A second resolution on war in Iraq. A Bush post-invasion plan. Millions of
antiwar protesters take to the streets. Saddam Hussein gets feisty with weapons
inspectors. It's no surprise that stories without an Iraq angle get little or
no attention these days. The all-Iraq-all-the-time media myopia is even
understandable, given how momentous an event it would be for President George
W. Bush to send American troops off to battle.
Yet as we've learned often enough -- especially with the Bush administration --
what's going on out of sight is often just as important as what's taking center
stage on TV or the front page. While we stockpile supplies and wrap our windows
in duct tape, the Bushies are quietly advancing a frightening domestic agenda
that amounts to a far-right ideological assault on our civil liberties and
social protections -- and threatens to turn the clock back decades. Here are
five Bush-administration domestic policies of enormous consequence that
have been overlooked in this time of impending war and national-security
The assault on medical marijuana
This is a misguided, mean-spirited effort. But the Bush administration
-- led by Attorney General John Ashcroft -- seems hell-bent on preventing
states from permitting marijuana use for medical purposes. Ashcroft's assault
began in earnest in 2001, when he ordered a raid on a health-care facility in
California that distributed medical pot -- something a state ballot initiative
legalized there in 1996. He's continued to frustrate the will of California
voters by pushing to revoke the licenses of doctors who recommend marijuana to
patients. That strategy faltered when a federal court struck down Ashcroft's
legal motion to do so on constitutional grounds last fall.
Now, the attorney general has taken a different tack: arresting and prosecuting
cannabis growers who work under the California medical-pot law known as
Proposition 215. To date, Ashcroft's Justice Department has gone after 40 such
growers. Its latest victim? Ed Rosenthal. Author of cannabis self-help books
and a High Times advice column called "Ask Ed," Rosenthal is something
of a celebrity among potheads. But he's also a legitimate Prop. 215 cultivator,
a deputized "officer" who grows pot to be distributed for medicinal purposes
under the auspices of the City of Oakland, where a local ordinance set up
city-sanctioned growing facilities to implement the state law.
Despite Rosenthal's official title, federal prosecutors arrested him on charges
of marijuana cultivation and conspiracy last year; in January, they took him to
court in San Francisco -- though not many fair-minded folk would call what
happened inside the courtroom a "trial." US District Court judge Charles Breyer
refused to allow Rosenthal to raise Prop. 215 as a defense, since it's not
valid under federal law. So while he admitted growing marijuana for
distribution, Rosenthal couldn't offer up any witnesses to explain why. Given
the constraints, the jury found Rosenthal guilty on January 31. Under mandatory
sentencing, he faces a minimum of five years in prison.
It's an extraordinary punishment for a man whom sick people regard as a savior
and whom California law defines as a caregiver. But then, within days, jurors
in his trial did something extraordinary, too. On February 4, eight of the 14
jurors offered a public apology to the man whom they'd just convicted. They
were outraged to discover later that Rosenthal was growing medical cannabis for
Oakland. If they had known he was acting as a city agent, they said, they would
have acquitted him. The jurors, in other words, have a lot more compassion and
sense on the matter than the Bush people do.
Americans are widely and increasingly tolerant of marijuana. Most don't think
casual pot use should be punished by more than a fine; 40 percent would even
legalize the use of marijuana in small amounts, according to a recent Time/CNN
poll. There's almost no dispute, however, about whether patients with AIDS,
cancer, and other debilitating illnesses should be allowed whatever relief
marijuana can give them. Eight out of 10 Americans believe pot should be legal
with a doctor's prescription, the poll showed. Such popular support has led
nine states, including California, to pass ballot initiatives making marijuana
available to seriously sick people.
The Bush administration's war on medical marijuana flies in the face of the
president's and Ashcroft's oft-repeated rhetoric about the importance of
states' rights -- apparently, a doctrine worthy of support only when it doesn't
contradict their moralistic, father-knows-best social agenda. As Kevin
Zeese, who heads the Washington, DC-based group Common Sense for Drug Policy,
puts it, "The administration is using the issue to energize its right-wing
base." It's no accident that, of the states that permit medical marijuana,
Ashcroft has made an example only of California. Others, such as Hawaii,
Colorado, and Maine, represent Republican swing states, whose support the
president needs to win re-election in 2004. Zeese explains, "The strategy is to
write off California to mobilize [the GOP's] conservative, far-right base
across the country."
This time, though, Ashcroft and his minions may have gone too far. The
Rosenthal case has attracted more negative attention than they likely
anticipated. If anything, the trial made Rosenthal into a martyr. His
conviction has served as a rallying cry for supporters of medical marijuana
everywhere. Offers Graham Boyd, who heads the American Civil Liberties Union
Drug Policy Litigation Project, "For supporters, the issue is no longer a nice
idea. It's become one where the federal government is viewed as being out of
control and vindictive, and we have to do something to stop it."
The war on women
By now, the Bush administration's disdain for women's reproductive
rights is no secret. Almost as soon as he assumed office, in January 2001,
George W. made his anti-abortion position plain, stripping funds from clinics
for merely lobbying in favor of reproductive rights. He's catered shamelessly
to religious conservatives ever since by attempting to appoint a string of
judicial nominees who are openly hostile to the US Supreme Court's landmark
Roe v. Wade decision. But more on that later.
First, consider the quieter, yet no-less-
insidious battle Bush has waged
over control of one of the most important panels on women's health policy: the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory committee on reproductive-health
drugs. This government board plays a crucial role in evaluating the safety and
effectiveness of drugs used in obstetrics, gynecology, and related fields. It
advises the FDA on medications and treatments, including contraception, hormone
therapy, and medical abortions. Simply put, it wields tremendous power in
determining the future of reproductive rights.
So imagine the dismay among women's advocates when the president unveiled his
list of 11 appointees to the FDA advisory panel on, of all days, Christmas Eve
2002, thus ensuring that it would receive little public attention. High on the
list appeared a thinly credentialed doctor by the name of W. David Hager, whose
writings include a book titled As Jesus Cared for Women: Restoring Women
Then and Now (Fleming H. Revell, 1998). An obstetrician-gynecologist, Hager
is a self-described pro-lifer who aims to incorporate Christianity into
medicine. In his book Stress and the Woman's Body (Fleming H. Revell,
1996), which he co-authored with his wife, Linda, he puts an "emphasis on the
restorative power of Jesus Christ in one's life," and recommends Scripture
readings for such ailments as eating disorders, postpartum depression, and
premenstrual syndrome. He refuses to prescribe contraception to unmarried
women; instead, he lectures them about the virtues of abstinence. Last August,
Hager drafted a "citizen's petition" for the Christian Medical Association
demanding that the FDA revoke its approval of mifepristone, or RU-486 -- a drug
that the FDA board on which he now sits had studied for years. Clearly, notes
Amy Allina, of the National Women's Health Network, in DC, "The Bush
administration chose him for his religious activism," not his scientific
The president's FDA-appointee list includes two other doctors who've long
opposed abortion and reproductive rights. Susan Crockett, for one, is a
professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center, in San Antonio, who
happens to serve on two pro-life organizational boards. Likewise, Joseph
Stanford, of the University of Utah, has advocated for "natural family
planning," commonly known as the rhythm method (or no method). He's argued in
his writings that the birth-control pill and emergency contraception can
trigger an abortion -- a position that not only contradicts the accepted
medical view of contraception, but also has political implications.
None of these ideologues will head up the FDA advisory board --
although Bush originally appointed Hager to chair the board last October,
only to be faced down by howls of protest among women's-rights groups.
Advocates are somewhat reassured by the chairmanship of Linda Giudice, a
Stanford professor who heads the university hospital's Reproductive
Endocrinology and Infertility Center. But the Bush ideologues on the board
could threaten women's reproductive health nevertheless. A bloc of three people
with staunch religious views that contradict science could thwart the
committee's work on women's-health policy. The board, for instance, will have
to respond to that so-called citizen's petition to rescind mifepristone from
pharmacy shelves this year. Do we really want members like Hager -- who led the
anti-mifepristone effort to begin with -- deciding this issue for all American
women? The panel's also likely to consider whether to make emergency
contraception -- which has been shown to be safe and effective, with virtually
no side effects -- available over the counter. What's the chance that these
three appointees will recommend such access, given their anti-choice
There's no doubt that the three ultraconservative members of this important FDA
committee reflect the Bush administration's commitment to restrict reproductive
rights. They show its determination to undermine women's health for the sake of
politics. And they reveal just how tied to the far right the administration
really is. "This decision was not accidental," says Kate Michelman, of the
National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL). "It was a
planned effort by the hard-line conservative base, which calls a lot of the
shots on reproductive-rights policy in the Bush White House." The president's
intent certainly seems clear when you look at his initiatives and actions on
women's health.
But, of course, you have to know to look in the first place.
Stacking the bench
It's full-steam ahead for the Bush administration and its drive to pack
the nation's courts with archconservative judicial activists. Much has been
made of the president's promise to appoint to the Supreme Court conservative
ideologues à la Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. But while
waiting for the chance to do so, Bush has nominated one right-winger after
another to the lower courts, in a kind of stealth campaign that operates under
most radars.
Topping the nominee list is a man whom critics consider stealth-like himself:
Miguel Estrada, whose appointment Senate Democrats succeeded in blocking last
week. A DC attorney, Estrada has no experience as a judge, and thus no record
that can be scrutinized. Yet Bush has nominated him to one of the most
influential courts in the country, the US Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit. Many of his co-workers over the years report that his
interpretation of the law stems from a conservative agenda. His former boss at
the Office of the US Solicitor General told the Los Angeles Times that
Estrada is so "ideologically driven that he couldn't be trusted to state the
law in a fair, neutral way." When Estrada came before the Senate Judiciary
Committee last fall, he dodged questions that would have illuminated his views.
Asked about Roe v. Wade, for example, he replied that he hadn't given
the abortion case much thought. That seems so incredible, it borders on
laughable. This is, after all, a man who was clerking for pivotal Supreme Court
justice Anthony Kennedy when Roe was challenged in 1989.
Of course, Estrada represents just the tip of the iceberg. Other Bush judicial
nominees will soon be coming before the Senate. There's Jeffrey Sutton, an Ohio
lawyer who has fought to limit federal protections against discrimination based
on disability, race, age, sex, and religion. There's Deborah Cook, an Ohio
Supreme Court judge whose opinions reveal what civil libertarians describe as
"a callousness toward the rights of ordinary citizens which offends any
reasonable sense of justice." And then there's the California judge Carolyn
Kuhl, who, as Justice Department employee in the 1980s, urged the Supreme Court
to overturn Roe because of its "flawed" reasoning.
These days, the stakes in judicial nominations are high. Now that Republicans
control both congressional houses, Democrats are cringing at the prospect of
far-right ideologues dominating the bench for years, long after Bush leaves the
White House. The new Senate Republican majority has ushered in an era of
conveyor-belt-style confirmations. Traditionally, the Senate Judiciary
Committee has heard no more than one court-of-appeals nomination at a time. On
January 29, however, the committee, under the leadership of Utah Republican
Orrin Hatch, hurried through three appeals-court nominations (including Sutton
and Cook). In just two weeks, it reviewed the same number of appeals-court
nominees that it took six months for the committee to consider during
the Clinton administration. Observes Ralph Neas, of the People for the American
Way, a liberal-advocacy group in DC, "Bush wants the Senate to be a rubber
stamp and rush through as many right-wing ideologues as possible."
If Bush gets his way, the consequences
for American jurisprudence will be
severe. Right now, of the 13 federal appellate courts, eight are controlled by
Republican-appointed judges. Democratic appointees control three, while the
remaining two maintain an equal composition. By the end of 2004, if Bush's
nominees win approval, every single appellate court could end up dominated by
Republican-appointed judges. For many Americans, these courts are the last
resort. The nation's highest court hears only 100 cases each year, compared to
the 28,000 cases heard by the appeals courts. That means that appellate
decisions often serve as the final legal word on reproductive rights, the
rights of the disabled, civil liberties, labor protections -- the list goes on
and on.
Partisan nominations do matter, as evidenced by the most brazenly politicized
court decision of our time, Bush v. Gore. The 2000 Supreme Court
decision anointed our current president based on reasoning that seemed almost
desperate to reach a particular result. And the Bush administration knows the
significance of such appointments well. As Neas explains, "The strategy is to
pack the federal judiciary with far-right ideologues who'll take away the legal
basis for the federal government. It's breathtakingly simple, but also
breathtakingly regressive and ideological." Think that there are no substantial
differences between judges appointed by Democrats and those appointed by
Republicans? Think again.
The politics of taxes
Earlier this month, the Bush administration released an ambitious budget
and tax plan for fiscal year (FY) 2004, which restructures social programs so
drastically that it would wipe out the federal government's safety net for the
poor. Not surprisingly, the president proposed the $2.23 trillion package on
February 3 with little public fanfare. But don't let the calm fool you.
If approved by Congress, Bush's economic plan would unleash a firestorm
throughout the federal government. It represents nothing less than a dramatic
overhaul of President Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society programs -- from
Medicaid and Medicare to welfare -- that help the poor, aged, and vulnerable.
The reforms seek to hand over control of services to the states, reduce
funding, and establish more requirements (read: barriers) for low-income people
to receive public assistance. One proposed change calls for states to have more
power in administering the $300 billion Medicaid program, the joint
state-federal effort that provides health care for the poor and disabled.
Another change would force elderly Medicare recipients who want
prescription-drug coverage to leave the traditional, publicly funded system for
private insurers -- a move critics see as a first step toward the total
privatization of Medicare. All these policies are, in a sense, ideological
heirs to previous conservative attempts to limit the federal role in social
welfare. Taken together, however, they would spell devastation for core social
services. In effect, they'd transform the federal government's relationship
with our neediest citizens from one of some responsibility to none at all.
At the same time, Bush is pushing a tax cut of historic proportions -- one
that would cost the US Treasury nearly $1.5 trillion over 10 years. The
latest round of Bush tax cuts, like the previous round in 2001, mainly provides
benefits to the very, very well off, while squeezing social spending for years
to come. The Bush administration touts its 2004 budget-and-tax package as a
much-needed economic booster, but not everyone believes the hype. Last week,
for instance, 10 Nobel laureates in economics blasted the plan, saying that its
"purpose is a permanent change in the tax structure and not the creation of
jobs and growth in the near term." These critics predict massive, chronic
federal-budget deficits that will limit the ability of future administrations
to "finance Social Security and Medicare benefits, as well as investments in
schools, health, infrastructure, and basic research." The Nobel laureates were
among as many as 450 economists to sign a statement objecting to the Bush
According to Wade Henderson, director of the Leadership Conference on Civil
Rights, in DC, the Bush economic package has little to do with responsible tax
and budget policymaking. On the contrary, it's meant to starve the federal
government of the fiscal resources needed to fund such vital programs as
Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. "This is actually the worst of Reagan
revisited," explains Henderson, whose group helped launch the Fair Taxes for
All Coalition last week in response to the Bush proposal. He adds, "What we're
seeing is an aggressive campaign to transform the role of the federal
Bush likes to present himself as a "compassionate conservative." But his
critics have taken to calling him the "Great Pretender," what with his penchant
for shamelessly misrepresenting the content of his own tax policies. This time,
at least, the Bush administration has a track record, and it's not a very
encouraging one. In the year and a half since the 2001 tax cut, which was
touted as the perfect economic stimulus, the economy has lost 1.4
million jobs. Meanwhile, billions of dollars in budget surpluses have
turned into billions of dollars in budget deficits.
Numbers like these speak for themselves. Which is why, says Henderson, "We
cannot be blind to the changes that this administration is moving aggressively
to implement."
Federalizing capital punishment
Since taking over Washington in 2001, the Bushies -- headed, once again,
by our nation's top cop -- have wasted no time gearing up the federal death
penalty. Just six months into Bush's tenure, two federal prisoners were put to
death for the first time in 38 years. Then, under Ashcroft's leadership, US
attorneys in states where legislators had banned capital punishment began
seeking federal death sentences with fervor. In Massachusetts, for instance,
federal prosecutors are going after the ultimate punishment in the pending case
of Gary Lee Sampson, who's accused of murdering three people in two states in
July 2001.
But the attorney general isn't just encouraging his staff to seek executions.
Instead, he's throwing out the recommendations of federal prosecutors seeking
alternative sentences and forcing them to go for the maximum. Across the
country, Ashcroft has ordered US attorneys to choose the death penalty for
defendants in 28 cases in which they did not seek or even recommend
capital punishment. The move is known as an "override." Almost half of
the 28 overrides come from New York and Connecticut. Those cases include one in
Brooklyn against a murder suspect who'd agreed to plead guilty and testify
against others in a drug ring in exchange for life in prison. Another involves
a New York defendant who's mentally retarded and thus ineligible for the death
Ashcroft has justified his decision by claiming that a rise in
death-penalty cases in the Northeast would help even out the numbers
nationwide. But as with his campaign against medical marijuana, his drive to
increase the use of capital punishment contradicts the Bush administration's
touted commitment to give states control. Capital punishment is an intensely
local issue that plays differently in different regions. The overrides,
according to David Elliot, of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death
Penalty (NCADP), "show the Republicans talk a great game about local control.
But the talk rings hollow when it comes to ideological issues that are dear to
their hearts."
Besides, what's most troubling about the death penalty isn't its uneven
application across the country. Rather, it's that minorities are
disproportionately sentenced to death. In the final years of the Clinton
administration, a Justice Department study found that capital charges in
federal cases are overwhelmingly sought against people of color: as much as 80
percent of defendants who face capital charges are members of minority groups.
Former attorney general Janet Reno called for an in-depth study of these racial
disparities right before the end of her term.
And then, of course, Ashcroft moved in. In June 2001, he released his own
report stating that there is "no evidence of racial bias" in federal
capital-punishment cases. Today, however, it seems his overrides are only
perpetuating the problem. Of the 28 cases in which he's pressuring prosecutors
to seek executions, 19 of the defendants are black, five are Latino, one is
Native American, and one is Asian. Only two defendants are white.
The number of cases in which capital punishment is administered unfairly -- and
those in which DNA evidence has exonerated death-row inmates -- led one
formerly pro-death-penalty Republican to a recent change of heart. On January
13, Illinois governor George Ryan left office after capturing worldwide
attention with his blanket commutation of the death sentences of 163 men and
four women to prison terms. It was a watershed moment in the debate over
capital punishment. Today, people know how the system can make mistakes that
involve prosecutorial misconduct, coerced confessions, and erroneous eyewitness
testimony. They know how innocent people can die at the hands of the state.
Given all this, Ashcroft's directive seems out of whack with the mainstream.
Even those who support the death penalty are concerned about innocence and
fairness. Apparently, Ashcroft doesn't care about either. Says Diann
Rust-Tierney, of the ACLU Capital Punishment Project, "This is a gross
abdication of the attorney general's responsibility to assure that the most
serious punishment is meted out fairly and without mistakes." Once again,
Ashcroft's actions represent, as Rust-Tierney puts it, "an example of just how
he's pursuing this as a political tool," rather than as sound public policy.
Kristen Lombardi can be reached at klombardi[a]phx.com.
Issue Date: February 28 - March 6, 2003