What I saw at the revolution
The expected masses didn't turn out for the LA protests, and both the media and
the politicians ignored the activists' issues. Where does that leave this
grassroots movement?
by Ben Geman
LAST THURSDAY, HAVING covered the street protests outside the Democratic
National Convention in Los Angeles for four days straight, I ducked into the
air-conditioned lobby of the Biltmore Hotel to cool off (and use the bathroom).
For the better part of the week, I'd been running around in LA's summer heat
trying to keep up with the protesters -- who frequently held demonstrations in
several places at once. They had come to LA to say that the Democrats have
abandoned workers, immigrants, and the environment in their zeal to please
corporations. Joining us, but not entirely welcome, was the Los Angeles Police
Department (LAPD), which acquainted both the activists and the media covering
the protests with their batons and rubber bullets.
So when I stumbled into the downtown hotel, the lobby was a startling contrast.
A television was broadcasting a clip of vice-presidential candidate Joe
Lieberman's speech. The Tennessee delegation was holding a luncheon in a
banquet room. Delegates and other well-coifed conventiongoers milled about.
Venders hawked official Gore buttons and other paraphernalia.
If I hadn't just come in from the noisy protest, I might not even have known it
was taking place. No one seemed
to be aware that there was a revolution brewing in the streets.
THE WEEK'S demonstrations -- which included a well-organized march against
presidential candidate Al Gore's investment in the Occidental Petroleum
Corporation, whose Colombian operations threaten the indigenous U'wa people --
had little effect on the convention's politics, even if the thousands of
marching activists and the LAPD army made sure the convention was not quite
business as usual.
For example, although Gore mentioned a pet issue of the LA activists --
sweatshop labor -- he did so to appease the AFL-CIO, not the bunch of young
activists who've been beating that drum since Seattle's World Trade
Organization protests last year. And there's little doubt that Gore also
mentioned sweatshop labor because the issue resonates with the American public,
thanks in large part to Kathie Lee Gifford.
Beyond that, the protesters' issues didn't really make it into the public eye.
Much of the media coverage consisted of taking easy potshots at the
demonstrators -- Slate's David Plotz called them "sundry progressive
rabble-rousers" -- and making fun of their myriad causes. For example, Miami
Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. wrote, "It's just your basic
free - Mumia Abu Jamal - vote - for - Ralph Nader - end - police - brutality - stop - the - scourge - of - globalism - save - the -
rainforest - forgive - Third World - debt - no - more - death - penalty - support - organized - labor - close - the - sweatshops - freedom - for -
Tibet - end- racism - anarchy - in - the - streets - save - the - sea - turtles - peace - love - and - justice
Other reports focused on the bullying tactics of the LAPD, which the protesters
organized against. On Wednesday, they marched to the department's Rampart
division, which is under investigation for widespread corruption and abuse
against citizens, to draw attention to police abuse of protesters. A bigger
march targeting criminal-justice issues took activists to police headquarters
later that day. But these protests were not what got the media to cover the
cops' actions. The media covered the police brutality during the convention
because it was impossible to ignore the sight of officers, outfitted in riot
gear, firing rubber bullets on protesters -- which is what they did Monday
night after a Rage Against the Machine concert staged outside the Staples
Center, where the convention was being held.
Some observers speculate that the media get caught up in the drama of covering
clashes between activists and the police, and that this distracts them from
what the protesters are actually saying. "It seems like the journalists
dispatched to cover the street protests are going to cover the action and don't
seem to be asking the questions about why people are assembled in the first
place," says Linda Iannacone of New York City's progressive Paper Tiger
Television series.
This could explain why most reports of this past spring's actions against the
International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, in Washington, DC, also focused
on clashes that pitted demonstrators against police or delegates. But it
doesn't explain why the media failed to cover the messages being put out by
activists at the Republican convention in Philadelphia two weeks ago -- where
there were no dramatic face-offs between police and protesters.
Part of the real reason the media haven't focused on the issues is that the
protesters have no one message. They have about 20 -- everything, as the
Miami Herald's Pitts notes, from releasing Mumia Abu-Jamal from prison
to ending the excesses of global capitalism. This diversity does make such
protests hard to cover. On the other hand, after attending about 10 protests
over the course of the week, it was obvious to me what the activists' major
message was: the Democrats have become too beholden to corporate interests and
hostile to progressive issues.
"There has been some frustration and talk about how to hone the message
better," says Matt Borus of the Boston Global Action Network, who attended the
protests. Still, he adds, "a lot of media seem to forget that they are supposed
to be investigating, and seem to want issues handed to them on a silver
Acknowledges 26-year-old activist Josh Kamensky, of LA's Direct Action Network:
"It's a challenge for us to get our message out there." Yet, he says, "It's
also unfair to criticize us for wanting more than one
thing. . . . They [the Democrats] have a long agenda, and so do
But if we don't hear about the activists' agenda in a meaningful way, does that
mean the protests were a failure?
NOT FROM the vantage point of 1919 West 7th Street in LA. The four-story
sand-colored building in LA's Pico Union neighborhood served as the
"convergence space" for the activists who came to town for the convention
protests. Here they could gather to meet each other, plan protests, receive
first aid, or just chill out. There was even a meditation room.
Talking to people at the convergence space made it clear that the protests
meant a lot to them. Take Erin Zion, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident who
recently graduated from college and was inspired to come to LA after hearing
stories about the DC demonstrations from a friend.
To her, the new protest movement that surfaced in Seattle is about waking up to
reality. There's an expectation, Zion believes, that people like her will want
to live happily ever after in the new economy after graduation. "Wait.
We are not that dumb," she said as she ate lunch on the space's second floor,
where other activists were resting between events. "We don't want anything to
do with a system in this country right now. We see what it does to other
For her, Zion said, the demonstrations have been "a total turning point." And
24-year-old Liz, an LA resident who wouldn't tell me her last name, made a
similar observation as we walked back from the "protest pen" outside the
Staples Center following a rally against Gore's investment in Occidental
"How I am politically is radically changing," she said. "I'm still young, so
I'm trying to figure it out, and I don't know how that change will manifest
itself. But I'm drawn to this. It's very empowering."
Liz was raised in a Democratic family, but the new activism is making her
consider some difficult choices. On the one hand, the abortion issue pushes her
toward Gore. "I still don't know what I'm going to do when I enter the voting
booth," she told me. "As a woman, I don't want to be told, `Here's a coat
hanger. Have a good time.' " On the other hand, events like the Occidental
protests have alerted her to lots of reasons for concern about Democratic
positions on global issues.
THE PROTESTS in Los Angeles and Philadelphia were viewed as the latest events
in the evolving anti-corporate grassroots movement that made its debut in
Seattle last year. But the convention protests were fundamentally different
from the demonstrations against the World Trade Organization.
For one thing, Big Labor was on board in Seattle, supplying about 40,000 of the
50,000 protesters. That wasn't the case at the conventions -- particularly in
LA. Though the Clinton-Gore administration broke with labor on free trade,
union leadership still saw a big enough difference between Democrats and
Republicans to avoid participating in the protests. "Trade is [just] one
issue as far as we are concerned," AFL-CIO head John Sweeney told me after a
union rally in Santa Monica.
When I asked James Johnson of Service Employees International Union Local 535
about the role of labor in the grassroots protests, he echoed Sweeney's
comments. "The reality is that Gore is opposed to the privatization of Social
Security and supports increasing the minimum wage," he said. "We feel that Gore
is better than Bush on labor issues any day."
Re-forming the "Seattle Coalition" -- as the union of labor, environmentalists,
and other activist groups has been called -- is one challenge facing activists
in the wake of the convention. Another challenge? Catching their breath. "The
mobilization fatigue is real," said Han Shan, program coordinator for the
Ruckus Society, when I interviewed him at the Los Angeles Independent Media
Center, where protest organizers carved out a space to publicize their efforts.
"There are folks who have been working for a year in crisis mode. There's
burnout. We don't have the resources that our opponents do." This new movement
has been busy since it started getting ready for Seattle. Organizers of
Seattle's WTO protests had more than a year in which to plan. The protests
against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in Washington, DC, came
together in less than half that time. The window of organizing for the
convention protests was shorter still.
But Shan thinks that even if the protesters weren't fatigued, the movement
would need to take some time to self-assess. "Everyone has known for months
that it will be necessary to step back," he told me. "We will be slowing down
this fall and thinking about long-term strategy so we are not just showing up
every time big capital shows up."
In the meantime, expect to see smaller-scale mobilization. For example,
activists will probably protest Ralph Nader's near-certain exclusion from the
presidential debates when George W. Bush and Al Gore square off in Boston on
October 3. The next big anti-globalization protest will take place overseas, in
Prague, in September. But it's hard to say how many Americans will make the
expensive trip. With activists experiencing mobilization fatigue, moving into
Nader-campaign mode, and taking time out to gain perspective, it will probably
be some time before the United States sees another large-scale mobilization on
the order of Seattle, or even Los Angeles.
LEO RIBUFFO, a George Washington University historian who specializes in
20th-century American history, says he's not convinced that a broad new social
movement is afoot in any case.
"The analogies to the '60s are all wrong -- I think it is much closer to the
low-level activism of the late 1950s against ROTC, capital punishment, and HUAC
[the House Un-American Activities Committee]," he says. "I think the only thing
1960s about it is a kind of flamboyance. I don't think that we are on the verge
of a new wave of social activism on the scale of the 1930s or 1960s. We are not
fighting an unpopular war with a half-million troops abroad."
True, it's not the movement against the war in Vietnam. But it's something new
for disparate interests to come together and challenge the status quo at a time
when prosperity is considered to be widespread for all. This type of activism
didn't exist even a year ago. And LA's broader failures notwithstanding, the
new activism showed signs of vitality at the Democratic convention. There was
plenty of innovation and action at the Los Angeles Independent Media Center,
which broadcast radio and television programming on the activism in LA and
published reports about the protests on its Web site (www.la.indymedia.org).
And the other Independent Media Centers popping up all over the world -- there
are now about 20 of them -- aren't closing down when the events they're set up
to cover are over. You can still visit the centers set up for Seattle and
Washington, DC (at http://seattle.indymedia.org and http://dc2.indymedia.org,
respectively). Also, many activists told me that they thought events such as
the LA demonstrations might spur people on to organize in their hometowns.
For the last big action of the week in LA, protesters marched to the
Twin Towers Correctional Facility, where some of the protesters arrested
throughout the week were being held. Amid the cheers -- loudest when the
protesters walked through underpasses -- activists at the front tried to keep
the tired group together. "Nice and slow," said one leader. "Baby steps."
Media coverage of the protests was indifferent at best, and the impact of the
protests on the convention was minimal. But now that the protests have been
over for a few days, I think that people's expressing themselves on the streets
with baby steps is a lot better than their taking no steps at all.
Ben Geman can be reached at bgeman[a]phx.com.