October 2007

Monthly forecast
October 2, 2007 2:28:05 PM

It's October again, and the theme is harvest, harvest, harvest thanks to Venus and Saturn in Virgo. Whatever you've been growing, it's time to see what you've made. And that Saturn in Virgo makes a very awkward angle to Jupiter in Sagittarius (the sign of its rulership). This means that the two gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn will be jostling for attention. Sort of like  two fat men bellying up to the steamship roastbeef on the cruiseship, ya know? And with Mercury going retrograde October 12 through October 31,  confusion in communication is likely for April Taurus, July Leo, and January Aquarius folks. Days NOT to get a beauty treatment but days TO do something physically grueling inclde October 27-30.  Yours in the cause of a more orderly universe, Ad Astra, Symboline Dai

PS. Upcoming Symboline appearances.

You know your sun-sign, but how can you put your personal astrology to work for your love life? Is there a sign you can't resist? Or one that gets under your skin...and you can't tell if it's for better or for worse? Join syndicated astrology columnist Sally Cragin (locally she writes "Moon Signs" for the Boston Phoenix as Symboline Dai) for an entertaining and educational seminar on what exactly the Moon and the planets have to do with romance and relationships. After registration please email with your birth-date, including the time of day and birth-place -and we'll discuss how (and when) you can move forward with your love life. And, oh yes, personal consultations are always on the menu. Visit for more.

Listen to Symboline every Monday at 10 a.m. On WCRN, 830 AM, on Tuesday at 6:05 p.m. on WEIM-1280 AM and on Fridays at 8:45 a.m. on WTAG-560 AM

ARIES (March 21 or 22 to April 19 or 20).
Difficult days come on October 2, 3, 17, 18
Smoother sailing comes on October 5, 6, 14, 15, 24, 25
The moon is in your sun sign on October 23, evening, through October 25, evening.
The big picture in a nutshell . . .Aries loves a challenge. Good thing, too because Mars is putting your sun sign in a headlock and the “easy win” will be much more difficult to obtain. Those born in March should expect resistance from unexpected quarters October 1 through 20. Those born April 1 to 7 should be cautious around those who aren't totally onboard from October 15 through the end of the month (November will be for the rest of you – and then a retrograde – more later). This month, that Mercury retrograde will really kick in the week before Hallowe'en, which basically means the full moon fools you. Stick to earth and water sign folks if you want to stay grounded.

TAURUS (April 20 or 21 to May 20 or 21).
Difficult days come on  October 4 to 6, 19 to 21
Smoother sailing comes on October 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 25, 26
The moon is in your sun sign on October 25, evening through 27 evening.
The big picture in a nutshell . . . Taurus has lots and lots of helpful planets whizzing around the solar system ready and eager to assist the bull. But the month could start awkwardly thanks to Venus in Leo making you seem pushier or more intransigent than you are. Once Columbus Day comes up, however, Venus moves into Virgo, doubling up with Saturn and if you've been looking for the right moment to take your physical condition seriously and make changes in your health plan, this is the month. If you're working with Aries, Libra or Capricorn, do not expect them to “get it” on the first try. Remember – your most persuasive side comes with charm as well as blunt brute force.

GEMINI (May 21 or 22 to June 21 or 22).
Difficult days come on October 7, 8, 21, evening through 23.
Smoother sailing comes on October 9, 10, 19, 20, 28, 29
The moon is in your sun sign on October 1, 28, 29
The big picture in a nutshell . . . The good news is that all the excitement and feeling pulled-in-two-directions you may have felt in September eases up. Unfortunately, both Venus and Saturn are arrayed against you this month so friendships and relationships that usually are pretty easy could hit some rocky terrain. Not your fault and for heck's sake don't make promises you can't keep. Water sign folks could be unusually outspoken (i.e., they may want to talk half as much as you), and trouble could come from Capricorn people who find your need for freedom exasperating. Don't listen if they're fussy. This could be a good month for travelling if you're helping others or doing some other charity work. Those born June 7 to 15 need to be cautious and tread lightly around those you don't respect.

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