Maybe you’ve already heard that the distributors had a hard time finding a target audience for this one. Writers Brian Dannelly and Michael Urban seem unable to decide whether they feel affection or contempt for Christian youth culture. Jena Malone’s Mary is a student at a very Baptist high school whose boyfriend fears he might be gay. Prodded by a vision to "save" him, she ends up pregnant. She tells no one, not her ditsy but cool mom (Mary Louise Parker), who’s dating her hipster guidance counselor (Martin Donovan), or his son, Patrick (Almost Famous’s Patrick Fugit), who likes Mary but is being pursued by holier-than-y’all cheerleader Hilary Faye (Mandy Moore), or Hilary Faye’s wheelchair-bound but naughty brother, Roland (Macaulay Culkin, who shines in this role). Roland’s girlfriend, Cassandra (a wonderful Eva Amurri), is the resident juvenile delinquent who befriends Mary when the rest turn their backs. In his role as director, Dannelly somehow delivers biting social commentary amid sappy preaching. But even the fine cast and the many jokes at the expense of mindless Jesus freaks couldn’t stop me from praying for it to end. (92 minutes)