The animated opening credits of Thunderbirds acknowledge not only the film’s origins as a ’60s British TV show but also its awareness that it’s one of the summer’s cheesier entries. Brady Corbet’s Alan is the youngest son of do-gooder/billionaire Jeff Tracy (played with square-jawed earnestness by Bill Paxton), and he wants to be a Thunderbird like his brothers, saving innocent people and averting disasters, but he’s told he’s not old enough. Then evil genius Ben Kingsley sabotages a Thunderbird mission, leaving dad and the boys stranded in space, where only Alan, with the help of his friends Tin-Tin and Fermat, can save them. From there, the film is standard issue, as the script devolves into a family-friendly message. Still, director Jonathan Frakes honed his camp skills on Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Thunderbirds is more fun than it has a right to be. (95 minutes)