It's no surprise that an ambitious gun safety proposal died in the General
Assembly. But there's plenty of blame for proponents and opponents alike
by Kathleen Hughes
THE NEWPORT RIFLE Club was founded in 1876 by W. Milton Farrow, who also
founded Farrow Rifles. It's said to be the longest running gun club in the
country. On a warm, clear Wednesday evening in early May, about a dozen
fledgling and veteran shooters bring their target pistols, packed in cases like
the kind tinkers or traveling knife sharpeners might have carried, and step
into the club's eight-port, 50-yard indoor range, where they set up their
bull's-eye targets, put on hearing protection, and very sci-fi looking
blinders, and wait for team captain and club safety officer Bob King to give
the go-ahead. The generally white, middle-aged men, representing professions
from engineering to social work, are quiet, focused, and mostly still as their
gunshots begin to ring out.
One woman, Gail Hogan, arrives with her husband, Stephen. They've belonged to
the rifle club for one year, and drive from Cranston, even though other guns
clubs are closer to their home. "The Newport Rifle Club is really
safety-oriented, and family-based," Gail Hogan says, gesturing to a wall of
recent photos behind her, including the Junior Rifle Team, which shoots
high-tech air guns at targets. There's no minimum age for the rifle team, but
kids typically start around age 11 or 12. The Hogans looked into shooting after
Gail was assaulted by one of her fellow 911 workers. "I wanted to know about
firearms," she explains. "I vowed [an assault] would never happen to me again."
The couple also like how the Newport club is open 24 hours, since members have keys. "One time we
came down here and shot at 3 a.m.," Hogan says. "Neither one of us could
Gail and Stephen Hogan
The fatal gun violence spawned in America's inner cities by the crack epidemic
of the late '80s and early '90s has declined sharply, yet firearms remain the
second-leading cause of injury-related death in this country, according to the
US Centers for Disease Control. Among American anxieties, the white suburban
school shooter has replaced drug turf wars, even though episodes of gun
violence by youth fell through the '90s. Still, a decades-long battle rages
between those who want guns and those who believe they're unnecessary and
dangerous. For the gun lovers, people, not firearms, are responsible for the
violence -- and thus criminal prosecution and sentencing is the key. Gun lovers
also insist that gun control only punishes the law-abiding non-violent, without
doing a thing to stop the flow of illegal guns, which, they say, account for at
least 90 percent of gun-related violence.
"There are enough illegal guns in commerce already," says Tom Frank, president
of the Newport Rifle Club. "That you could take 95 percent of legal guns [out
of circulation] and still not make a dent in gun crimes."
"We need to spend our resources on why people are committing crime," adds the
club's chief safety officer Richard Ashmore, a retired Navy officer.
Ashmore, Frank, and other Rhode Island gun proponents have just finished an
alarming legislative session, given a much-reviled omnibus gun control measure,
the Rhode Island Prevention of Gun Deaths and Injuries Act, introduced by
Senator Rhoda Perry (D-Providence), and Representative David Cicilline
(D-Providence), who insisted the measure was about gun safety and criminal
prosecution, not restraining the Second Amendment. The bill was vigorously
promoted by the one-year-old Rhode Island chapter of the Million Mom March,
which gathered a broad coalition of emergency room physicians, pediatricians,
judges, academics and, of course, mothers, from every corner of the state.
"What reasonable person could vote against child safety locks . . . banning
military-style assault rifles . . . and protecting women from domestic
violence?" chapter co-chair Karina Wood asked the Senate Judiciary Committee
during an April hearing.
The 18 provisions of House bill 5580 and the identical Senate Bill 770
included restrictions on the issuance of gun licenses for people convicted of
violent misdemeanors, and for people against whom restraining orders had been
issued. The bills also sought to offer new police discretion to deny licenses
to those suspected of illegal or unsafe behavior -- with the caveat of an
appeal process. H5580/S770 would have intensified trigger lock rules,
instituted a one-gun-a-month purchase limit, and codified the federal assault
weapons ban, which is due to expire in 2004. The bill would also have funded a
study about gun injuries, increased penalties for illegal gun activity, and
reduced the length of a concealed weapon permit from four years to one.
David Cicilline
But despite the Million Mom March's mobilization of compelling support and the
group's local and national publicity, both House 5580 and Senate 770 died in
Judiciary Committee votes, by respective margins of 17-3 and 9-4, which
surprised few people, particularly given that a 1998 Massachusetts gun bill,
upon which the Rhode Island omnibus bill was modeled, took five years to
Yet chances of reintroducing an omnibus bill next year seem slim. As Perry
suggests, "There's too much in it to pick apart, giving justification for
voting against it."
Representative Maxine Shavers (D-Newport) who provided one of nine nay votes
for the House Judiciary, agrees, saying H5580 was "too condensed, with too many
measures . . . I'm not going to pass gun bills just to pass gun bills -- we
need the right bill."
This type of stalemate is business as usual when it comes to gun control. This
isn't the first year that omnibus legislation has been attempted, notes
Representative Edith Ajello (D-Providence), a co-sponsor of H5580, who has
introduced one-gun-a-month purchase limits three times in three years. The
stalemate, Ajello and others say, is due in large part to the well-organized
and well-funded forces of the National Rifle Association, plus its colleagues
and affiliates, such as the 200-member Cranston-based Citizens' Rights Action
League, which recently formed in direct response to what it calls the Million
Mom March's "disinformation . . . [and] deadly deception."
But the stalemate also seems due to the gun lobby's selfish and slightly
racist, categorical denial of any responsibility for the locus of firearms
violence in American's inner cities. Proponents of gun control are also due
some of the blame, since they propose incremental measures that seem arbitrary,
minimally effectual in decreasing most gun violence, and most effective in
inconveniencing safety-conscious gun hobbyists -- just the thing to arouse the
passion that practically ensures the defeat of such well-intentioned
PERRY WHEELER, a lawyer and lobbyist for the Rhode Island Rifle and Revolver
Association (RIRRA), the state's NRA chapter, is clear evidence of the gun
lobby's effectiveness. Testifying against the Rhode Island Prevention of Gun
Deaths and Injuries Act, Wheeler calmly, efficiently dismisses several of the
bill's measures as either senseless, unnecessary, a violation of the rights of
law-abiding gun owners, and/or "yet another back door attempt to further
restrict firearms." Whether before the Senate Judiciary Committee or in a
telephone interview, Wheeler seems to be playing badminton, swatting back every
question tossed his way, frequently tossing in sarcastic asides like, "I'm
actually thinking of joining the Hari Krishnas, shaving my head, and getting a
saffron-colored cloak."
In between such comments, Wheeler seems to have a near-photographic memory of
Rhode Island's gun laws, federal laws, plus those of other states, and he tells
legislators about poor fictional Aunt Judy or Uncle John, the law-abiding
citizens who would become accidental felons because of a proposed law. He's
effective, and for support, several dozen members of RIRRA and the nascent
Citizens' Rights Action League pack the State House chamber. Meanwhile, NRA
members from across the country send dozens of letters and make plenty of phone
calls to Rhode Island legislators, not to mention making campaign donations.
Five of 19 House Judiciary Committee members, and six of 16 Senate
counterparts, received campaign funds from the NRA in 2000, totaling $3460. The
House and Senate leadership reached an additional $2150. Yet Representative Joe
Scott (R-Richmond), who calls his home the "Ponderosa" district because of its
gun-loving constituents, denies the money has much import. "If I saw the sense
of people in my district was for gun control, do you think [the NRA's] $400 is
going to make a difference? Nah." Scott voted against H5580.
Still, according to the National Institute for State Politics, pro-gun forces
spent $17,000 in Rhode Island in 1998, the seventh highest amount among 39
states listed. Rhode Island received three times as much as Massachusetts, 14
times as much as New York, and slightly more than Connecticut. No one, not even
Rebecca Williams, the NRA's regional lobbyist, had much idea why, but at the
least, the money shows that the NRA is very serious when it comes to fighting
gun laws that it dislikes in Rhode Island.
IN A SMALL ROOM off the center of the Newport Rifle Club there sits a huge safe
around which a massive chain is wrapped, like a test worthy of Houdini. Frank
and Ashmore, the club president and safety officer, without anger or
impatience, eagerly answer questions about trigger locks, assault weapon bans,
one-gun-a-month limits, and other measures meant to prevent gun accidents in
the home and reduce inner city violence. As Frank rattles off some of the
endless technicalities of various pieces of proposed and enacted state and
federal gun control legislation -- "I can keep this all straight in my head,"
he says, "I'm an engineer" -- it's easy to see why he finds the laws arbitrary
and hapless.
The two men maintain the standard pro-gun line on trigger locks, asserting
that the devices can malfunction or prevent gun owners from protecting their
households. And they find it amusing and foolish that the current state law
merely requires new gun purchases to include a trigger lock, without requiring
anyone to use them. As for parents who leave guns in places where children can
get to them easily, such as under a stack of sweatshirts, Ashmore says, "They
oughta be slapped upside the head."
In terms of assault weapons, the Kalashnikov, Uzi, Street Sweeper, AK-47 --
such as the one enhanced with a 75-round magazine, purchased at a Rhode Island
gun shop, and used for two minutes in 1989 to kill five school children and
wound 33 more at a Stockton, California playground -- these and other machine
guns are banned by the federal assault weapon ban, known as the 1994 Violent
Crime Control and Enforcement Act. Beyond such weapons, Frank and Ashmore
explain, the prohibited "assault weapon" features of semi-automatic weapons are
"almost always cosmetic distinctions."
For example, a folding stock and a bayonet mount on the front of a rifle are
superficial distinctions that qualify a gun as an "assault weapon," Frank
explains, and are mostly irrelevant to the gun's functioning or use. A more
far-reaching California list of banned semi-automatic "assault weapons" has
mainly impacted target shooters. One champion target shooter had to move out of
California, they tell me, because her prized gun had a magazine forward of the
Sergeant Robert Boehm, wears a number of hats as armorer for the Providence
police. He's the department's lead firearms instructor, head of weapons bureau,
manager of firearms evidence, and manager of background checks for city
residents who want to purchase guns. Boehm agrees that prohibiting specific
guns, besides machine guns, does little to alter the number or type of illegal
guns on the street. "The weapon of choice for a criminal," he says, "Is any
weapon he can get his hands on."
Assault weapons do appear in crimes. According to Handgun Control Inc., the
Washington advocacy group led by Sarah Brady, wife of James Brady, the Reagan
press secretary who was paralyzed by John Hinckley's 1984 assassination
attempt, at least 13 percent of 122 killings of police officers between early
1994 and September 1995 were conducted with assault weapons. And in the first
months the federal assault weapon ban was in effect, 18 percent fewer assault
weapons were traced to crimes.
PROBLEMATIC MEASURES in the Rhode Island legislation gave the gun lobby a free
pass, in a way -- because they could defeat the bill without focusing on more
meaningful measures and difficult questions, such as why it's legislatively
sanctioned for gun lovers, who are largely white, male, rural or suburban
residents, to categorically refuse abridgement of their hobby or leisure, even
to aid efforts against inner city gun violence. Such refusal seems to occur
first because gun lovers are convinced, with some reason, that specific
proposals won't dent inner city violence. Yet more generally, gun lovers seem
loath to engage the problem of urban bloodshed or its putative cause,
gang-bangers. This disinclination is something of a not-in-my-back-yard
response that is both selfish and slightly racist, and it contributes to the
stalemate that prevents any incremental gun control measures from winning
Wheeler asserts that the whole state should not be held responsible for
violence in the capital city. "Providence only has 15 percent of the state's
population but two-thirds of the homicides," he says, and some gun control
legislation "wants to saddle the whole state with one city's problems." He
cites a RIRRA report on gun violence in Rhode Island from 1994 to 2000, which
claims that minorities account for 80 percent of firearm victims. "In 2000,"
Wheeler's report states, "South Providence had 14 murders. The State of Maine,
with 1.3 million people, had 11."
And thus, not only is gun violence urban, and not the problem of suburban and
rural residents, it's also poor and non-white, which, some seem to believe,
further releases most white, middle class gun proponents from responsibility on
the issue. The gun lobby's common assertion that gun control won't do anything
to deter criminals speaks directly to this. "Gang-bangers aren't going to obey
the laws," Wheeler says.
"My problem with gun control," says Senator Catherine Graziano (D-
Providence), "Is that you can pass all the laws you want, but criminals don't
read them. It's criminals we need to address, not responsible gun owners."
Carl Bogus, a professor at Roger Williams School of Law and former Handgun
Control board member, says simply, "Gun violence falls disproportionately on
inner city residents. White suburbanites [and their politicians] don't feel
they have to be as concerned about it." Bogus notes that Vietnam War protests
only took flight when white college kids were drafted -- the first wave of
mostly black male draftees didn't prompt large-scale objection.
Of course, the gun lobby is correct that getting guns won't wholly cure
neighborhoods that are struggling with violence. Drugs, illiteracy, job
training, poor housing stock, and more, also need to be addressed. Yet this is
not their concern. Even a measure such as the one-gun-a-month purchase limit,
which is aimed directly at illegal "straw purchases," which are made when one
person buys a gun for a minor, a violent felon, or some other prohibited gun
owner, draws vigorous protest.
If the gun lobby has opposed every piece of gun control in the Rhode Island
legislature, it did support Attorney General Sheldon Whitehouse's
enhanced-sentencing effort to make gun crimes distinct from the offense they
accompanied. For instance, the bill made the `armed' portion of armed robbery a
separate crime with a separate, additional sentence -- 10 years for merely
having the gun, 10 years for discharging the weapon, and another 10 if someone
is injured -- none of which can be served at the same time. The bill, which
became law, also mandates 10-year penalties for providing a weapon or
ammunition to minors, and for shooting at a police officer. "The philosophy is
that those involved with firearms are the most violent criminals," says Bill
Guglietta, Whitehouse's chief of policy and prevention. "And so our aim is to
keep the most violent criminals off the street . . . and to be sure they do
their time."
THE MILLION MOM March has pledged tenacity in the multi-year process of passing
strong gun legislation. US Senator Jack Reed recently introduced gun show
loophole-closing legislation that he believes will pass easily in the Senate,
and US Representative Patrick Kennedy recently introduced legislation proposing
a consumer safety commission for guns, "because guns at Hasbro have more
regulation than real guns." Kennedy sees hope in the MMM, as he argues "It will
take more than just passionate speeches and great poll numbers -- it will take
the degree of activism and sophistication that our opponents are known for . .
. if we're to have any hope of passing sane gun laws in this country."
And yet, according to some, these incremental measures, while useful, will
only maintain the general stalemate over gun control. More meaningful,
effective measures are needed, even though they are certain to offend the gun
lobby more, rather than less.
Shavers, for instance, didn't just feel H5580 was too complicated, she also
found it weak. "I'm against gun violence and we need to look at it -- but we
need a bill with some teeth," she says.
Bogus believes incrementalism has hindered the gun control movement. He says
Handgun Control's Brady Bill, making a seven-day waiting period a federal law,
was proposed when the gun control lobby needed a win. Handgun Control felt the
bill was common sense, inoffensive, and "No one could possibly oppose it
without damaging credibility." As it turned out, of course, the NRA opposed the
Brady Bill as vigorously as it might have opposed an outright gun ban and the
"milquetoast" Brady Bill took seven years to pass.
The NRA's opposition was a big factor in the Brady Bill stall, but more
importantly, Bogus says, was the bill's lack of support. Although polls showed
that support for the Brady Bill, even in the most gun-loving states, never fell
below 88 percent, those supporters didn't take the bill into the voting booth
with them, as its opponents did. Abortion, budgets, and the environment are all
"voting issues" but gun control, so far -- even with suburban concern about
school shootings -- is not. It was barely on the radar of the last presidential
election. Why? Because, Bogus asserts, the bills have been too weak to convince
a candidate to take a strong stand.
"If the gun control movement could say gun deaths are very closely tied to the
number of handguns in circulation . . . and make a proposal to drastically
reduce the number of handguns, and if they could say we need licensing
determined by the chief of police," Bogus maintains, "You'd have fewer people
supporting it [than support something like trigger locks], but you'd have
people supporting it more fervently -- it could be a controlling issue."
Joe Dennison, Handgun Control's director of state legislation, has mixed
feelings about Bogus' theory. "I think we've seen that [present `incremental'
gun control legislation] can be an important voting issue for people, but
candidates need to raise the issue and raise a distinction," Dennison says.
Unfortunately, Al Gore didn't actively make any significant gun control
distinctions in the last race, and thus it couldn't be a voting issue. The
states where HCI ran gun issue ads, furthermore, such as Michigan and
Pennsylvania, were surprise wins for Gore. "And in Tennessee, a loss which was
blamed in part on the gun issue," Dennison notes, "80 percent of polled
residents wanted stricter gun laws."
HOWSOEVER INTRIGUING Bogus' theory sounds, it seems unlikely that the gun
control lobby will suddenly do an about-face from its established strategy of
focusing on trigger locks, carefully regulated purchasing schemes, the
abolition of particularly lethal firearms, and safety regulations. This is
because a charismatic group like the Million Mom March could mobilize voters in
support of these incremental measures in a previously unseen way. Also, the gun
control measures that were passed in the last 10 years, including the assault
weapons ban, as well as purchase limits in a few states, are now old enough to
produce considerable statistics, and given a general eight-year decline in gun
violence, statistics seem apt to work in gun control's favor.
There are plenty of theories and statistics to go around, of course, including
the John Lott's book, More Guns, Less Crime, which argues that there's a
direct correlation between the leniency of gun laws and low crime rates, and
gives gun proponents a standard rebuttal to all purchase limits and concealed
weapon restrictions. Yet Lott's analysis has come under attack, as reported in
But then there's the sobering news that President Bush's campaign received
$75,000 from gun-rights groups, of the $2 million total given to Republicans,
and that Vice-President Dick Cheney stood on a podium in February of this year,
flanked by NRA leaders Charlton Heston, Wayne LaPierre, David Keene, and US
Congressman Bob Barr, with his press secretary commenting, "The Vice-President
is a strong supporter of the right to bear arms." To boot, Bogus notes
something of a trend in NRA-favoring interpretations of the Second Amendment,
and rumors that Supreme Court Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas have
asked to consider the issue for the first time since 1939. The gun control
lobby may have gained momentum in the last decade, but the hill may also be
getting steeper.
Kathleen Hughes can be reached at khughes[a]