Send me your problems in care of Dr. Lovemonkey at the Providence Phoenix,
150 Chestnut Street, Providence, RI 02903, or by e-mail to
Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,
I have a big problem. Sir, I love a woman. His age is 50, and my age is 21.
I love her very much. I tell her that I love her. But she doesn't respond to
me. I think she wants to marry a rich person, but I am not a rich person. I
cannot live without her. Please tell me what to do.
Dear Badar,
You're throwing me off a bit with that first personal pronoun. I'm going to
assume that by "his" you mean her (since you refer to "her" throughout the rest
of the letter), although it would seem more typical for you to be the
50-year-old and her to be the 21-year-old. Regardless, if this woman is
determined to marry for money, then you should start learning how to live
without her. You are in a situation where your basic interest is love, but her
focus is wealth, and she seems willing to make what Dr. Lovemonkey sees as a
rather soulless accommodation.
If you're on the same ethical wavelength and believe that intimacy and a
life's partnership should be bargained for economic advantage, then the
solution is for you to become wealthy enough to afford such a wife. If not,
think about why you'd be so taken by a woman whose values seem so at odds with
Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,
I am 14 and have been going out with an 18-year-old guy since the beginning
of summer. We met the first really warm weekend this year at the beach, and I
told him then that I was 15. Since then, he's found out how old I am, but this
is cool with him. My parents found out, though, that he's 18, and now I can't
see him or talk to him on the phone. All we have is e-mail and I'm so afraid
I'll lose him. My parents don't even know him and they are being very unfair.
Please don't say I'm too young, because lots of people my age feel this way,
and anyway, I really love him. I just don't know what to do.
Dear Mature For My Age,
If he really feels strongly about you, use e-mail to discuss the idea of him
calling your parents and offering to meet them. He can then tell them that he
really cares for you and would like for the two of you to be able to spend time
together. He should assure them that the two of you won't be sexually active,
because -- besides the fact of a little legal matter known as "statutory rape"
-- the gulf in emotional maturity is too great at your respective ages.
If you're both willing to do this (and mean it), there is a possibility that
your parents may give you some slack. Of course, if he's unwilling to approach
your parents, suggest meeting them, and profess his strong feelings for you, it
may be he doesn't feel as strongly about you as you do about him. It's worth a
try, however.
Dear Dr. Lovemonkey,
I'm a 35-year-old man, and I'm wondering if it's possible to find love
without making the commitment to marry and have children. I have no interest in
marriage or having children, but I have yet to meet a woman who feels the same
way. How would one go about finding such a woman?
Dear Searching,
Look for bitter and disappointed women -- those who have been burned and do
not want to be burned again. Or consider women who, for legal, economic, or
other logistical reasons, are not interested in marriage. The fact is, most
women in your age range are looking for love and usually see marriage and
family as part of the equation. To Dr. Lovemonkey, commitment is an element of
love and the most accepted cultural expression of that commitment is through
marriage. There are people out there who see things as you do, but they are a
distinct minority. Try to penetrate social groups where free spirits flourish
(such as arts organizations) and your chances of finding like-minded women may
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