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Aday in the life of Mastermindz

"On February 7 when we filmed this DVD, God had his hands on us," says Mastamindz’s Matt Moreau. "It was a magical day; it couldn’t have been scripted any better." That day, filmmaker Daryl Silva from Silva Screen Productions came east from Los Angeles to capture the band on celluloid for all of time. He followed them for an entire day and rolled up 15 hours of footage — in concert, at the State House, horsin’ around at an after-hours party, rehearsing. The resulting edit, down to just a few entertaining minutes, captures the rock/rap/funk/jazz/soul/R&B/metal band’s essence like nothing else ever has.

"We really believe in our first CD," says Moreau who, along with drummer Russ Miller, has done a tour of duty in Iraq, "but the live show is where it’s at. Seeing us is like being addicted to crack. You have to have it." The Mastamindz video will be included in an 11-band compilation titled Silva Slam, featuring bands from around the country (including local favorites Mutha Ugly). The quartet, which also includes bassist Don Seagrave and guitarist Gus Malardo, plans to send it out as a promotional tool and use it to pacify their growing legion of fans who are jonesing for another album. Better still, they’ll be selling them for the rock bottom price of $5. "What fan out there won’t want it for that price?" asks Moreau, rhetorically.

Silva Screen is also creating a "Making of . . ." DVD as a companion piece, a full-length job that goes deeper into the mysterious but enthralling cult of Mastamindz. "The whole plan is to send the music video to labels in hopes of getting a deal," says Moreau, "and to send the ‘Making of’ video to VH1 and MTV for reality show purposes."

All of this caps off an amazing start to 2004 for Mastamindz, a year that has seen aspirations for the band soar through the roof. There’s a new album on the horizon, possible soundtrack work, and a trip to Los Angeles in the fall to play a show to celebrate the DVD release with the other 10 bands. "It’s been so amazing this year, I can’t even tell you," says Moreau. "We’re just going to keep things rolling like this for as long as we can."

The Mastamindz DVD release party is on Friday, April 23 at 9 p.m. at Jarrod’s in Attleboro, Massachusetts. Guests include III Kings, Blackstone Valley Crew, and Recore. Call (508) 222-8878.

CINEMA PARADISO? After 80 years in operation, the Castle Cinema, one of the last independently-owned and -operated movie houses left in Rhode Island, is in jeopardy of closing its doors forever. Final performances and the closing of the theater will tentatively take place on Saturday (the 24th). Despite the fact that the venue has done pretty well since establishing itself as a second-run and art film movie house — attendance last year was over 40,000 — expenses and overhead outpaced revenue. "The megaplexes have made it virtually impossible for community-based theaters to compete," says co-owner Larry Gemma.

Gemma is now reaching out to the theater arts community and the mayor’s office in a final attempt to save the place from the wrecking ball. He is also appealing to the Castle’s community of patrons to support the theater with their attendance. Re-defining the space as a non-profit organization is also under consideration. At the very least, your attendance this weekend will help.

For more information or to contact management with your ideas, visit www.castlecinema.com.

FOLK EXPLOSION. Rosalie Sorrels sticks pretty close to her Idaho home these days. The 70-year-old folk music icon doesn’t travel as much as she used to. But she did agree to come eastward for a CD release party up in Cambridge this Friday, and contacted her old friend Richard Walton to see about a gig at Stone Soup.

"She called me a few weeks ago and asked if Stone Soup ever did any Sunday concerts," says Walton. "I said very rarely but that I would check with the board to see if it was interested. As I expected, they were very interested indeed." As a result, Sorrels will be making what is almost certainly her final appearance in Rhode Island on Sunday (the 25th).

"I don’t have to tell you what an extraordinary artist she is," Walton continues. "With a style like her idol Billie Holiday, Rosalie gives an absolutely unique performance. I just have to hear a few words in that beautiful weathered voice to have tears come to my eyes."

Needless to say, Stone Soup wants to make sure that everyone knows that this weekend is extraordinary, with a Sunday afternoon show to complement its normal Saturday night fare (this week: Cindy Kallet, Ellen Epstein, and Michael Cicone). "[Sorrels’s] will be a concert that we’ll long remember," says Walton. "This may be our last chance to hear such an incredible talent."

Rosalie Sorrels will perform at 3 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club of Pawtucket Arts Center (210 Main Street). Call (401) 457-7147.

WANDERING EYE. There will be a Memorial Mass on Sunday at 11 a.m. for Dan "DJ" Stone at St. Kevin’s Church on Sandy Lane in Warwick. All are invited to attend.

The Amazing Mudshark brings its R&B to Judge Roy Bean’s Saloon on Friday. The bar is located at One State Street in Bristol. Azmodius, a newish melodic hard rock band out of Warren, hits the 305 Club in East Providence on Friday with Metal Rising. More information on the band can be found at www.azmodius.com.

Lunar Girl will be at the Blackstone in Cumberland on Saturday. Check out new music on their Website (www.lunargirl.org). On Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., there’s a ’Zine Fest going down at AS220. The free event serves as a convention for creators and fans of independently-produced publications. There will be workshops on topics regarding such publications, as well as readings by ’zine writers. Similar events have taken place in Portland, Boston, Philadelphia, and scores of other locations across the country, and have proved to be worthwhile. Check out the schedule at www.as220.org, or at www.freewebs.com/providencezinefest.

Jazz fans will enjoy a duet featuring Willie Myette and Tish Adams performing a concert of standards and originals this Saturday at 7:30 at the Music Mansion (88 Meeting Street, Providence). Tish and Willie’s unique blend of jazz, blues, ballads, and funk will no doubt keep the night exciting. Tickets are $10 per person and are available for purchase online at www. williemyette.com or by calling (401) 274-5768 (tickets will not be available at the door).

Routine 8 and Slugworth hit the Safari Lounge on Eddy Street in the capital city on Saturday. And last but not least, Murphy’s Law and Meat Depressed bring down the house at Jarrod’s Place on Saturday. It’s all ages, of course, and $10 to get in. Doors open at 8 p.m.

E-mail me with your music news at big.daddy1@cox.net.

Issue Date: April 23 - 29, 2004
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