Political science
Thanks to finely tuned focus groups, opinion polls, and computer models of
voter behavior, we can expect more elections like the one we're still trying to
figure out
by Robert David Sullivan
This year's presidential election was the political equivalent of a meteor
slamming into our planet, one that no one spotted until it was too late. And
yet it was almost inevitable.
More than ever before, politics this year was dominated by tracking polls,
focus groups, and scientific models of voter behavior. Each presidential
candidate could see exactly where his opponent was picking up votes, and he
could figure out exactly where to get enough votes to compensate.
It's no wonder that the Bush campaign reacted with such outrage when the
networks projected a solid Gore win in Florida early on Election Night. Bush
strategists had the numbers -- not votes, mind you, but their own polls -- to
prove this was impossible. And everybody already suspected that Florida would
decide it all, because the pundits had said so the day before, just as they'd
predicted the closest election since 1960.
After months of campaigning and millions of dollars in television commercials,
Bush and Gore spent the final weekend before the election fighting over a few
thousand votes in a handful of states. We've come a long way from the days when
an underdog like Harry Truman could spend Election Day praying for several
million votes to swing into his column. The newspapers in 1948 were wrong
because of bad polls; the television networks this year were wrong because of
too many polls. Neither candidate could sneak past the other -- it's now
impossible to pull ahead in a state, or even a county, when the other guy isn't
paying attention -- and so they ended up in a total stalemate. The presidential
campaign resembled an NBA game between two evenly matched teams, where the lead
can always be wiped out with a three-pointer.
Professional athletes have been drowning in statistics for a long time, but now
it seems that every aspect of life is dictated by data. In Hollywood, movie
endings are decided by focus groups, and the result is pretty much the same as
in politics: box-office winners that most people can tolerate but that few of
us really like. (Future correct answer on
the Miller Analogy Test: Al Gore is to John F. Kennedy as Meet the
Parents is to Bringing Up Baby. And George W. Bush is to Richard
Nixon as the 1998 remake is to the original Godzilla.) Marketing
research can make or break a neighborhood: everyone knows that a business
district has gone upscale when a Starbucks moves in. Whatever people think
about the coffee, they don't dispute the infallibility of the chain's polling
One effect of a data-driven society is that there's a greater stigma attached
to losing, which may help explain why it's taken so long to get a concession
from either side in this election. When a business suffers a setback (say, New
Coke), detractors can usually point to marketing research that should have
warned the company of impending disaster. When the prosecution lost the O.J.
Simpson case, many commentators blamed the state for not using jury consultants
to predict the outcome, as the defense team did so effectively.
In the past, presidential candidates such as Barry Goldwater and George
McGovern got a certain amount of respect for taking a chance with new ideas and
losing on principle. Walter Mondale, who promised a tax increase in
1984, was probably the last major-party nominee to be credited with political
courage, even by those who didn't agree with his views. In contrast, Michael
Dukakis was viewed as a schmuck who could have beaten Bush the Elder in 1988 if
he'd tailored his campaign more closely to poll results and focus groups.
You can certainly make the case that Dukakis was an ill-advised choice for the
Democrats that year, but they knew they were nominating someone who was against
capital punishment and a mandatory Pledge of Allegiance. The party
establishment's anger toward Dukakis for maintaining such unpopular views -- in
the face of polls showing that Bush was sprinting ahead in the race -- is part
of the reason that candidates in both parties are so cautious today.
Then again, it's difficult to be certain whether the two major parties are so
cautious because they're evenly matched, or evenly matched because they're both
so cautious. Either way, the country is split almost exactly down the middle,
and we've been frozen this way since 1994, when the Republicans narrowly won
control of Congress in what was apparently a backlash against President Bill
Clinton. The closeness of both the presidential election and the vote for
Congress this year may have the appearance of a fluke, but it's been a long
time coming. (Some commentators have floated the idea that voters intended this
outcome, as a way to keep both parties in check. Unless people are voting
twice, so as to cancel out their own ballots, I don't see any evidence for this
BOTH SIDES are defensive about the idea that neither is clearly winning. As a
progressive, I'm tempted to point out that the two left-of-center candidates
(Gore and Nader) in this election received more votes than the three
right-of-center candidates (Bush, Buchanan, and Libertarian Harry Browne). In
fact, the combined 51 percent for Gore and Nader was the highest percentage of
votes cast for left-of-center parties since 1964. But my suspicion is that if
the three percent of the vote cast for Nader had gone to Gore, the Bush
campaign would have detected as much in its polls and would have compensated
for it accordingly. Perhaps Bush would have given a major speech on protecting
the Florida Everglades. I also suspect that if Buchanan, rather than Nader, had
been getting three percent in the polls, the two major campaigns would have
built that into their calculations, and we might still have a deadlock in the
popular vote.
The spin doctors say otherwise. On Don Imus's radio show last weekend,
Republican commentator Mary Matalin objected to the characterization of the
United States as "split down the middle" politically. She pointed out that Bush
had apparently won 32 of the 50 states, neglecting to add that Gore won six of
the 10 largest states (or seven, if you give him Florida). Imus seemed to back
her up, referring to a USA Today map showing that Bush won counties
totaling 2.4 million square miles, whereas Gore won counties covering only
half a million square miles. The upper floors of apartment complexes are
obviously not included in these figures; if we're going to reform the election
system, the Republicans might want to suggest the principle of "one building,
one vote." I'd say that the GOP's contempt for large cities -- presumably
following the lead of Republican-leaning voters in focus groups -- only
underscores the idea that the country is indeed split. (The flip side of
Matalin's argument came on HBO's Chris Rock Show, where comic actress
Wanda Sykes pointed to all the Bush states in the middle of the country and
said, "Ain't nobody live there! Just rocks and coyotes!")
Because both parties are sensitive to the fact that they have no mandate for
anything, they tend to fight most ferociously over matters of procedure. There
was the squabbling over debate formats earlier this fall, which was nothing
compared to the tension over how to count ballots in Florida. Interestingly, I
haven't seen a prominent official from either party propose meaningful reforms
to make sure the Florida disaster doesn't happen again.
It's as if both parties are doing research to see whether they can take
advantage of this chaos in future elections. If the loser of this election is
magnanimous enough to concede, the winner should be decent enough to fix the
tangled mess of laws that got him elected. How about starting with a uniform
ballot for the entire country, just as we distribute the same federal tax forms
to everyone? Suddenly it seems more than a little odd that the Federal Election
Commission strictly regulates the financing of presidential and congressional
campaigns, but has no jurisdiction over the actual voting process.
The broadcast media haven't been much help in sorting things out, probably out
of fear that they'll alienate viewers on either side of the debate. Last
weekend, the cable news networks were careful to give equal weight to the Bush
campaign's claim that machine counts of punch-hole ballots are more accurate
than hand counts, despite the near-universal opinion among election experts
that the reverse is true. The way things are going, I expect to see a CNN
documentary on the space program in which equal time is given to experts who
say the moon landing was a hoax. (I almost feel sorry for former secretary of
state Jim Baker, who made the case against hand-counting last weekend. After a
lifetime of public service, during which he presumably worked to introduce
democratic values to less civilized nations, he can't be delighted that the
first paragraph of his obituary is going to describe him as a Bush family
retainer who asked the federal government to snatch ballots away from local
officials trying to get an accurate vote count in a presidential election.)
Eventually, a new president will be sworn in, but the partisan divide will be
deeper than ever, and the new guy in the White House -- let's call him
President Asterisk, after the mark that will appear next to his name in every
almanac for the next few centuries -- will have to make a choice in planning
his re-election campaign. If recent history is any guide, he'll focus on the
people who voted in the 2000 election. Using polling data, he'll try to use
buzz phrases and narrow legislative proposals to win over just enough voters
for an unblemished victory in 2004. The opposition will work to win over the
same narrow band of swing voters. The next election may not be as close, but it
will be just as dispiriting.
The other option is for President Asterisk to seek a clear mandate by shaking
up the political system. Given the polarized electorate of 2000, the best way
to do this is to appeal to new voters. The Democrats seem better able to
accomplish this, given that they run strongly among groups with lower voter
turnout (the poor, minorities, urban voters), and the New York Times
exit poll showed that Gore ran nine points ahead of Bush among people voting
for the first time this year. (See? Polls are so pervasive I can't resist
citing one to boost the argument that we should ignore them.) It's harder to
imagine the Republicans as the forward-looking party, especially after they
spent all their energies on a Bush Restoration, but it's not out of the
question. A McCain-type agenda that includes campaign-finance reform and a
fight against pork-barrel spending of all kinds (including military spending
and farm subsidies) might have great appeal among younger voters.
In the meantime, voters can do their part by working together to sabotage the
public-opinion process. It's flattering to be asked your opinion, but do you
really want everything decided this way? In one of the most infamous questions
in polling history, Americans were once asked whether they thought President
Ronald Reagan would be diagnosed with skin cancer. Do you want your doctor to
poll the waiting room to determine whether you should be concerned about a rash
on your rump? In my opinion, which I don't give to strangers on the phone, it's
okay to state your view on clearly defined issues (abortion, gun control,
etc.), but it's just silly to answer questions about how favorably you see a
public figure on any given day, or whether you get a warm feeling from a new
campaign slogan. All you're doing is limiting your options later on, when a
president might decide to do nothing about global warming or military
preparedness because the polls have shown that most people don't care about
those issues.
One encouraging effect of the close presidential election is that it's sent
people into the streets for enthusiastic but (so far) violence-free protest
marches. Perhaps more voters will realize that politics is about more than
measuring opinions. The numbers don't lie, but we can make sure they don't tell
the whole story.
Robert David Sullivan can be reached at robt555@aol.com.