Intellectual warrior
Even if Republicans have pretty much been able to have their way in Congress
over the past two years, there's been something deeply satisfying about
watching them listen to Newton's own Barney Frank dismantle their ideas with
his rhetorical scalpel. Frank's logic, wit, and sheer intellectual firepower
can make his debates with his Republican opponents a little like those US-Iraqi
tank "battles" from the Gulf War.
Unlike some back-bencher reading from party talking points, however, Frank has
a broader political vision informing his sizzling sound bites. Without getting
lost in the clouds of highfalutin statesmanship, Frank -- like so few of his
colleagues these days -- looks beyond the political skirmish-of-the-week to a
broad range of progressive issues. With all Washington crowing about a booming
economy, Frank was one of the few to focus on the problem of growing income
inequality. Lately, Frank's worked to pry more money out of America's NATO
allies so that the US can reduce its military budget and free more dollars for
social programs. He has called for more accountability from the
interest-rate-setting bankers of the Federal Reserve, including the
all-powerful Alan Greenspan. "The last taboo in American politics appears to be
monetary policy," he says. Not that he disdains party politics. He's even
proposing, somewhat mischievously, a repeal of the Constitution's two-term
limit on the presidency.
Frank has already written one book about making his party vital (1992's
Speaking Frankly), and he's now at work on another, about "the
post-Clinton Democratic Party." And gays and lesbians could hardly ask for a
more formidable spokesman on issues from same-sex marriage to job
Frank's famed prickliness can be a fault as well as a virtue, but an angry
Frank can be politically devastating. Still, he's got a sense of humor. When
the House voted earlier this month to ban nude swimming at a National Seashore
beach in Florida, Frank observed that the vote was the clearest example he'd
seen that "a member was voting to cover his rear."
Green guardian
(R-New York)
"Sherry is the most important Republican environmentalist in Congress," says
Daniel J. Weiss, political director of the Sierra Club. "He has been
instrumental in every effort to block anti-environmental legislation. You can't
overstate how important he is."
In the early days of the Republican Congress -- especially the 1995 heyday of
the Contract with America -- the GOP tried repeatedly to gut federal
environmental laws. Among their proposals were severe new limitations on the
Environmental Protection Agency, as well as a bid to drastically weaken
environmental regulations on business. Boehlert, a Republican from upstate New
York, organized and led a coalition of fellow moderates to block those
attempts, depriving Republican leaders of a majority.
Conservative Republicans are listening to the polls now, and they've toned
down their radicalism on the environment. But as recently as last month,
Boehlert rallied the moderates again to kill off an unusually sneaky amendment
to a disaster-relief bill for the flooded Midwest that would have permanently
exempted any flood-control project from Endangered Species Act regulation. That
provision, as the amendment's authors were well aware, would have exempted not
just emergency flood relief but such activities as dam projects and wetlands
And even though some members of his party are suddenly finding fake green
religion, Boehlert "is no enviro-come-lately," says Weiss. One of his first
projects upon arriving in Congress was acid-rain legislation, back in 1983.
The last radical
The country veers to the right, installing a Republican Congress. The
Democratic Party, and the Democratic president, follow suit with a new,
pandering moderation. Even his own state of Minnesota elects one of the
Senate's most conservative members.
But at a time when most liberals have given up or given in, Paul Wellstone
hasn't given an inch. Wellstone is one of the few liberal Democrats who have
aggressively shouted down the Republican agenda at every turn -- and none of
his colleagues has done so with more vigor or bravery. Although he faced an
opponent whose ads repeatedly branded him a "LIBERAL" (as if it were synonymous
with "TRAITOR"), Wellstone was the only senator up for re-election last
year to vote against Congress's welfare-reform bill.
A former college professor steeped in the protest politics of the '60s,
Wellstone is a passionate and eloquent advocate for the segments of society
that risk being left behind in an era of New Democrats and a Republican
Congress. He opposed NAFTA and supports a Canadian-style single-payer
health-care system and public financing of elections. "He is a radical and,
yes, a 1960s radical at that," the Washington Post's E.J. Dionne wrote
in January. But Wellstone is valuable because he's not a caricature of a
liberal. His thoughtfulness insulates him from the charge of being a knee-jerk
dinosaur. Try a sample of his oratory, taken from a speech at the National
Press Club in May:
This is a prosperous time for our country, a time of sustained growth and
low inflation, of a booming stock market and low
unemployment. . . . But averages are misleading. They tell
nothing of the ends of the curve -- the height at the top or the depth at the
bottom. And that is . . . a quiet crisis of money, power, and
injustice, the crisis of a nation in danger of abandoning the principles of
equality and justice that are so fundamental to our resilience, that are,
indeed, the very meaning and purpose of America.
When you're on the Senate's far-left fringe, legislative
accomplishments are few and far between. But right now, holding off the
conservative onslaught is just as important. Wellstone is thinking about a run
for president in 2000. It might be a quixotic campaign, but he would be a
welcome contrast to a field of mushy moderate Democrats.
Honest budgeteer
Almost every Republican can spout budget-balancing rhetoric in his sleep, but
few have brought to the task either the passion or the intellectual honesty of
John Kasich. Kasich's approach has its drawbacks: for instance, he focuses
unduly on spending cuts rather than new taxes, which amounts to a formula for
screwing the poor. But what truly puts Kasich, chairman of the House Budget
Committee, a cut above fellow GOP deficit-bashers is the number of sacred cows
he's been willing to slaughter along the way. Kasich blasted the B-2-bomber
program in the late 1980s, and has since continued to beat back the GOP barons
who want to expand it. More recently, he has joined with such unlikely allies
as Ralph Nader to take on "corporate welfare" -- the billions of dollars in tax
benefits and federal programs that benefit business.
Many find Kasich to be something of an oddball: "so self-righteous and
maniacally energetic," reported the Washington Post in March, "that his
Ohio colleagues hated to get caught sitting next to him on weekend flights
home." And Kasich is a member of Gingrich's inner circle, which is troubling.
But he has largely stuck to budgetary ground, playing little role in the
House's conservative social agenda. Thanks largely to a booming economy, the
deficit has been whittled down to about $70 billion from about $300 billion
four years ago. Kasich's budget mission will soon be accomplished. As he
chooses new fights, let's hope he continues to challenge his own party in
unexpected places.
From welfare to Washington
Poor, unwed welfare mothers have become a favorite topic (or should we say
target?) in the Republican Congress. But it's likely that many good-ol'-boy
conservatives had never even met one -- until Lynn Woolsey came to Congress in
When Woolsey's marriage fell apart almost 30 years ago, she was left with six
children and little money. She went on welfare to get by, and put herself
through business school at night. Woolsey worked her way to the top of a
high-tech start-up firm, and finally into Congress. Since coming to Washington,
she has become one of the most reliable advocates on issues affecting women,
children, gays, and the poor. For her 1996 voting record on child and family
issues, Woolsey won a 100 percent rating from the Children's Defense Fund. Last
week, she introduced a bill that would charge the federal government with
enforcing child-support payments. Her record is flawlessly pro-choice, and
she's a leading critic of GOP attempts to roll back abortion rights. And
Woolsey, who has a gay son, backs legislation to end job discrimination against
gays and lesbians.
Of course, it's easy for a member of the minority to vote down the line for
new social programs without a care for the budget. But given the recent
Republican callousness toward the disadvantaged, Congress needs a few idealists
like Lynn Woolsey.
Friend of the arts
(R-New York)
When Newt Gingrich and House Majority Leader Dick Armey prepared for a vote to
end federal funding for the arts earlier this month, they expected stiff
resistance from Democrats. But they probably didn't anticipate the rebellion
they faced from a group of moderates in their own party, led by little-known
New Yorker Rick Lazio. Although eliminating the National Endowment for the Arts
was a prime goal of his party's leadership, Lazio organized a band of
dissidents earlier this month and nearly blocked the attempt. The vote to snuff
the NEA succeeded (though the Senate is almost sure to restore the agency's
funding), but the resistance of Lazio and his allies turned the issue into a
more divisive and highly publicized battle than the Republican leadership had
wanted. Lazio is said to be eyeing a bid for the Senate in 2000, and in a state
that loves the arts, a pro-NEA stance might not risk many votes. But drawing
the ire of the leadership, as Lazio has, is never an easy thing to do.
Gun controller
(D-New York)
Even if the populist disgust with "career politicians" is a little overstated,
it's impossible not to applaud the political motives of this New York freshman.
McCarthy was a nurse without political ambition when her husband died -- one of
six people shot and killed in a 1993 massacre on the Long Island Rail Road.
When the Republican incumbent in her home district voted in 1995 to repeal the
federal assault-weapons ban, she ran on the issue as a Democrat (even though
she was a registered Republican) and beat him.
McCarthy hasn't had time yet to make much of a mark in Congress, but she's
already pushing two gun-control bills. One would require safety locks on
handgun triggers to prevent accidental shootings -- especially by children.
Another, prompted by the February shooting at the Empire State Building, would
ban the sale of guns to foreign visitors to the US. (Nor is she a Democrat on
gun control alone -- McCarthy voted to restore welfare benefits that Congress
had earlier denied to legal immigrants, and opposed a ban on "partial-birth"
abortions even though she represents a heavily Catholic district.) Critics say
that, tragic as McCarthy's story may be, serving in Congress is a grueling job
that calls for more than a personal mission on a single issue. It's a good
point, but consider the proxies of the oil industry, the NRA, and the tobacco
industry who populate Congress. At least McCarthy's single issue hasn't been
Outside of Washington, Bob Kerrey may be best known as the senator who dated
Debra Winger. But inside the Beltway, he's known as the guy who told the truth
on a subject that still makes many of his colleagues shiver: entitlements.
Runaway spending on programs like Social Security and Medicare threatens to
bankrupt the government. But because that spending benefits the politically
vital middle class, challenging it goes against the grain like nothing else in
Washington. And because the benefits of fixing the system are long-term and
complicated, the political incentive to do so is almost zero: it will require a
crisis to provoke action.
Unless more people start thinking like Bob Kerrey. In 1994 Kerrey co-chaired a
Senate panel whose sweeping report on the state of entitlements established the
parameters for today's debates. Congress is now working to "fix" Medicare, and
in last year's presidential campaign, Bob Dole called for a bipartisan
commission to study Social Security reform. Critics say Kerrey's ideas for
entitlements reform -- including raising the retirement age to 70, hiking
Medicare premiums, and "means-testing" benefits to trim government spending on
the wealthy -- unfairly hit the elderly and minorities. His solutions may not
be perfect, but Kerrey dragged into the open a problem much of Washington had
hoped to ignore. This year he's proposing that people be allowed to privately
invest two percent of their Social Security contributions. That makes some
market skeptics nervous, but it shows that Kerrey's still thinking seriously
about the problem.
Recently Kerrey, a candidate for the 1992 Democratic presidential nomination,
has made noises about a run in 2000 -- bad news to those in Washington who find
this sharp-tongued war hero arrogant. But Kerrey would be a refreshing change
from a president who avoids hard choices, and often the truth itself.
Leahy keeps a lower profile than many of his Senate colleagues. But as the
first and only Democratic senator in the state's history, this long-time
liberal (and open fan of the Grateful Dead) busies himself with an especially
admirable roster of issues.
Foremost among them is a crusade to win a global ban on new land mines and the
removal of the estimated 100 million existing ones that are buried around the
world. He has been a world leader against the deadly weapons, which continue to
cripple and kill innocents in former war zones such as Cambodia long after the
fighting has ended. The campaign is making progress. In 1994 Leahy helped win a
unanimous United Nations vote that would eventually eliminate mines (although
"eventually" has proved difficult to define). Last month, Leahy introduced a
new bill in the Senate to ban US production of anti-personnel mines beginning
in 2000.
Leahy brings enlightenment to several other matters. As one of our more
Internet-savvy legislators, he sought a repeal of Congress's 1996
Communications Decency Act (CDA). He's also a leading environmentalist, and he
has signed on (with Paul Wellstone and Senator John Kerry) to a
campaign-finance-reform bill that calls for public financing of elections.
Campaign-finance maverick
You can tell John McCain is doing something right by all the enemies he's
making in the Senate. And nowhere has this former Vietnam prisoner of war
alienated more people than in the area of campaign-finance reform, where he is
virtually the only Republican senator pushing for serious change. Of course,
this challenge to a system that disproportionately favors his party hasn't sat
well with McCain's colleagues. "I believe I have their respect," McCain told
Vanity Fair magazine last month, adding: "I don't believe I have their
affection." A slew of Democrats is now pushing for reform, but without the
support of the Republican majority the effort isn't likely to go far -- which
is what makes McCain's position so significant.
Even more irksome to his fellow senators is McCain's loathing of Congress's
cherished pork. McCain keeps an aide on his staff, nicknamed "the ferret," who
monitors the Senate floor and alerts his boss when someone tries to sneak
through a little gift for the folks back home. McCain has tried in vain to kill
off huge government subsidies for ethanol, a favorite of Midwestern farmers.
Earlier this month, he challenged a $3 million grant for fertilizer research in
Alabama and $7 million for something called the Center of Excellence for
Research in Ocean Studies. This kind of spending, McCain was quoted by the
New York Times as saying, is why "we are held in low esteem by the American
A caveat: McCain's contrarian stances have deservedly won some spectacular
press. But let's not be seduced into forgetting his history of unpalatable
conservatism, including his early and enthusiastic support for that most
offensive of 1996 campaigns -- Phil Gramm for President.
It's not exactly a surprise that a congressman from the Seattle area is an ace
on Internet issues. But with Congress still fumbling to understand the medium
-- consider the misconceived Communications Decency Act -- it's comforting to
know that Rick White is in the committee rooms and on the floor of Congress.
Although White, a former Seattle lawyer now in his second term, was a lock-step
supporter of the Contract with America in 1995, he's been at the fore of every
battle to defend the Internet against government regulation and censorship.
After Congress passed the CDA, which restricted so-called indecent material on
the Net, White became its fiercest critic: he formed a Congressional Internet
Caucus in the belief that when it came to the Net, many members didn't know
what they were talking about. White has also fought the Clinton
Administration's efforts to block encryption technology, which would allow
computer messages to be put into nearly unbreakable code; the administration
fears this privacy-enhancing technology would aid terrorists and other bad
guys. And he's pushing a bill to block state and local taxes on Internet
commerce (hearings started in the House this month).
White has also flashed good campaign-finance-reform credentials. Shortly after
coming to Congress in 1995, he proposed the creation of an independent
commission to help overhaul campaign financing -- well before the 1996
Clinton-Gore scandals made the issue red-hot in Washington. He introduced a
similar bill in the House this spring.
(D-New York)
Traditionally called "The World's Greatest Deliberative Body," the US Senate
ain't what it used to be. The great statesmen of yesteryear have largely been
replaced by shallow ideologues like Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) and
overgrown frat boys like Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania). Fortunately,
there's still a seat for one of the century's leading American public thinkers:
Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
In the more than 30 years he's spent in government, Moynihan has waltzed
across the ideological spectrum, from working-class liberal Democrat to
anti-communist neoconservative to the centrist Democrat he's typically labeled
as today. Moynihan's 1965 report "The Negro Family: The Case for National
Action" drew criticism from the left for "blaming the victim" after it cited "a
tangle of pathology," including illegitimacy and welfare dependency, as the
principal crisis in black America. Now even liberals admit that Moynihan's
thinking turned out to be ahead of its time. And yet when the Republican
welfare-reform bill came up for a vote last summer, Moynihan was one of the few
Democrats to speak out, dejectedly warning that "the children [will be] blown
to the winds."
Moynihan is one of the most eloquent speakers in politics, and he is the
author of a virtual library of important books on policy and statecraft. If, as
the American Prospect recently put it, Moynihan's career "has been
marked less by legislation than by brilliant signal flares shot up to rouse the
citizenry," we'll take that over today's crowd of intellectual weaklings who
legislate without thinking.
Early warning
With the Cold War long gone, the American public can hardly be bothered with
foreign policy anymore. Expand NATO? We weren't even sure it still existed.
But for several years, one senator has been zeroing in on the truly scary
threats still lurking out there. When an American city suffers a catastrophic
"superterrorist" attack (from chemical, biological, or even nuclear weapons),
Dick Lugar will assume the grim but well-earned role of saying "I told you so."
Lugar has long pushed such obscure but vitally important post-Cold War foreign
policy initiatives as the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program,
which helps round up "loose nukes" in the former Soviet Union that could fall
into terrorist hands. Warning that "it's not a matter of if, but when"
superterrorism hits the US, Lugar has called for tighter international
restrictions on chemical and biological weapons, including the Chemical Weapons
Convention treaty the Senate ratified this spring. For the most part, Lugar has
pressed these issues without fanfare or sensationalism, although his
ill-advised 1996 presidential campaign included a heavy-handed TV ad featuring
a mock terrorist nuke crisis in the US. The spot was excessive. Lugar's concern
is not.
On the barricades for women
(D-New York)
Despite all the lip service Republicans have been paying to women and the
gender gap, rolling back abortion rights is a driving cause for Congressional
conservatives and the interest groups, such as the Christian Coalition, that
have fueled the Republican revolution. Plenty of women in Congress will fight
new abortion restrictions to the bitter end. But pro-choice advocates single
out Nita Lowey as one of the fiercest battlers against Republican encroachments
on choice. "Right now we need fighters," says a spokeswoman for the National
Abortion Rights Action League. "Nita Lowey is tenacious and tireless."
Even when Democrats still held Congress in 1994, the Bronx-born Lowey, who
represents southern Westchester County, organized 72 colleagues in a pledge to
oppose health-care reforms if they didn't ensure abortion coverage. When
surgeon general nominee Henry Foster was under attack the following year for
his pro-choice views, the outspoken Lowey was among his leading supporters.
Earlier this year, she railed against GOP distortions during the debate to ban
so-called partial-birth abortions (although her side obfuscated as well).
Lowey, who co-chairs the Women's Congressional Caucus, also fights for other
women's issues: she led an effort last year that restored $90 million in
funding for domestic-violence programs cut by the Republican leadership, and
she won new money for breast-cancer research. In the words of the authoritative
Almanac of American Politics, Lowey "is proof that the Democratic
feminist left can be as politically effective as the Republican religious
Crunchy curiosity
How can you help but root for the lone socialist among the right-wingers of
today's Congress? In 1990, long before the advent of the "radical middle" and
the Perotistas, the Brooklyn-born Sanders became the first independent elected
to Congress since Ohio sent Henry Frazier Reams to Washington in 1950. It can
often be hard to tell this former mayor of Burlington from a liberal Democrat.
Without the pressure of party leadership, however, Sanders is free to explore
the leftmost territory on any issue that comes before Congress, whether it's
single-payer health care or laws preventing giant defense companies from
writing off the costs of their mega-mergers and passing them on to taxpayers.
And Vermont's citizens have been happy to support his far-left ideology.
But more than anything, with Republicans stabbing each other in the back and
Democrats all but devoid of new ideas, Bernie Sanders is a welcome reminder
that you don't have to buy into the two-party system to succeed.
Michael Crowley can be reached at mcrowley[a]