Perhaps making a bid for mainstream stardom, Julianne Moore follows up the romantic comedy Laws of Attraction with this supernatural thriller directed by Joseph Ruben. Her Telly is a mother unable to move on after the death of her eight-year-old son in a plane crash. Only problem is, no one else, including her husband and her therapist (Gary Sinise), remembers the crash; they all tell her she’s made up eight years of life for a son she lost at birth. She spends a lot of time being chased by various threatening entities as she searches for explanations. But none of what’s happening makes a whole lot of sense, and the conclusion doesn’t help. Dominic West as another grieving/imagining parent brings to his performance a wry sense of humor, but Moore seems lost in what amounts to a straightforward sleuthing role. Her earnestness and desperation needed to ground the film; instead, the ridiculousness of the screenplay carries her away. At the Entertainment, Flagship, Opera House, Providence Place 16, and Showcase cinemas. (91 minutes)