Some Christians wear wristbands that carry the acronym WWJD, for "What Would
Jesus Do?" More recently, a group of anti-SUV environmentalists has embraced
the slogan "What Would Jesus Drive?" My personal favorite, which I found at an
American Atheists convention last year, is "Who Wants Jelly Donuts?" But all of
these must now give way to the sheer perversity of one Joseph Loconte, a fellow
at the ultraconservative Heritage Foundation, whose update on WWJD could best
be described as "Whom Would Jesus Destroy?"
Loconte's so-called thoughts were published on the op-ed page of Tuesday's
New York Times, following the previous day's solemn, nuanced report by
the leaders of the United Nations weapons-inspection team, Hans Blix and
Mohamed ElBaradei. Not surprisingly, the highly anticipated Blix-ElBaradei
report changed the minds of virtually no one within the political-media
complex. Then again, why should it have? If you've got God on your side, why
does it matter what a couple of UN bureaucrats think?
Beneath a headline that could have been a parody were it not an accurate
summation of the views expressed in the column (THE PRINCE OF PEACE WAS A
WARRIOR, TOO), Loconte sought to turn Jesus of Nazareth into a jihad-ist
for America. Loconte quoted Matthew ("Do not suppose that I have come to bring
peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword") and a second
biblical passage (describing Jesus as "the Lion of the tribe of Judah,
. . . who judges and wages war"). He then added his own helpful
interpretation: "That's why Jesus talked a great deal about punishment, and the
moral obligation to oppose evil with a strong and swift hand. Human evil must
be confronted, he said, and not merely contained. Depending on the threat, a
kind of 'pre-emptive strike' or judgment against evil might even be
Jesus of Nazareth, Christianity's first unilateralist! And by the way, here's
the rest of the quote from Matthew, the part that Loconte left out: "I have
come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a son's
wife against his mother-in-law; and a man will find his enemies under his own
roof." Hmm. I'm not going to pretend that I know what Jesus was thinking, but
it sure doesn't sound like regime change.
The Blix-ElBaradei report wasn't quite a media feeding frenzy -- there weren't
enough visuals for that, especially for the bottom-feeding all-news cable
channels. Just 20 minutes into the 8-to-9 p.m. hour on Monday, the Fox
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly had already moved on to the post-Super Bowl riots
in Oakland, MSNBC's Phil Donahue was wringing his hands over the economy, and
CNN's Connie Chung -- uncannily true to form -- was blabbing about some lurid
husband-killing case in Houston.
But still, Monday's UN report had been circled on so many newsroom calendars
for so long that you'd expect a few media chin-strokers would have at least
made a pretense of having thought about it before regurgitating the same
opinion they've been expressing all along. With vanishingly few exceptions,
though, Blix could have babbled on about black helicopters and little green men
for half an hour, and it wouldn't have made a damn bit of difference.
Consider the editorial pages of some leading daily newspapers, both national
and local. The New York Times, which has been skeptical about President
Bush's Iraq policy, found support for its position in the UN report on Tuesday,
stating in its lead editorial, "Their findings argue strongly for giving the
inspectors more time to pursue their efforts and satisfy international opinion
that every reasonable step has been taken to solve this problem peacefully."
On the other hand, the fed-up-and-had-it Washington Post editorialized,
"Mr. Blix went on to present, in a deliberately understated way, a devastating
catalogue of lies, omissions and obfuscations by Iraq since the council [the UN
Security Council] passed Resolution 1441, which was meant to give Saddam
Hussein `a final opportunity' to give up weapons of mass
destruction. . . . Rather than yield to the inspectors and offer
Iraq yet another last chance, the council would do better to simply obey the
resolution that it approved unanimously just 11 weeks ago."
The liberal Los Angeles Times called for "extending the inspectors'
mission." The conservative Wall Street Journal opined that the Blix
report documented the very sort of "material breach" that justifies an
invasion. Locally, the Boston Globe headlined its lead editorial on
Tuesday MORE TIME FOR BLIX, whereas the more conservative Boston Herald
-- which put a terrifying photo of a pissed-off Colin Powell on its front page
Well, yeah, but what should we do about it?
A FEW COMMENTATORS noted the stark difference between Blix's dour, pessimistic
assessment and ElBaradei's hedged praise for Iraq's cooperation and his appeal
for more time. Few, though, picked up on what might have been the most
important meaning behind that seeming disagreement -- that Iraq may well be
concealing an arsenal of chemical and biological weapons, which is Blix's
specialty, but not nuclear weapons, which is ElBaradei's.
On CNN's NewsNight with Aaron Brown, the only intelligent prime-time
newscast among the three cable news channels, former UN weapons inspector David
Albright said that Blix's report seemed "objective," whereas ElBaradei "spun
it." Brown, though, did not take the opportunity to follow up by asking
Albright whether Blix and ElBaradei may have been talking about two different
things. Israel, fortunately, destroyed Iraq's nascent nuclear capabilities in
1981, and they were destroyed again during the Gulf War, in 1991. UN inspectors
were on the ground until late 1998. And there is little evidence that Iraq has
been able to build nuclear weapons since then.
As Gregg Easterbrook argued last October in the New Republic, the only
true "weapons of mass destruction" are nukes. Keeping nuclear weapons out of
Saddam's hands is reason enough to go to war, Easterbrook contended.
Conversely, though, mere suspected possession of chemical and biological
weapons is not sufficient. Blix found plenty of evidence that Iraq is
lying about its chemical and biological weapons. ElBaradei, by contrast, said
in his report that several more months of inspections could lead to Iraq's
being certified as free of nukes.
There are, of course, reasons to invade Iraq that go well beyond Saddam's
ability to wreak destruction upon his neighbors. An invasion could be seen as a
humanitarian mission, not out of character with Bill Clinton's interventions in
the former Yugoslavia. But in the earlier case, we were dealing with a country
that had at least some respect for Western values (remember, Slobodan Milosevic
actually allowed himself to be voted out of office); currently, we're facing a
tyranny in a part of the world where the United States is unloved at best,
hated at worst. To be optimistic about the outcome of a war in Iraq is to be
criminally naive -- especially given the American way of war.
The redoubtable Dan Perkins, a/k/a Tom Tomorrow, got at this problem on Tuesday
in his weblog at, writing, "Maybe they're right, you
think. Maybe the Iraqi people really will be grateful to have been liberated
from this repressive, murderous, torturous regime." He then broke this
reverie by citing a story he'd found in Australia's Sydney Morning
Herald, of all places, which in turn referred to a report by CBS News that
described the Pentagon's battle plan, named "Shock and Awe": "The US intends to
shatter Iraq 'physically, emotionally and psychologically' by raining down on
its people as many as 800 cruise missiles in two days. . . .
'There will not be a safe place in Baghdad,' a Pentagon official told America's
CBS News after a briefing on the plan."
As New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof (also cited by Perkins) put
it, "There's no moral tenet that makes me oppose invasion. If we were confident
that we could oust Saddam with minimal casualties and quickly establish a
democratic Iraq, then that would be fine -- and such a happy scenario is
conceivable. But it's a mistake to invade countries based on best-case
Especially when you've got nothing to offer but Shock and Awe.
RECENTLY, I finished Bob Woodward's book on the first 100 days after 9/11,
Bush at War (Simon & Schuster, 2002). Woodward does an excellent job
of knocking down some of the shibboleths that liberals love to believe about
George W. Bush: that he's dumb, that he's lazy, that he's disengaged, and that
his foreign policy is motivated primarily by such dubious considerations as
American business interests, especially Middle Eastern oil.
Indeed, Woodward's Bush strikes me as intelligent, hard-working, and honorable.
That's true of the rest of his top advisers as well, except for Secretary of
Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who comes off as a petulant martinet who torments his
underlings, fights with his peers, and withholds bad news from the president.
I'm not going to stop making fun of Bush, or for that matter cease criticizing
his ideologically driven agenda. But now I know that the Bush of caricature is
not the same as the Bush of real life.
But there's something else, too, something disturbing, and something that is
relevant to what's going on now. In reading Woodward's portrayal of Bush and
his advisers slowly groping toward a response to the terrorist attacks, you can
see them arriving at an extraordinary position: that they will reserve unto
themselves the right to go to war against anyone, at any time, for any reason
as long as they can justify to themselves that it's part of their ill-defined,
open-ended war on terrorism. That explains a lot -- their initial disdain for
the UN, their contempt for Europe, their attitude of "trust us" when it comes
to showing evidence to justify the adventure on which they are about to
Woodward was on CNN's Larry King Live on Monday night, giving his views
on what comes next and taking questions from the public -- including one from a
caller in Phoenix who demanded to know why Woodward has become so "rah-rah" for
Bush, a premise that Woodward rejected.
On Tuesday, Woodward had a front-page story in the Washington Post
reporting what he'd hinted at the night before: that the White House has
finally decided to declassify some of the intelligence information that it has
insisted will prove its case for invading Iraq. The document dump, Woodward
wrote, could occur "perhaps as early as next week."
Obviously, the end game is at hand. Secretary of State Powell, described in
Bush at War and elsewhere as the administration's leading antiwar voice,
is now firmly on board. On ABC's World News Tonight on Monday, John
McWethy reported that the invasion will most likely begin in late February or
early March -- after the hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, has ended, and
under a new moon, the better to conceal the US's B1 Stealth bombers. On Tuesday
night, the president himself was to make the case yet again, this time in his
State of the Union address.
Few believe that Saddam has actually disarmed. That's not the issue. More than
anything, what Bush has failed to explain is why Iraq represents a real threat
to us at a time when it is beleaguered by no-fly zones in the north and south,
economic sanctions, and a couple of hundred weapons inspectors scurrying about
the countryside.
Containment has worked, but it's not good enough for Bush, who is about to
sacrifice the lives of Americans and Iraqis in order to accomplish his goal of
regime change. With few exceptions, the media have let him get away with it.
Monday's UN report was another missed opportunity.
Dan Kennedy can be reached at dkennedy[a] Read his daily
Media Log
under "Web Exclusives" at
Issue Date: January 31 - February 6, 2003