Bitch and Animal’s third full-length finds the duo engaging equally in slapstick comedy and controversy-raising moments as they poke fun at traditional values and deal with the stark realities of drug addiction. Through it all, their renegade charm remains intact as they take swipes at Eminem and continue to offer something of a queer-girl answer to the Beastie Boys. "Hey, Eminem, why don’t you lead the fuckin’ pride parade and show the queers you’re not afraid to take it in the rear from Holly Near or Britney Spears," Animal raps on "Secret Candy." The plethora of instruments includes violin, viola, fiddle, hand drums, ukulele, and djembe, and they show off their sense of humor on "Croquet," "Betty Ford," and "Feminist Housewives," but it’s during the grooving opening track, "Pac Man," and the powerful a cappella interlude "Don’t Do Crystal" that their talents as songwriters shine. Produced by June Millington at her Institute for the Musical Arts studios in Goshen last winter, Sour Juice and Rhyme is a raw, political treatise with all the depth of a disc by Righteous Babe label head Ani DiFranco but with more punch lines.