Animated with the same astounding computer-generated graphics that were the
signature of Toy Story and Shrek, this
schoolboy-turned-star-warrior adventure is designed to delight the kiddie
crowd. The melon-headed wunderkind of the title (a haunting incarnation of the
Big Boy icon voiced by Debi Derryberry) is an inventor extraordinaire; each
morning his teeth are cleaned by the "gingivitis 2000" and his shoes are tied
by a "shoebot," whereupon he flies off to school via rocket pack. He heads up a
trio of nerds who, after their parents deny them permission, sneak out to the
grand opening of Retroworld, the hip new amusement park. They wish their
parents would cease to exist, and when they return home, it seems that wish has
been granted: aliens have abducted the oldsters. It turns out Jimmy's toaster
satellite has attracted nefarious buckets of flying phlegm who are interested
in humans as snack morsels. So Jimmy and crew set off to the rescue, turning
the various amusement rides into rocket ships.
What's not to like? Rompish and with sprightly direction by John Davis (under
the Nickelodeon umbrella), Jimmy Neutron fits its niche as tightly as
Jimmy's cerebellum fills his bulbous gourd. At the Apple Valley,
Entertainment, Flagship, Holiday, Hoyts Providence 16, and Showcase
Issue Date: December 21 - 27, 2001