Who gets hurt most by Rhode Island taxes? The obvious answer is the rich.
After all, someone with a view of Newport's Ocean Drive pays more taxes in one
year than a Pawtucket factory worker makes in total wages in two years. But the
actual answer is that the poor and middle class have more reason to gripe.
People at the bottom of the economic ladder pay a higher percentage of their
incomes in state and local taxes than do those at the top. For example, a
Providence family with the achingly low income of $7800 a year might pay about
14 percent of that meager amount in sales, property and income taxes. In
contrast, the Ocean Drive crowd loses only about 10 percent of its income to
Moreover, the poor seem to have lost ground in the yearly tug-of-war over
taxes at the State House. An analysis of nine tax breaks or proposed changes
debated in the past decade show that the rich have a slight edge:
RICH -- 2 wins, 2 losses
POOR -- 1 win, 2 losses
TIES-- 2
The rich won with a nine percent reduction in the income tax over the
past five years, and with scuttling of the capital gains tax scheduled in 2008.
They lost when their income tax rates were hiked briefly in the 1990s. More
recently, they failed to get a special income tax rate cut. The poor won with
expansion of property tax breaks for low-income homeowners and renters. But
they lost with a big hike in the cigarette tax, and with the legislature's
continuing refusal to improve an income tax break pegged at the working poor.
Two other measures are probably ties: Both rich and poor benefit from the
phase-out of the property tax on cars; and either side may be able to craft
future tax benefits now that the rigid "piggyback" method of setting the income
tax rate has ended. The box scores, though, don't tell the whole story.
Individual savings for the rich probably are personally more profitable than
are benefits won by the poor. For example, the rich last year won a stunning
victory that could mean lower taxes down the road: repeal of Rhode Island's
capital gains tax. That's a victory, because wealthy taxpayers currently pay
the most taxes on profits made when stocks and similar investments are sold.
Take the Ocean Drive resident. His average capital gains taxes in a good stock
market year might be $7700. He'll save all of that when the tax is killed.
One estimate is that only five percent of all taxpayers -- about 4800 people
or families -- will get 65 percent of the $57 million that the state could lose
from the tax. Meanwhile, when the poor lose in the tax wars, the impact can be
relatively painful. In Pawtucket and other working class strongholds, taxpayers
suffered a defeat last year when the state tacked 29 cents onto the cost of a
pack of cigarettes, for a total tax of $1 a pack.
That's a loss because whenever a levy costs everyone exactly the same, people
at the bottom pay a bigger percentage of their small incomes for the tax than
those at the top. Rich people smoke, but poor smokers pay a heavier burden.
Take smokers with a pack-a-day habit, meaning taxes of $365 a year. A poor
smoker earning $25,000 a year pays nearly one-point-five percent of his income
in cigarette taxes. A rich smoker earning $250,000 pays less than zero-point-15
percent. It's similar with lottery tickets, which are played more extensively
by, and take a bigger chunk of income from, low- and moderate-income players.
Many might argue that the cigarette tax is actually good. A painful tax on a
cancer-causing product makes it harder to indulge in a dangerous habit.
Similarly, the proponents of the repeal of the capital gains tax have argued
that there's an equal social good in freeing the wealthy from that levy. They
contend that the capital gains tax has been scaring rich people away from the
state. That hurts, reducing the number of rich taxpayers here, and losing the
jobs that their companies might provide.
This is one reason the tax wars are so hard to follow. Not only is the
language of the tax war foreign to most human beings -- "capital gains,"
"adjusted gross income," "refundable earned income tax credit." But trying to
sort out the "good" tax breaks from the "bad" is hard, if not impossible.
However, there is a simplistic method of separating winners from losers, and
that's to figure out whose personal finances are hit hardest by taxes. A
Washington, DC, think tank called the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy
worked out these figures for Rhode Island:
* People with incomes lower than $13,000 a year are at the bottom one-fifth of
the economic ladder. Their taxes take about 14 percent of their income.
* Middle-income taxpayers, earning between $25,000 and $39,000, pay 11 percent
in taxes.
* But the top one percent of taxpayers, with average income of $640,000, pay a
little less than 10 percent in taxes.
It's true that rich taxpayers fork over more actual dollars: $64,000 in this
example, compared to $1100 for the poorest taxpayers, and $3400 for people in
the middle. But the impact does seem harshest for those with the least money.
There is an explanation for this: not all taxes hit various groups the same
way. Here's how it plays out when it comes to the state's three major taxes:
* Sales tax: Everybody pays the same rate: seven percent when buying a TV or a
car. But the poor lose more than eight percent of their income when they shop.
Middle-income taxpayers about five percent. The very rich, less than one
* Property tax: Again, all residents of a city or town pay the same rate,
although tax rates are shockingly different from community to community. For
houses, rent, and cars, the poor pay about six percent of their income in
property taxes. Middle-income taxpayers pay four percent. The rich three
* Income tax: Here, tax rates climb with income. So the poor pay just
zero-point-two percent of their incomes in taxes. Mid-level people pay nearly
two percent. The rich pay about six percent.
In the arcane language of the tax debate, a flat-rate levy like the sales tax
is "regressive," because it hits the poor relatively harder than the rich. But
the income tax, with its rates steadily climbing as income rises, is said to be
"progressive," because it asks more of those who have the most money. Looked at
purely in class terms, the poor benefit from the progressive income tax, and
the rich lose the most. Similarly, the poor get hurt the most by regressive
sales and property taxes, and the rich have less to lose.
Advocates for lower-income taxpayers keep looking for ways to balance
regressive taxes. For example, for several years, they've pushed the General
Assembly for a tax break with the awkward title of "refundable earned income
tax credit," or EITC, for low-income workers. The EITC cuts income taxes of the
poor. And for the very neediest, it provides a "refund" -- actually a
government grant -- even when no taxes are paid.
Take a West Warwick family of three earning $18,000. The George Wiley Center
in Pawtucket, which advocates for the poor, estimates this family would be
eligible for a payment under the proposed "refund" system. The payment would
eliminate the $147 tax they owe, and provide an additional $500 in cash. But
while the tax break for capital gains was enacted last year, the refund program
for the poor failed.
THIS BRINGS UP a logical question:
If there are more low- and middle-income
taxpayers than those who are wealthy -- poor taxpayers outnumber wealthy ones
nine to one -- how come they've been faring poorly in the tax tug-of-war? Poor
and middle-income taxpayers, after all, also outnumber the rich ones in
There are two reasons. One is that advocates for those who pay higher taxes
are better financed, better organized, and better armed with facts and
technical knowledge than their counterparts. Lobbyists for such groups as the
Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce have the time and the money to master a
confusing and often boring subject.
A business-backed watchdog group, the Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council
(RIPEC), has a long history of studying state taxes, and even opponents credit
RIPEC for having the most definitive facts and figures on the subject. A
landmark RIPEC study of Rhode Island taxes concluded two years ago that the
regressive property tax has too big an effect on the state, and is one reason
that both rich and poor suffer from taxes. Two major recommendations of the
study -- ending the capital gains tax and severing the automatic link between
state and federal income tax rates -- were enacted last year by the General
The fight, however, is not one-sided.
A number of groups argue the case for the low and middle classes, including
Ocean State Action, a coalition of labor and community groups. The George Wiley
Center and The Poverty Institute at Rhode Island College also have developed a
working knowledge of taxes. Still, advocates for low-income people sometimes
feel outgunned.
"The average Joe Blow doesn't have time, money and energy to sit in the State
House while these issues are being debated and voted," says Kate Coyne-McCoy, a
member of Ocean State Action and an unsuccessful candidate for Congress in
2000. "But representatives of the 40 largest businesses, RIPEC and others, hire
lobbyists and attend fund-raisers," Coyne-McCoy says. "The average guy probably
couldn't tell what the car tax was or what he does or doesn't pay in sales
On a national level, many Americans remain unaware -- or even disbelieving --
of the real impact of economic policies. Although the income of families in the
top one percent was 10 times that of typical families in 1979, and 23 times and
rising in 1997, as New York Times columnist Paul Krugman recently noted,
"focus groups literally refused to believe accurate descriptions of the
stimulus bill that House Republicans passed on a party-line vote back in
The other reason for the outcome of the tax debate is that it's often
intertwined with other issues, namely business development and the health of
the state's economy.
For example, Christopher L. "Kip" Bergstrom, executive director of the state
Economic Policy Council, which pushed for lower income tax rates and a rollback
of the capital gains, objects to even characterizing the debate in terms of a
tug-of-war between rich and poor. The concern of the policy council, which
looks for ways to bring new business to the state and has helped start more
than 50 firms, is to make sure Rhode Island competes effectively with other
states, especially neighboring Massachusetts. One way to do that, Bergstrom
says, is to keep Rhode Island rates in line with those in Massachusetts.
Money makes the rich portable, Bergstrom says. They can as easily live in
Massachusetts as Rhode Island. And when they drop anchor in the Bay State
instead of the Ocean State, they take their taxable incomes -- and perhaps jobs
in their businesses -- with them. "It wasn't that they wanted to reduce rich
people's taxes -- nobody cares about that," Bergstrom said about General
Assembly tax changes. "They wanted to make us competitive."
Richard McIntyre, a University of Rhode Island economist, who looks at the
issue from the other end of the ladder, scoffs at this argument. "There is no
evidence," says McIntyre says, that "the phase-out of capital gains will
increase investment in Rhode Island. None. It's blackmail," McIntyre says. "The
notion that some people are going to move to Rhode Island because it's a tax
haven is ludicrous."
THE FLIP SIDE of a tax break is what happens when tax money disappears.
Rhode Island taxes support an array of vital activities, from schools and
highways to programs nationally acclaimed for helping the retarded and
providing a much-praised health insurance program for the poor. If you stop
collecting one tax, you have to raise some other taxes or cut state spending.
For example, Governor Lincoln Almond and the General Assembly agreed in 1997 to
drop state income tax rates by nine percent in a phase-out that concluded this
This year alone, Rhode Island might have collected $78 million to $82 million
if the income tax rate hadn't been lowered. That's more than the estimated $70
million budget shortfall this year. The capital gains cut could cost $57
million a year in lost revenue, although it won't take full effect until
Already this year, there's controversy about another tax phase-out:
elimination of property taxes on cars, which this year alone is expected to
cost between $97 million and $110 million. Because the state is looking at big
deficits this year and next, Almond has proposed freezing the phase-out two
years into the program. It's a hot-button issue because this is a popular tax
cut and one that addresses issues of unfairness to poor and rich taxpayers
Here's what happens: Cities and towns are allowed to tax motor vehicles in
much the way they do houses. In Providence, someone with a car worth $10,000
could have paid nearly $770 had the phase-out not begun. But this year, state
law says that the city can't tax the first $3500 of a car's value. So the tax
on the remaining $6500 of the vehicle's value is about $500 -- a big drop.
In terms of fairness, prolonging the car tax also poses problems because rural
and suburban towns generally have lower tax rates than do cities. Charlestown,
with one of the state's lowest vehicle tax rates, would charge a $10,000 car
only about $130. And with this year's value dropped to $6500, it would send a
tax bill of only $85. Thus, supporters of the car tax phase-out say one of the
most despised taxes would be eliminated by 2007, and poor and low-income
persons spared a big chunk of their incomes.
But the rub comes in how the cut is financed. As local communities lower their
car taxes, the state reimburses them with money raised from other taxes. The
projected cost this year, about $100 million, could rise to $282 million by the
time the phase-out ends. This terrifies advocates for low- and middle-income
families. "There's not enough money to fund services, and it provides an excuse
not to provide service to those who need them," says Kathryn Hopkins, policy
director for Ocean State Action.
Thus, Almond gains some unexpected allies as he looks to halt the progress of
the car tax rollback. While Ocean State Action has taken no official position,
spokeswomen Hopkins and Coyne-McCoy are uncomfortable with allowing the tax cut
to go forward. And Nancy Gewirtz, a Rhode Island College social work professor
who heads the Poverty Institute, and Henry Shelton and Bill Flynn of the George
Wiley Center, are outright opposed to continuing the rollback. "Our position
now is that we've already helped low-income people by phasing out the first
$1500 or $3500" of a car's value, Gewirtz says. "But now more is going to go to
wealthier people, and a lot of elderly and low-income people don't own cars."
Almond and the liberals could face a fight not only from some legislators --
it was the brainchild of Representative Antonio J. Pires, former House Finance
Committee chairman and an early contender in the next race for governor - but
forces such as RIPEC.
Gary Sasse, RIPEC's executive director, says the car tax is one of the least
fair of all levies, and shifting taxes from the local to the state level is one
of RIPEC's major goals. "It's important to get the property tax rate down, and
11 percent of that is the car tax," Sasse says. "The car thing is unfair in
part because a $20,000 car in a suburb is taxed the same as a $5000 car in
Providence, and that's just plain unfair."
To show how complex the tax debate can get, McIntyre, the liberal URI
professor who usually campaigns against regressive taxes like the car tax,
wants the car tax kept in place. His reason: high taxes discourage reliance on
the automobile. Making cars easier for anyone to afford, by taxing them less,
is bad public policy, he says. "It's a horrible idea. Not just bad, horrible,"
McIntyre says of the rollback. "We have too many cars on the road. We know car
accidents are the leading cause of death of young people. We know what impact
the internal combustion engine has on the environment."
There may be a middle ground.
RIPEC's Sasse says there are ways to cut some of the money going back to
cities and towns without curbing the car tax rollback. That's because the state
currently is reimbursing the cities and towns a year in advance for each year
of the phase-out. For example, this year the state is promising reimbursements
as if the towns were cutting the car values by $5000 instead of the actual
Still, any money saved at the state level will have to be made up at the local
level. And that means a hike in property tax rates, which most agree are
unfair. The state could raise the income tax. But that's not likely in a
recession, or in the face of a powerful business lobby. It could cut programs,
not humane in a recession, and not easy for a liberal General Assembly with a
reputation for fostering social programs.
That's the real trouble with taxes. Making them fair isn't easy.
Brian C. Jones can be reached at brijudy@ids.net..
Issue Date: January 25 - 31, 2002