The Buddy Cianci era is fast drawing to an end. With progressive David N.
Cicilline and establishment favorite Joseph R. Paolino Jr. leading the pack, the mayoral primary will swing on the question of how badly voters want change
CAMPAIGN 2002 Matson and Driver square off to face Langevin
PROVIDENCE POLITICS Paolino picks former drug warrior as choice for commissioner
WEST SIDE STORY Culture clash spells uncertainty for White Electric
Comic relief Making the incipient homosexuality in superhero comics more visible has prompted a backlash far more complex than the one faced by comic books in the 1950s
Slapping around the Puck Most of our readers would not believe how frequently your superior
correspondents are "tipped off" to scurrilous goings-on and other low crimes and misdemeanors. We're aware that most of these tips emanate from someone's
personal agenda (although they can still be true and relevant), but you don't put this stuff out there unless the facts have been nailed down.