Efforts to boost participatory democracy show progress
Which came first: alienated voters or a political system that
seems abstract and dominated by big money? Voter turnout has declined steadily
for the past four decades, and only 41 percent of eligible Rhode Islanders cast
votes in 1998, a percentage that ranked the state 24th in national voter
participation. But by attacking the situation from grassroots and governmental
angles, Rhode Island is beginning to unravel this chicken-and-egg puzzle while
getting more citizens back to the polls.
Started in March 2000, the Democracy Compact helped to recruit about 55,000
new voters in the months leading up to the November 2000 elections, raising the
state's national voting participation level to 14th place. Now, explains
executive director Monica Patton, the compact's future goals are even loftier.
"In November of 2002, we're aiming for a 10 percent increase over the turnout
in 1998, the last non-presidential election," she says. "I'm shooting for
making Rhode Island the most voting state in the country by 2004 or 2008. I'd
love to put the Democracy Compact out of business."
Rhode Island's state government is also taking steps to increase voter
turnout, especially among young people from the ages of 18 to 24. Last month,
Secretary of State Edward Inman launched an outreach program designed to engage
younger voters, only 20 percent of whom participated in the 2000 election.
Inman's office is trying to push that figure to 30 percent in the 2002 election
-- a bold goal considering that 2002 is a non-presidential election.
"We'll be present at multicultural events, beaches, community fairs, and the
secretary has pledged to visit every high school and college in the state,"
says Inman spokesman Ray Sullivan. Will all this governmental glad-handing
work? On a small scale, Inman's project has seen some success. Sullivan reports
that, "After working with local civic organizations to promote awareness of a
municipal election in Jamestown, we saw a six percent increase in voter
November 2002 is an important election for Rhode Island voters, as campaigns
will be held for all five general office seats, including governor, both
congressional seats, and the US Senate seat held by Jack Reed. "If ever there
was a time that people could know that their vote mattered, the time is now,"
Sullivan says.
Issue Date: August 31 - September 6, 2001