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Walk on by

Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,

Here’s my problem. I have been talking to this guy for a long time just as friends. I met him through my brother and we went to school together, so I’ve known him for many years. We flirt a little here and there, but nothing serious. Yesterday, we made plans to go to the movies around 7 p.m., and I told him I would call him back with the exact time — he said "OK" and was very enthused. He even talked about stopping by my house with a couple of friends. It was 2:30, and when I called him back around 3:30, his roommate said he was not home. I called back two other times, but still no Mark. I decided to give up and went to bed pissed. He didn’t even call that night to tell me what happened.

The next day I called him, and asked him what happened. He paused for a minute and told me that he and his friends went to another friend’s house. I was pissed. I said, "Did you forget about the movies?" He said, "No," and then put me on hold for about 30 seconds. Then I heard phone tone (what it sounds like when someone hangs up on you). I could not believe it! That was at 2:30 — it’s now 5 — and he still hasn’t called me back. I don’t know if I should dump this jerk or give him another chance? What gives here?

— Elaine

Dear Elaine,

This is a no-brainer. Lose him — he’s not interested. "Coming by your house with a couple of friends?" That’s indicative of how he doesn’t want to be alone with you. Are you sure that he’s straight? He doesn’t sound interested in romance with you at all. It’s always a bit difficult to "make the move" because of the fear of rejection, but he’s not interested and has been not forthcoming enough to be upfront with you. Forget him.

Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,

I’ve been going with a woman for about six months and things are going well. We are an exclusive couple — this I know — but there’s one habit of hers that I find a bit disconcerting. She tends to wear short skirts with no panties. I have seen her private parts a number of times because of this, and I suspect that so have many others. Am I too old fashioned? To me, this is a bit too racy and bordering on pornographic. Is there a way that I can present my point of view without offending her? She’s really great, but for me this is too much.

— R.N.

Dear R.N.,

Your girlfriend may think she’s being racy, but she’s just being crude. When a man can see that a woman is not wearing panties under a short skirt, he interprets it as a signal that she is sexually available and advertising it. Go to an upscale department store or a specialty store that only sells fine women’s undergarments. Find out her size and give them to her in a pretty box. Tell her that wearing the lovely things you’ve bought for her would really turn you on.

Send questions and romantic quandaries to RUDYCHEEKS@prodigy.net

Issue Date: September 17 - 23, 2004
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