[Sidebar] July 3 - 10, 1997


Biker nation

Photos by Mark Ostow

Text by Stephen Heuser

[Bottle Penis] [Sleeping Girl]

Biker culture is outsider culture. Bikers are Vietnam vets, hard-luck guys, a surprising number of disabled people. The biker's self-image is that of a lone rider, windblown, cut free from the society whose rules are boxing him out. This explains the number of Québecois -- French speakers in a British Commonwealth nation -- who take to leather and Harley chrome. But put enough outsiders together and they aren't outsiders anymore. Suddenly angry posturing melts into general fellowship, and people at odds with their world find themselves among friends, family, countrymen. The mood at Laconia can be boisterous and fraternal. It can also be serene.

[Boy in Wheelchair] [Biker with Ponytail]


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