ups, using the Internet to alert people to
concerts and band news -- is the contracts from labels that the company has
received to seed the market for albums and tours by Papa Roach, Linkin Park,
and a plethora of other artists capped by Radiohead and Foo Fighters. "The kids
in our network are so organized, the word spreads almost instantly to fans all
over the world, and we constantly get an incredible amount of feedback."
To an extent, Benveniste even lets his network make business decisions for him.
"It's all about credibility. I ask them if we should take on certain bands, and
if their response is negative, we don't do it. I can name 10 bands we've passed
on, because it's about trust."
He also tries to make good on the "Concepts & Culture" part of his
company's name by sending out reports on the environment and on social issues.
"We're building up a lot of influence. Maybe enough to do some work for good. I
hope that one day I'll be able to take the whole thing political."