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Why York deserves your vote
Fogarty for lieutenant governor, Harsch for attorney general, Brown for secretary of state, 'yes' on Question Five, and more

Myrth York / Photo by Richard McCaffrey

Rhode Islanders appear closely divided between the two candidates -- Myrth York and Don Carcieri -- vying for the opportunity to succeed Lincoln Almond in the governor's office. Although Almond has led the state through two scandal-free administrations, either of his successors is likely to bring a more robust management style to the task of governing the state. With Rhode Island facing a budget deficit in the neighborhood of $200 million, the importance of sound leadership can't be emphasized enough. The Phoenix endorses Myrth York.

Carcieri has emerged as an appealing candidate in his first campaign for public office. He is engaging, intelligent, and can boast of a successful career in business. Like York, Carcieri was an early opponent of Almond's unceasing quest for a container port at Quonset Point. We believe, however, that York is best suited by her experience and values to lead the state into the future.

As a state senator and in community service, York has demonstrated her compassion and commitment to helping the least fortunate in our society. She has a sterling environmental record and the financial acumen that comes with having managed the assets of the investment corporation endowed by her father's business. York has been an unstinting supporter for reproductive rights and gay rights, and she recently expanded her previous position to back gay marriage. She is a strong advocate for ethics reform in a state where the politics of cronyism is more the rule than the exception. She is an outsider in more ways than one and prepared to challenge the excesses of the political status quo.

While we don't make our decisions on single issues, it should be noted that Carcieri is pro-life and suggests his support for school vouchers. York, on the other hand, embraces traditional Democratic values.

If York has poured almost $4 million into her campaign and at times seemed overly scripted, we attribute this to the intensity of her desire to succeed on her third bid for the governor's office. The fact that Rhode Island has not elected a female governor highlights the obstacles that still face women in politics.

As we said prior to the September primary, we believe a vote for Myrth York is a vote for intelligent and inspired government.

Cicilline for mayor of Providence

The people spoke loudly and clearly on September 10, elevating David N. Cicilline as the leader of a new era in Providence politics. Cicilline certainly has his work cut out for him in taking on significant fiscal challenges, elevating the Providence schools, and overhauling the police department, to name but a few key issues. But he also brings ample energy, motivation, intelligence, and a sound philosophical bearing to the task of ushering in a bright new chapter in the city's history. The Phoenix endorses David Cicilline.

It's a mark of Cicilline's political courage that he unveiled his challenge to former mayor Vincent A. "Buddy" Cianci Jr. when Cianci remained the odds-on favorite to maintain his grasp on City Hall. This fact -- as well as Cicilline's energetic appeal to residents throughout the city, and his pledge to run an inclusive administration -- obviously struck a responsive chord with voters.

The general election challengers in the mayoral campaign -- most notably Greg Gerritt of the Green Party, but also Republican David Talan and independent Christopher Young -- have helped to broaden the discussion about the difficulties and needs facing the city.

In the end, however, Cicilline remains the person to guide Providence into the future. It was a telling symbolic move for the Democrat to stage his impromptu primary night victory party at Roger Williams Park, and the diverse and joyous cast of Latino, black, and white supporters who came out to toast Cicilline's win suggests another potential source of strength in the city. Certainly, considering the problems facing the city, he will need all the help he can get.

David Cicilline has strong credentials as a reformer and the courage of his convictions. He represents the best choice for the future of Providence.

Reed for Senate

Jack Reed is an exemplar of the qualities and characteristics that are desirable in a lawmaker, particularly a US senator. He is intelligent, thoughtful, hardworking, pragmatic, and dedicated to the core Democratic mission of helping the less fortunate in our society. Reed has distinguished himself during his first term in the Senate, winning a seat on the powerful Appropriations Committee and serving as a welcome voice of restraint concerning President Bush's drive to go to war with Iraq. The Phoenix endorses Jack Reed for reelection.

Reed's Republican opponent, Bob Tingle, a pit boss at Foxwoods, offers a GOP alternative for voters, but he has failed to demonstrate any significant reasons to merit their support. Reed, by contrast, is a representative of the Rhode Island political tradition in the best sense, exhibiting the vision and diligence of such distinguished predecessors as Claiborne Pell and John Chafee.

A vote for Jack Reed is a vote for astute representation in the US Senate.

Kennedy and Langevin for Congress

A fundamental difference between Democrat Patrick Kennedy and Republican Dave Rogers can be seen in their respective stances on tax issues. While Rogers purports to represent people of modest means, his enthusiastic support for President Bush's income tax cut reveals him as a proponent of the most powerful and affluent interests in our country. Kennedy, by contrast, is far more concerned with the plight of working men and women. The Phoenix endorses Patrick Kennedy.

Rogers, who has run an energetic campaign, emerged victorious in the Republican primary by touting his experience as a Navy SEAL, appealing to the national constituency of Kennedy-haters, and offering a more conservative profile than his two more moderate opponents. But Rogers has also engaged in political hyperbole in describing his opponent. It is this kind of rhetoric, along with his pro-life stance and enthusiasm for a clash with Iraq, among other things, that shows Rogers to be out of step with the vast majority of Rhode Islanders.

Kennedy has hurt himself with occasional lapses in judgment. We are troubled by his support for military action against Iraq, which has the patina of a political decision. On the whole, however, the Democrat has done a good job in Congress, particularly as a champion of the disadvantaged, and the value of his seat on the powerful Appropriations Committee is not to be underestimated. Patrick Kennedy is a force for Rhode Island in Congress and he deserves to be re-elected.

The challenges facing a freshman legislator are many, but James Langevin has acquitted himself well during his first term in Congress. Although we differ with his stand on reproductive rights, we applaud his support for embryonic stem cell research. Langevin has taken some other strong stands, voting against President Bush's resolution for a war with Iraq, and he demonstrates the promise of improving on the job. Republican John O. Matson has failed to articulate a credible argument for our support. The Phoenix endorses James Langevin.

Fogarty for lieutenant governor

Rhode Island is the richer for the political interest of Robert Healey, leading light of the Cool Moose Party, who is running for lieutenant governor this year on a platform of dismantling the office. Through his use of props and humor, not to mention a strong knowledge of the issues, Healey has a knack for injecting fresh vitality into the political process. Charles Fogarty might not be as humorous, but he has done a good job as lieutenant governor and deserves reelection. The Phoenix endorses Charles Fogarty.

Fogarty has been an advocate for expanding health-care coverage, in areas ranging from parity for mental health care to prescription drug coverage for seniors. He has discharged his responsibilities responsibly, and we are unpersuaded by Healey's argument that abolishing the lieutenant governor's office is in the best interest of the state.

Harsch for attorney general

Independent William Harsch and Democratic Patrick Lynch both offer appealing qualifications in the race for attorney general. Harsch's credentials include past service as a director of the state Department of Public Utilities and the Department of Environmental Management. Lynch, a former state prosecutor, has offered detailed policy papers on a gamut of issues. Although both candidates have the potential to be a good AG, there's little doubt that Harsch is more distanced from the political establishment. Because of this reason, the Phoenix endorses William Harsch.

Lynch, the son of former Pawtucket mayor Dennis Lynch and brother of state Democratic Party chairman William Lynch, strikes us as competent and genuine in his interest in public service. The same is true of Harsch, who maintain a two-person law practice and is running with support from the Republican Party.

Neither candidate is a stranger to insider politics, but because of Lynch's lobbying in recent years for such clients as RJ Reynolds Tobacco USA, CVS, and Anheuser Busch, Harsch appears more distanced from the process. Since the attorney general is an executive above all else, Harsch's lack of prosecutorial experience does not stand out as a reason to discount him.

The profile of political reform in Rhode Island has gathered strength in recent months. We believe that William Harsch, as more of an outsider, represents a better choice to become attorney general at this time.

Brown for secretary of state

Matt Brown promises to bring energy and vigor to the secretary of state's office. The extent of his success in promoting an ambitious reform plan remains to be seen, but we expect Brown to offer fresh independence and leadership in the office. The Phoenix endorses Matt Brown for secretary of state.

Brown's victory over Ed Inman in the Democratic primary showed the desire of voters for someone less connected with the crony style of politics. Brown appears to take seriously the concerns of good government, pledging, for example, to try to make legislative grants part of the public budget process and increasing access to public records by introducing a "balancing test" into state law. Brown has also been outspoken in aptly identifying as a concern the last-minute rush to pass bills during the close of the legislative season. Again, it remains to be seen whether a secretary of state can deliver meaningful change in this area, but we're encouraged by Brown's impulse as a reformer.

Republican Chris Stanley deserves praise for offering a GOP alternative to voters, but we nonetheless find Brown the far more compelling candidate. A vote for Matt Brown is a vote for sound leadership in the secretary of state's office.

Yes on Question Five

Ballot Question Five is a non-binding question, proposed by Governor Lincoln Almond, which essentially asks whether the Rhode Island Constitution should be changed "to expressly provide that the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of Rhode Island government are to be separate and co-equal consistent with the American system of government?" The Phoenix endorses a "yes" vote on Question Five.

Separation of powers, which has certainly matured as a political issue in the aftermath of the controversy involving unproven allegations of sexual harassment against House Speaker John B. Harwood, may not be the panacea described by its supporters. Rhode Island is nonetheless likely to benefit from the establishment of a genuine doctrine of separation of powers. It is no coincidence that most of those who have opposed this effort have the most to lose from a real change in the political status quo.

Voters backed a similar non-binding question by better than two-to-one in 2000. Although symbolic, a yes vote on Question Five will continue to build support for the overdue advent in Rhode Island of separation of powers.

Bilodeau and Luna for Providence City Council

Despite the apathetic nature of our political culture, the spirit of democracy remains alive and well in Providence's ward one, where four candidates have been vying to fill the seat formerly held by Robert Clarkin. Judging by the turnout for a recent debate, voters have taken a keen interest in the race, carefully scrutinizing the choice between a Democrat, a Republican, a Green, and an independent. While ward one residents are fortunate to have such a broad selection, only one candidate represents the best choice. The Phoenix endorses Harry Bilodeau.

As a long time resident of the ward, Bilodeau is familiar with the concerns of the area. More importantly, he has the most compelling record in exhibiting leadership and making the right call on tough decisions. In particular, as a member of the Providence Plan Commission, Bilodeau helped to block Feldco Development's original plan for replacing a cluster of historic mills in Eagle Square with a generic strip mall. The developer subsequently came back with a revised plan to save some of the mill buildings.

Republican Bill Miller has proven himself to be a thoughtful candidate in the ward one race, and David Segal of the Green Party deserves commendation for getting involved in electoral politics at an early age. But it seems clear that Democrat Kyle Diggins is the intended beneficiary of an old-style insider campaign. Why else would Clarkin -- his uncle -- have written a letter on Diggins's behalf (without mentioning their familial connection) on council stationery well after Clarkin resigned his council post for a city job?

We often hear valid criticism that the Providence City Council is too often concerned with parochial interests. A vote for Harry Bilodeau is a vote for smart representation.

The same can be said of Miguel Luna, a committed progressive, who emerged victorious during the Democratic primary in ward nine (and voted with Bilodeau in blocking the original Feldco plan). A longtime community activist, Luna will bring a new and vibrant voice to the council. The Phoenix endorses Miguel Luna.

Issue Date: November 1 - 7, 2002