It's 3 a.m. -- do you know where your children are?, runs the
joke mocking a TV public-service announcement popular a few years back. Yet
those words invariably send chills down most parents' spines. And it hasn't
helped that media-hyped debates about everything from Columbine-style school
massacres and violent video games to Internet predators has heightened the
sense that American kids live in an all-out war zone of physical, emotional,
psychological, and moral danger. In the past, parents could seek solace and
direction from religion, from their faith traditions and clerical leaders. But
now, even that source of comfort has been thrown into question. The ongoing,
deepening, and seemingly endless scandal of alleged abuse by Catholic priests
has raised the specter of endangered children to nearly unimaginable heights.
How could this stuff get any worse? What's a mother to do?
Now, just as the predatory-priest scandal is capping years of heightened
anxiety about our children's well-being, here comes Judith Levine's Harmful
to Minors: The Perils of Protecting Children from Sex (University of
Minnesota Press). Not surprisingly, with a title like that, the book is already
in the middle of a political firestorm -- and it hasn't even been released yet.
The culture-war battle sparked by the publication of Levine's book has serious
ramifications for both civil liberties and freedom of expression. That's
because the choked agitation triggered by Levine's book is both a reaction to
our excessive cultural obsession with kids and sexuality and a symptom of how
unable we are, as a culture, even to begin discussing such issues.
JUDITH LEVINE is one of a rare species -- she's an independent scholar and
journalist who publishes in mainstream venues such as the Village Voice,, and Ms, and who, unlike many in the academy, writes
clearly and with great force. Already noted for her 1992 book My Enemy, My
Love: Man-Hating and Ambivalence in Women's Lives (Doubleday), Levine is a
social activist and public intellectual who believes passionately that ideas
Harmful to Minors, which is being released by the University of
Minnesota Press on May 1, is a carefully researched examination of the
myriad ways American culture attempts to control, monitor, suppress, and even
eradicate children's access to information about sexuality, sexual health, and
reproduction -- all in the name of protection -- and how it pathologizes and
criminalizes children's and teens' sexual expression. The book addresses such
varied topics as federally funded abstinence-only programs (which ban even
mentioning contraception or condoms) in public schools; the myth that predators
and child rapists are lurking all over the Internet; the appalling lack of
access teens -- especially young women -- have to sexual-health and
reproductive information; and how it is nearly verboten to discuss masturbation
in sexual-education classes. Levine argues strongly, thoughtfully, and
persuasively that children are far more harmed by these misguided attempts at
"protection" than they would be by having full access to honest information
about sexuality, as well as (in some cases) the ability to discover and explore
their own sexual desires and feelings.
Basically, then, Levine argues that children should have accurate
sex-and-health information and the chance to grow up with safe, fulfilling
sexual attitudes. Who could complain? Well. First it was Robert Knight of
Concerned Women For America (CWA) who, on March 28, issued a press release that
called Harmful to Minors "evil," "hideous," and "every child molester's
dream." Within days his message was trumpeted by that doyenne of the air waves,
the redoubtable Dr. Laura Schlessinger, who also issued a stirring condemnation
of the book. After this, events began moving fast and furiously. Republican Tim
Pawlenty, the majority leader of Minnesota's House of Representatives and a
potential gubernatorial candidate, publicly condemned the book (which he
admittedly had not read) as "state-sanctioned support for illegal, indecent,
harmful activity such as molesting children." Along with Schlessinger and CWA,
he issued calls for the University of Minnesota Press not to distribute the
book. Within days, the press and university received more then 800 phone calls
and e-
to complain about the book. (It is safe to say, since Harmful to Minors
had not yet been shipped to bookstores, that none of these complainers had
actually read the book either.) This cheap, right-wing political grandstanding
proved effective when Christine Miziar, who supervises the press as the
University of Minnesota's vice-president for research, announced on April 5 the
establishment of an outside advisory committee to survey the press's
peer-review and acquisitions policy. By all accounts, it is an unprecedented
Although it appears that the university is bowing to political pressure, and
since external review of a university press's acquisitions and peer-review
process is unheard of, everyone seems to be taking a wait-and-see attitude.
Douglas Armato, the press's director, is confident that the still-to-be-named
review committee will certify that the press's policies are appropriate and
were complied with in this case. In fact, he says, because of the scope and
interdisciplinary approach of Levine's book, the press had her book vetted not
just by the usual two reviewers, but by five, including a child
psychologist, a sociologist, and a journalist. And Armato has forthrightly
defended the decision to publish Levine's book, systematically debunking the
disinformation campaign being waged by its right-wing critics: "Harmful to
Minors is being presented as a book about pedophilia, and it doesn't
advocate pedophilia, and it isn't about that," he says. "There are four pages
in the book that talk about intergenerational sex . . . [but the
book] focuses on many different issues concerning sexuality."
Armato is clearly in a difficult position, for while the university has
certainly not pulled Levine's book, it has cast a shadow over it, as well as
over Armato's directorship. The Minnesota Civil Liberties Union has condemned
the university's actions, stating in an April 5 press release: "It is
. . . unfortunate that the University of Minnesota, a research
university, should appear to bow to the displeasure of powerful political
forces. The University's decision has the appearance, at least, of a
capitulation on the premise of academic freedom by creating the threat of prior
censorship of academic titles." But Peter Givler, executive director of the
Association of American University Presses, responded with a diplomatic,
slickly evasive statement: "All great universities promote freedom of inquiry,
but that freedom is empty without the will to publish its results, no matter
how unpopular or controversial. Association of American University Presses
stands behind the University of Minnesota Press decision to bring out
Harmful to Minors, and we applaud the University of Minnesota for its
courage and determination in upholding its press."
THE ATTACK on Levine and her book is the same sort of well-orchestrated effort
we have seen from the right in the past. What is shocking is that the
University of Minnesota -- under pressure from conservative politicians -- is
refusing to fight it. Even worse, the down-and-dirty tactics of Dr. Laura and
the CWA have centered not on the book, but on Levine herself (who has mentioned
in interviews that as a minor she had an affair with an older man), as well as
on former surgeon general Dr. Joycelyn Elders, who wrote the book's foreword.
In his March 28 press release, Knight wrote: "Not content to advocate for
adults teaching children to masturbate, [Elders] is giving cover for adults
having sex with kids -- so long as the kids give their consent. Everybody
except for the molesters and their apologists knows that children cannot give
meaningful consent to sex. Everybody knows that children are coerced into
giving `consent,' and that the damage can last a lifetime. The author of this
book, Judith Levine, is Exhibit A. She was molested as a child and now
advocates it for other children." By caving in to this right-wing assault on
its press, the university is leaving both Levine and Elders flapping in the
wind -- with predictably chilling effects on writers and publishers
The vehemence fueling the attack on Harmful to Minors springs in part
from Levine's head-on confrontation with the ever-increasing cultural backlash
against discussing children and sex. Of course, parents have always been
concerned with the moral well-being of their children -- think of how old folks
fretted about wild new dances such as the Black Bottom and the Charleston in
the 1920s, or the perils posed by Elvis the Pelvis and rock and roll in the
1950s. But as Levine points out in an interview with the Phoenix, the
meaning and intent of these worries have changed radically over the past two
decades. "There has probably never been a time when adults didn't think that
the younger population was going to hell in a hand-basket, but for most of that
time the politics about child protectionism were actually about
children," she notes. "There has been a strategic shift in the past 20 years.
Since, say, the Anita Bryant campaigns in the late 1970s, the right has used
the idea of protecting children to impose their sense of decency and morality
on everyone." Bryant's campaign was called Save Our Children, but the Miami
gay-rights law she campaigned against had nothing to do with children. It had
to do with the right's obsession with homosexuality and its ability use
homophobic fears to spearhead a broad range of other agendas, including
dismantling education programs, instituting prayer in school, attacking public
funding for child care, and abolishing affirmative action.
Looking over the major child-protectionist frenzies from the late 1970s onward,
a clear pattern emerges: the popular media, insatiably hungry for hot-button
topics, will go for any scandal -- particularly if it involves kids, sex, race,
violence, or pornography -- that will fan the flames of the culture war. Once
the flames begin to diminish, the press veers off to a new topic ("Museum gets
city funds to cover Virgin Mary with shit!"). Hardly anyone notices that the
original story was based on half-truths and misconceptions.
But it is important to remember that these campaigns -- no matter how benighted
they may seem after the fact -- often do enormous harm. Bryant's call to repeal
the Miami-Dade gay-rights law was successful, and the measure has never been
reinstated. The day-care-center cases led to incredible miscarriages of the
legal process and the court system. Child-porn concerns have led to the craze
for Internet filters in public libraries (which the American Library
Association and the ACLU are still valiantly battling). "Megan's Laws," under
which neighborhoods were to be notified if a "sex offender" moved in, gave way
to the widespread emergence of sexual-predator-notification programs and
sexual-offender registries -- most of which have been deemed deeply flawed by
law-enforcement experts and largely unconstitutional by the courts. In the end,
these programs do almost no perceptible good, and indeed, Levine and others
argue, are actually harmful because they promote the mistaken notion that
children are most at risk from predatory strangers and not, as statistics show,
from family members and friends. Levine dismantles the misconceptions
surrounding most of these examples, but the myths continue to rule popular
thinking and social policy nonetheless.
Along with the harm these panics have caused, it is also vital to scrutinize
the motives of the people who have propagated them. Bryant is now seen as a
self-promoting lackey of the then-emerging political Christian right wing. The
most conservative members of the Meese Commission on pornography have
all met fitting ends: Father Bruce Ritter of Covenant House was exposed as a
hypocrite, a closeted but active homosexual who played fast and loose with
public funds; Charles Keating, who became the key figure in the S&L
scandals, laundered funds through his charitable, child-protectionist
organizations; Judianne Densen-Gerber was accused of embezzling public monies
from Odyssey House, her drug-rehab center. For all these people, protecting
children seems to have been driven as much, if not more, by personal gain as by
ostensible altruism and civic concern.
As Levine explains so convincingly in her book, many of those who have
advocated for the "protection" of children over the past two-and-a-half decades
have used the issue to advance political agendas that go way beyond preparing
the next generation for adulthood. Such agendas have included controlling
adults' -- not just children's -- access to information about such matters as
contraception, safe sex, and abortion; promoting heterosexual marriage as the
only legal and moral place for sexual activity; and a full-fledged attack on
all forms of gay and gender-expression rights. It is no surprise that all these
groups -- including Concerned Women for America, the Family Research Council,
American Family Association, National Law Center for Children and Families --
constantly rail against the permissiveness of the 1960s, for the personal
freedoms for women, people of color, homosexuals, and children secured during
that decade are precisely what they seek to undo.
It is tempting to see in all this a vast right-wing conspiracy, à la
Hillary Clinton. Levine would take exception to that charge. "This isn't a
conspiracy, but a strategy," she says. "The right is using people's legitimate
anxieties around sexuality to fuel their own larger goals. The right -- which
is very well organized and often effective in its methods -- are exploiting
these fears. The terrible thing is that this will just make the situation
worse. The shutdown of knowledge about sexuality will just make us, as a
society, more anxious in the long run, and the denial of information to kids,
such as safer-sex information, actually puts their lives at risk. They are,
really, perpetrating harm to minors."
But in the current political and social climate, the attack on Levine's book
makes complete sense. People do have real, and often not unreasonable,
anxieties about how to raise their kids. The world is a scary place, and
teaching children how to navigate it is not easy. As Levine and others point
out, however, the situation does not get any better by making the world scarier
or by lying about what really happens out there. The reality is that children
are more likely to be harmed or abused by people within the family circle, not
by strangers. The reality is that sexual abuse of children is overwhelmingly
heterosexual, not homosexual. The reality is that very little evidence suggests
that children are hurt by sexual information -- indeed, most evidence points to
the fact that they are hurt by a lack of knowledge. The overwhelming evidence
from studies at Columbia University and in the Journal of the American
Medical Association shows that programs such as abstinence-only sex
education and "chastity pledges" actually increase risks for pregnancy and HIV
It is easy to ridicule right-wing sex panics because, despite their immediate
political effectiveness, they almost always turn out to be based on lies,
falsehoods, and disinformation. But they also play to real fears and anxieties
about children. No one wants to see kids hurt, no one wants kids to be harmed,
no one wants kids to go through that whole range of terrible things that all
adults have gone through to be, well, "grown-up." Almost all people have an
urge to "protect" kids from things that are bad for them. But the question is,
who gets to decide what is "bad"? For sincere, conservative, religious parents,
"bad" might be any sexual contact outside of marriage, including masturbation
and sexual fantasy. For liberal parents, "bad" might be children lacking
information about safe sex and contraception. Hell (so to speak) for atheist
parents might be to see their kids fall prey to the irrationality of religious
belief. Part of the problem here is that many, many people honestly disagree
about what is "bad" for children. And the other part of the problem is that
social and religious conservatives often have a deeply driven desire to
enshrine in law and social policy their convictions about the immorality and
danger of sexuality outside of monogamous, heterosexual marriage. From this
perspective, there is no room for doubt (after all, it's in the Bible), no room
for disagreement (after all, the Bible is divine revelation), and no room for
discussion (who can argue with God?). This winner-take-all view of sexual
morality -- which makes almost no allowances for moral frailty, emotional
fragility, confusion, complicated desire, or just plain old dissent -- is what
brings us to the messy battles we are in today.
For Levine, as for many feminists and sexual liberationists, the right's
obsession with sex and its desire to legislate a strict, traditional sexual
morality is, at heart, an attempt to reconstruct and reinforce a patriarchal
worldview that has been crumbling over the past 50 years. Men are no longer on
top, queers are no longer invisible, children have sexual needs and desires,
and -- in the words of the inimitable Old Testament prophet Isaiah -- the world
has been turned upside down. And so much the better.
But in truth there are plenty of liberals and middle-of-the-roaders who share
conservatives' reservations. How many liberals had qualms about their
nine-year-old daughters looking to Madonna (in her pre-motherhood days) as a
role model? How many liberals want their teens to have access to information
about contraception, but don't really want them to have sex? How many
heterosexual parents, even when they support gay rights, are delighted when a
daughter or son comes out? Indeed, for two decades, some feminists concerned
about violence against women and the abuse of children have espoused policies
dovetailing with conservatives'. Sex and desire are confusing -- they are
confusing to everybody a great deal of the time. And we live in a culture that
does not foster open and honest talk about sex. As a result, many people do one
of two things: they either talk about the subject in shallow and unserious ways
or, as with the religious right, they seek to impose on the world a simplistic
moral schema.
In Harmful to Children, Levine tries to chart a third course: she
actually talks to people about their experiences, examines scientific studies
and analyzes statistics, looks into the history to see how we got here, and
tries to figure out how to create a society that fulfills people's sexual needs
while being nurturing, loving, and supportive. No wonder she's getting so much
When asked why she and her book have been targeted by the right, Levine is
quick and clear: "The germ of what is correct about the attacks on Harmful
to Minors is that the right takes ideas seriously," she says. "They are
frustrated by what they see as academics throwing around ideas as if they had
no consequence. The right understands that culture and images matter. That they
can influence how people think and act. That is why I wrote the book: to show
how bad ideas become practices -- in psychology, education, the law, and
parenting -- and these bad ideas can have grave consequences in the real lives
of children, families, and communities."
The right's appreciation of the power of ideas also explains how conservatives
so effectively use issues concerning children and sex to push everybody's
buttons. While only a short chapter in the book actually deals in part with
intergenerational sex, it is that material that has been targeted as the most
dangerous, and indeed, it may make even liberal readers pause. "Legally
designating a class of people categorically unable to consent to sexual
relations is not the best way to protect children, particularly when `children'
includes everyone from birth to 18," writes Levine. She sees as a model a 1990
Dutch law that "made sexual intercourse for people between 12 and 16 legal, but
let them employ a statutory-consent age of 16 if they felt they were being
coerced or exploited." Parents can overrule the wishes of the child, but they
have to make a good case to the Council for the Protection of Children. "What
this law does is balance respect for minors as autonomous sexual beings with
the recognition that minors can be exploited by adults. It respects kids, but
it also protects them." How's that for an attempt to try to mediate desire,
age, experience, influence, and the social good?
You might agree with this law, or react vehemently against it. But the reality
is that in the United States, even its proposal would be, as with so many
sexual issues, undiscussable.
THE CONTROVERSY swirling around Levine's book -- and let's remember that the
attacks against it are still in the early stages -- give us as a society an
opportunity to confront some of the fears and myths she has exposed. Rather
than panic about sex, what would happen if we actually began talking about it,
honestly and openly? The irony is that at a quick glance we are a culture
obsessed with sex. From Britney Spears's proclaiming she's a virgin while
affecting a teen-slut look and the huge billboards promoting well-filled Calvin
Klein briefs to Viagra ads in women's magazines, we're inundated with it. But
for all the sexual show-and-tell, the endless parading of sexual fantasies in
advertising and on television, the reality is that we don't talk about sex very
What would happen if we began to ask children and teens their thoughts about
sex? What would happen if adults began to discuss honestly their sexual desires
and experiences as children and adolescents? What would happen if some adults
said that their experiences with teen sex were okay? What would happen if some
adults said that their teen experiences with older partners were okay? Can we
actually get to the point where we can discuss the reality of lived lives? At
one point in her book, Levine says that one out of every five women who undergo
abortion is an evangelical or born-again Christian. It is an amazing statistic
because it brings to light the complexity of people's real lives. These women
can't be tossed aside or dismissed as cynical, self-serving hypocrites like
Father Ritter and Judianne Densen-Gerber. Not having that child was as
important to them as being "saved" by Jesus. Not only do they -- and their
community -- have to deal with the complexity of this contradiction, but so do
liberals, progressives, and feminists. Political jargon on either side is
useless and unenlightening here. Even harmful.
Levine's book is an invitation to public discussion -- and that is the real
reason why it is being attacked by the right. It will be interesting to see if
liberals and progressives can take up the challenge and genuinely discuss the
issues she raises, or if they too are simply incapable of delving into the most
terrifying sexual experience of all: actually talking -- openly and honestly --
about our sexuality.
Michael Bronski can be reached at
Issue Date: April 19 - 25, 2002