In this, the third installment of the "Friday" series, goofball stoners Craig
(Ice Cube) and Day-Day (Mike Epps) "take their black asses back to the ghetto."
Ice Cube, who created the series, seemed to heading for new heights of
scatological humor with the sequel, Next Friday. Unfortunately, the
current return to the 'hood gets as stale as the reefer-filled air in the boys'
This Friday falls on the day before Christmas, when a ghetto Santa
kicks Craig's ass with a Christmas tree and steals the rent money. The boys
spend the entirety of the film trying to scrape together the cash (from being
security guards to pimping a house party), but that's secondary to the
hyperbolic freaks that occupy the screen. There are the hump-happy senior
citizens; there's the requisite buxom babe (a soft and sensual K.D. Aubert);
there's a pint-sized Prince (Katt Williams) who takes on a ripped, bitch-loving
ex-con (Terry Crews) by applying a pair of pliers to the behemoth's testicles.
No matter how deep the shit gets, Ice Cube always looks majestic seething away,
even here. (75 minutes) At the Flagship, Holiday, Providence Place Mall 16,
and Showcase cinemas.
Issue Date: November 29 - December 5, 2002